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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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Roshi doesn't scale to any of the characters that perform FTL feats in Super.
>Fought and defeated Tien in the ToP Arc
>Goku explicitly mentions Roshi trained in secret to get even stronger
>Is able to fight against characters who would scale to FTL like Goku and Vegeta like Frost and the other U4 Team Members


Roshi doesn't scale to Jiren in speed.
If you are counting the Manga? He actually does thanks to that stupid "Pseudo-UI" nonsense.

What feats do you think base ToP Goku has that would make a difference?
>Literally trained his body without any use of Ki to even harness the God Ki he had at all by Whis' suggestion
>Gained "Saiyan Beyond God" Form due to that.
>Gets stronger every single arc from that point forward for obvious reasons.
GaRbs is fucking high...

1-What evidence is there that DBS Tenshinhan is far above his Android arc self?
2-How does holding back Semi-Perfect Cell translate into defeating Garou?
...I don't even know how this man is capable of breathing if being able to hold back SEMI-PERFECT CELL for minutes(When even Base Form Frieza can easily destroy a Planet that is x10's the Gravity of Earth's and obliterate it entirely is WAY weaker than 17 and 18, they themselves is weaker than 16 and Semi-Perfect Cell is easily way above him?)

Making the Earth bulge only comes up to moon-small planet levels of energy. Recoome warped Namek with a mouth blast while playing around with Vegeta. Garou's feat is nowhere Base Frieza casually nuking Vegeta. If it is then I'd like to see some calcs and scaling.

No the hell it doesn't. Dude was on a role of kicking GaRbs ass but that feat is NOT Moon-Small Planet levels, what nonsensical shit is this? It barely bulged the Earth in any real meaningful way and it only affected the outer portion with nothing stating it fucked up the inner part of the Planet in any way. It's a literal Continental Feat minimum, maybe Multi-Continental if you are REALLY stretching it.


Imagine thinking GOKU of all people would be WORTHY to wield M'jolnir. :skully

And of course they gotta use the big anime "Hope of the Universe" speech, despite it being anime-only, being in open defiance of Goku's portrayal in the manga and being contradicted by him allowing Frieza to power up immediately after it. :maybe

Goku is too damn selfish to wield M'jolnir. Obviously he's not a bad person, but his priority has always been a good fight above all else. He fights because he enjoys it, not JUST because he's a good guy. That's a no-go on being M'jolnir material.

Gohan = Probably
Goku = HELL NO
Goku can solo Marvel now according to Xelio or at least 70% of it :mjlol:hestonpls:kobeha


Goku is in an awful spot where he could one-shot any average herald in brute strength but is so disadvantaged in speed and hax he has no real tier in it.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
he genuinely believed gerard could become as strong as ttgl so
What Is It Reaction GIF by Nebraska Humane Society
Nigga... you gotta be kidding me.:kobeha
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