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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition


Yeah, it gets worse the more you get into it, which is why i only used a nutshell version ( and i'm not even sure it's 100% correct) cause it's honestly not worth it until Nasu decides to reuse this shit again in whichever series he wants.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Another question, so Magecraft basically gets weaker the more it's known/analyzed right?

And this doesn't apply to True Magic I'm assuming?


Another question, so Magecraft basically gets weaker the more it's known/analyzed right?
Yes. It's the main reason Waver triggers panic attacks in other mages, despite not being particularly great as a mage. The thing that makes him dangerous is that he will analyze the shit out of somebody's magecraft and expose its mechanics to the point where it looses all its Mystery and becomes useless.

And this doesn't apply to True Magic I'm assuming?
No, because you basically can't analyze the impossible . It just operates outside human understanding.

However, the further you go back in time, as in AOG or even before that, most shit was Magic or shit close to it.

As humanity advances in technology and overall capabilities , it becomes possible to do or replicate what magic used to do , which is why Magic dwindled to the point where in the present there's only Five left with an extremely limited potential for a new one to be created.

It also doesn't help that the CF will go apeshit if someone uses it .


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
So if someone hypothetically had the capability of "downloading" their opponents history and analysing it, that'd be pretty bad for any sort of Magecraft user?


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
By the by, the Greek Gods/Olympians weren't the only Deities to come from off-world (well, another Universe in their case) right?

I know the Mayans/Quetz did iirc.
The Olympian Pantheon Authorities
Before I finally, finally finish up on the Lokapala(I really want time to rest and I want to do the CCC Main Interlude lol): I'm going to go beyond myself and work on this early because if I don't, it's gonna be a headache to do it later(and an SB Users lined them all up easily so I can just grab them)

Here we are, all 12 of the Olympian(And Dioscuri's) Authorities in an easily digestable format(Which I will pluck from here and use when I get to Lostbelt 5.1 and 5.2)

Demeter's Authority:
Regen from death
Alongside Massive Highspeed Renegeration(I'll add the video hyperlink later on from her Klirinomia on the Cerebus and Super Orion)

Aphrodite's Authority:
Mind control + mind and soul destruction
Bypass magic resistance, mental protection and makes allies kill each other.

Hades' Authority:
Can reduces the target to its smallest components(Seriously the FUCK Hades?!)

Dioscuri's Authority:
Move faster than light

Hasphestus' Authority:
Increase the durability(Funny how his is the most basic and the easiest to bypass sadly... atleast it is for Alter-Ego Muramasa lol)

Poseidon's Authority:
Invulnerable when near the sea
  • Dimensional travel(Alot of people miss that this is the reason Caenis can enter and leave Lostbelts at will):
CaenisIf you only need to move one person around,I can take 'em myself.
Having Authority over the sea means I've also got the power to navigate it. Basically means I can cross any border, Lostbelt or not.
But hey, it's up to you. 'Sides, I'm not gonna lie; it can be a rough way to travel.
HolmesThe Authority to cross borders…
So it was Poseidon's gift that let you move
freely between Lostbelts.

Artemis's Authority:
Psychic Attacks/Madness(They didn't seem to bring this up as can come off similar to Aphrodite's but just look at Caligula's Noble Phantasm and remember that Diana the Moon Goddess is literally just Artemis' Roman self and it makes sense)

Athena's Authority:
???(I'll update this one as it's ALSO not clarified by the user that has them stacked up and I don't want to confuse the Klironomia with the actual Authority as some, like Hades, comes off extremely differently)

Apollo's Authority:
Sunlight(This one is a pain as it's obvious it has to do with the Sun but I believe the only one true usage we see is from Chaos and that's an advanced Form of what Apollo is capable of)

Hestia's Authority:
???(Same deal as Athena's)

Hera's Authority:
???(You know the obvious though I'm certain it's easier just going through Story Europa in LB5.2)

Zeus' Authority:
Lightning(Though to be real, I'm sure it's a fuckton more than just this BEFORE we get to the Compound Authorities, I blame myself for not finishing LB5.2 yet)
Mental attacks(Pretty sure this isn't from the Cronus Crown but we know he can screw with your mind just by talking... he really is a Great Old One lol)

Compound Authorities(Cronus Crown Capabilities):

Honestly I'm impressed, someone really went deep on this shit especially for an SB user of all things... won't discount if it came from the Nasuverse SB Forum there as they are usually a little better when it comes to this... or a Beast's Lair user whose guaranteed to have done this.

EDIT: Just add this in here anyway just to rub in how BTFO'd Chaos made Ares, the one who gave Sefar the hardest fight she ever had.
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Finally time for me to finish the Lokapala
(I'll be honest, the reason I've been dragging my ass is because alot of the stuff done in LB4... was only really done by a few characters and the few that can get lore dumps didn't really do much either that can straight up qualify as a decent number of feats(Nezha) or is like the other Lokapala and don't really much with their Kit(Jinako) but due to the letter limit, it's kinda a pain in the ass as I have to make sections on them at once... alright, enough complaining)

Asclepius anyone?

A mad doctor who is only interested in the advancement of medicine.

His medicine encompasses all fields including clinical pharmacology, surgery, as well as medical magecraft, and is highly effective. However, his fundamental goal isn’t “to relieve people of their suffering” or “to be thanked for healing people” but “to advance his skill at medicine”, making him completely different from an ordinary “doctor”.

He would gladly treat novel illnesses that could potentially advance medicine, but would rather not spare a moment to examine mundane illnesses. He often performs unnecessarily experimental and dangerous treatments, the likes that would make another doctor’s blood run cold.

Because of his own genius abilities, his treatments still end up in success. Patients with no medical knowledge would simply exclaim, “I’m healed! This man really is an amazing doctor!” This is the reason behind his reputation.

His one and only goal is “to continue devoting himself to his medicine in order to advance it”. But there’s one thing he can never forgive: Zeus' cruel treatment of him. Even after manifesting as a Servant, he still bears anger and hatred due to the fact that he was killed by a god.

Why did I have to die?
All I wanted was to devote myself to medicine. I excelled in medicine, that’s all. Why did I have to be killed?
You turned me into a constellation and a god after my death. Do you think I’d forgive you because of that?

The flames of rage directed at that god’s selfish and unfair treatment will never die down.
Having been summoned by the King of the Indian Lostbelt who aimed to reach “a perfect utopia” by eliminating all impurities and embedded a divinity he stole in Asclepius, his rage intensified and went berserk.

Rejecting those who excel for their superiority must not be allowed.
Between things superior and things inferior, those superior ought to remain.
That is the inherent and proper nature of the world—

Adhering to the extreme tenet of this Lostbelt, he began to act as a Servant of the King—a Lōkapāla.

If you ask him, “Why are you so intent on advancing medicine?” his first reaction would be puzzlement.

He himself probably hasn’t realized that the answer is right there. It might have been an initial impulse to him, but he himself has forgotten about it. The reason is so natural to him that he himself has forgotten about it. That’s why he will never say it.

The answer is clear and simple: “I aimed to advance medicine for the future. In other words, for posterity.” His love for humanity.

If you have stayed by his side and spent time with him, the answer might come to you naturally. At the very least, the heroes who sailed with him in the Argo had more or less realized it. Telling him would put him in a sour mood, though. It will bring out his orneriness, and there’s a possibility that he would head in the wrong direction so they made sure not to tell him.

Going deeper, the reason for that initial impulse might be a personal one.
By advancing medicine even further and successfully conquering death, no one will have to meet a pitiful end due to the gods’ foolishness just like my mother...
In other words, his reason might be “(indirect) salvation for the mother I never met, whose death at the hands of the gods left me bereaved”.

Here, we get a bit into his history and achievements
Here, a bit of how he sees his own backstory(Or ultimately forgetting the main reason he even is doing the things he does)

Territory Creation: A
As a mage, he can create a “workshop”, a territory advantageous to him.
Because he possesses an A-rank skill, it is also possible for him to create a “temple” which surpasses a “workshop”.
Naturally, such a place is nothing but a consultation room, a treatment room, or an operating room for the sake of medical practice to him.

Item Construction: EX
Although he can only create items related to medicine, the items he creates are of extremely high quality. These items are, in most cases, more or less effective on his target injuries or diseases. However, the same cannot be guaranteed for everything else.

Divinity: A
He (grudgingly) possesses high divinity as a son of Apollo.
Here, it's because of this and God Arjuna adding in another Divinity into Asclepius as he asked, he overloaded his Spirit Origin due to not being an actual Divine Spirit in this form.

God of Medicine: EX
A skill that proves his existence as the founder of the concept of “medical care”, which has been handed down until present times, and as the god of medicine.

In one myth version, the first to use herbs for treatment was Chiron, but the one who studied and developed that knowledge and the first to practice clinical medicine was Asclepius.

Son of Apollo: A
A skill that proves his lineage to the Greek god Apollo. Apollo is the god of many fields such as archery, performing arts, prophecies, and the sun. He is also the god of plagues as well as healing, a manifestation of duality.
Asclepius would very much want to forget about this skill. However, if there are patients he can only save through the power of this blood… It’s likely that, while clicking his tongue, he will not hesitate to make use of this power.

Serpent Bearer/Ophiuchus: B
He employs a serpent which is a symbol of immortality and also used in medical care.
In Ancient Greece, serpents were regarded as sacred messengers of the gods.
Asclepius, killed by a thunderbolt thrown by Zeus as punishment for resurrecting the dead, became the constellation Ophiuchus/Serpent Bearer after death—something he may or may not have wished for.
“The Rod of Asclepius” has a serpent wrapped around it and is still used as a symbol of medicine today.

Resurrection Fraught Hades (Emulated Medicine - The Grief of the Obsolete Underworld)
Classification: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum number of target: -

Resurrection Fraught Hades

The resurrection medicine Asclepius created to bring back the dead. Hades, the god of the Underworld, felt his territory was invaded when Asclepius resurrected the dead, so he turned to Zeus to punish him which brought about his end.

...However, this Noble Phantasm is not the “genuine” medicine and simply an imitation he created.

The resurrection medicine he once created and used was made from a unique raw material. Even as a Heroic Spirit, it is not a Noble Phantasm he can bring forth automatically. Thus, in regular Holy Grail Wars, he can only use this emulated medicine. Its effects are less pronounced, and several conditions must be met to be able to bring back the dead through this medicine, such as the post-mortem interval as well as the body’s condition. Having acquired modern medical knowledge, he self-deprecatingly compares this to “a slightly better AED”.

To add, this emulated medicine is quite valuable as is and its usage is limited.

Here, Asclepius uses this to escape his own death and "reset him back to his original state". He does describe it as a "slow acting mimetic" and only acting that way with himself with the time he had(ironic with his Gameplay version which DOESN'T give him a Guts)

Resurrection Fraught Hades (True Medicine - The Grief of the Obsolete Underworld)

Classification: Anti-World Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum number of targets: -

Resurrection Fraught Hades

His true Noble Phantasm which he generally does not use (cannot use).

The very resurrection medicine that once invaded Hades’ territory and angered Zeus, capable of fully resurrecting humans and demigods even from extreme conditions. It is said that he used this to resurrect Glaucus, son of King Minos, and Hippolytus, son of Theseus.

This medicine was created with Gorgon’s blood given to him by Athena (which was an offering from Perseus). Blood from Gorgon’s left side had the power to destroy men, while blood from her right side had the power to save men. In truth, simply taking blood from Gorgon was not enough for it to work, as resurrecting Hippolytus was said to have been possible “with Artemis’ power”. The resurrection medicine was first completed because the blood was incorporated with the power of a pure god (Athena and Artemis-class). Some minor factors might have played a role as well.

Simply put, creating the resurrection medicine was made possible not just through his medical skills alone, but also by several factors and coincidences. Asclepius himself has yet to fully master its creation.

It goes without saying that Asclepius wants to create the true resurrection medicine once more.
Can I create it through my own abilities alone? Is it impossible to achieve it through simpler means? How do I mass-produce it?— He is, as expected, only thinking about the advancement of medicine.

Oh hey, I can actually mention his non-Lokapala self for a second:
Vs. Ashiya Douman(Shikigami)

Here, Asclepius and Douman's Shikigami fight and it goes off screen. Here, he states he defeated the Shikigami but knows it was just that and not the real person(Honestly real impressive for a "Doctor". While the Shikigami does stick around, it explicitly states the Spirit Origin it has won't last much longer and ultimately fades away meaning Asclepius won)

Alright, back to it, Lokapala time.

Here, Asclepius has control of the Southeast and Southwest Territory. Here, Asclepius reveals the 1st Divinity inside of him, Yama. Pepe states that he's the God of Death, King of the Dead and Regent of the South. Here, he further reveals that Yama has Authority over the Dead... or to be more specific, the land's memory of the dead. Here, it's hammered in that this is beyond the realm of Human Magecraft with Asclepius summoning so many without a long chant or otherwise.
Here, his 2nd Divinity is Varuna, The God of Water and Regent of the West, Pepe states this is an even better fit for Asclepius than Yama. Upon the monster being touched by the water, their abilities are enhanced to the point Ganesha equals it to "Divine Steroid Water".

...And that's it... Okay, okay, I'll do his battles with Chaldea but honestly, they aren't much and I kinda listed how his 2nd one ended.

1st Battle
Vs. Rama, Ganesha, Mash and Lakshmibai
Here, Asclepius keeps using the power of Yama to continually revive the dead in an never ending wave. The battle does halt for a bit due to an injured kid being near the battle field. Here, after further attempts at talking, Asclepius summons more of the dead and Rama takes them down. More talks happen until God Arjuna shows up(You kinda see WHY I wanted to ignore this?)
Here, after God Arjuna basically mopped the floor with us, Asclepius aims to finish Chaldeas off. Here, Daybit(and his still unnamed and no design Grand Servant) saves us. Here, after Daybit leaves the Lostbelt with Koyanskaya, the Team has rested enough to take advantage of the fewer dead and fight again.
Here, the group manages to defeat Asclepius(to the point of damaging his Spirit Origin badly) but due to the beating God Arjuna gave them, they are in no shape to pursue him.

2nd Battle
Vs. Rama, Ganesha, Mash and Lakshmibai(Same as the first, just in reverse)
Here, his 2nd Divinity is Varuna, The God of Water and Regent of the West, Pepe states this is an even better fit for Asclepius than Yama. Upon the monster being touched by the water, their abilities are enhanced to the point Ganesha equals it to "Divine Steroid Water".
Here, Holmes states despite gaining a 2nd Divinity, it's still ultimately just tacked on and the damage his Spirit Origin has taken isn't something that can be healed in a day while he himself has his own Divinity. Here, after the gameplay battle, the Sacred Beasts are being defeated and while Asclepius tries to heal them with his Water Divinity, he suddenly cannot move. Here, it's because of this and God Arjuna adding in another Divinity into Asclepius as he asked, he overloaded his Spirit Origin due to not being an actual Divine Spirit Aglamation or a Pseudo-Servant built for it in this form(or just being capable of handling it like Arjuna and Karna could). Rama immediately strikes him down, killing him.

3rd Battle
Vs. Ashiya Douman(Shikigami)
Here, just as Douman was going to surprise attack Chaldeas, Asclepius attacks him. Here, Douman actually congratulates Asclepius using his Noble Phantasm to ultimately escape God Arjuna's control but is flabbergasted why he would attack Douman. Asclepius simply states that he knows Douman is the reason the World is the way it is and as a doctor, he must remove the Tumor from the World. Here, they ultimately have their battle meanwhile Chaldeas is fighting God Arjuna and then Pepe and Ashvatthaman.
Here, Pepe states no wonder he looks so beat up meanwhile he states that while he's still around, his Spirit Origin won't last much longer and fades away after the conversation.

And that's it... no really, that's it.
I'll add in the finishing touches and get started with the Chaldeas side but believe me, there's not much left in Lostbelt 4 outside of Rama, Lakshmibai's Divinity and Ganesha's feat(And the World of Lostbelt 4). I may even consolidate Lakshmibai and Ganesha for real because they really don't do anything noteworthy outside of 1-2 things. Rama atleast has America to fall back on and even in India he is still pretty pivotal.



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Really specific question, but who would be the "oldest" entity in all of the Nasuverse?
Types? :hm
Really specific question, but who would be the "oldest" entity in all of the Nasuverse?
Types? :hm

Probably be the Primordial Daemons but to be real with you, the closest we got with actual numbers is Tiamat(Who would have to be billions of years old as she showed up on Primordial Earth and added her Sea of Life/Primordial Sea which gave us what we see now as Textures/Layered Worlds) and Albion(who is explicitly stated to be older than the Earth itself, this doesn't contradict Tiamat either as Albion was before that happened and Tiamat just wandered in from Space).


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Probably be the Primordial Daemons but to be real with you, the closest we got with actual numbers is Tiamat(Who would have to be billions of years old as she showed up on Primordial Earth and added her Sea of Life/Primordial Sea which gave us what we see now as Textures/Layered Worlds) and Albion(who is explicitly stated to be older than the Earth itself, this doesn't contradict Tiamat either as Albion was before that happened and Tiamat just wandered in from Space).
So Tiamat is the progenitor of most Gods on Earth (obviously excluding those that came from off-world like the Greeks and the Aztecs/Mayans) and the various Textures on the Planet?

So Tiamat is the progenitor of most Gods on Earth (obviously excluding those that came from off-world like the Greeks and the Aztecs/Mayans) and the various Textures on the Planet?

Did the various Gods come first or did Textures?

I believe it was Textures for most(Outside of the Machine Gods but they come from a different Universe entirely so...) then the Gods showed up afterwards. Quetzalcoatl explicitly showed up as the Meteor that killed the Dinosaurs(As she was just space bacteria/parasite then) but other than that, none of the others we've seen comes from Space... well aside from The White Titan/Sefar.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I believe it was Textures for most(Outside of the Machine Gods but they come from a different Universe entirely so...) then the Gods showed up afterwards. Quetzalcoatl explicitly showed up as the Meteor that killed the Dinosaurs(As she was just space bacteria/parasite then) but other than that, none of the others we've seen comes from Space... well aside from The White Titan/Sefar.
So Quetz (who is the chief god of the Aztecs right?) is the only one who came from off-world, but the rest of the Mayan/Aztec pantheons didn't?
