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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

Polar Bear

Poyser ignores my case against whicker

Poyser doesn't want hime even though she is hard-core for his head

Does poyser know hime is town?


Poyser ignores my case against whicker

Poyser doesn't want hime even though she is hard-core for his head

Does poyser know hime is town?
I voted hime earlier you muppet
i went back to whicker because there isn't time to get hime lynched and she said she was going to bed so couldnt get her claim either
ive also addressed your points about whicker.... TWICE

dumb fuck


I voted hime earlier you muppet
i went back to whicker because there isn't time to get hime lynched and she said she was going to bed so couldnt get her claim either
ive also addressed your points about whicker.... TWICE

dumb fuck
Can you stop insulting people

You're gonna get yourself offed and I want my whiskers lynch

Polar Bear

nah, if you cared so much then you'd have seen them or you'd look for them yourself. you're not really arsed about trying to figure the game out tho, just being a waste of space so im not wasting my time with you
i did look. You have never once addressed it that I could find.

So quote it or you are a liar


no, she was trying to pressure nibel to voting me by framing it as either me or no lynch, which isn't even true at 6-4 let alone 5-5. that's called an agenda m8
It was literally 6-4 before I started typing my post
Stop fucking twisting the situation u scum