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  1. Flowering Knight

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    As funny as a lot of this thread is we really gotta enforce that "no stonewalling" rule because every To Aru thread turns into exactly that.:giogio
  2. Flowering Knight

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    One of them is legendarily bad at Sonic games and compared every 3d Sonic game to 06 during the 2010's, virtually destroying the reputation of 3d Sonic games for over a decade with said games only being looked upon fondly by the general public rather recently The other is a dog :eksip
  3. Flowering Knight

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    Bruh I was playin Champions Online (which I may or may not make a thread on in the future) when I just spot this in the auction house Literal babies can now oneshot the RWBY gods + solo 99% of the HST :skully
  4. Flowering Knight

    What are you currently playing?

    Champions Online
  5. Flowering Knight

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    Tekken just needs to add Sunglasses Zasalamel and the fighting game cinematic universe will be complete :tupac
  6. Flowering Knight

    Dungeons & Dragons Feats and Lore General

    Psionic manifesters can use Dispelling Buffer to gain resistance to and potentially negates the effects of abilities such as Dispel Magic.
  7. Flowering Knight

    Rank all Elder Scrolls protagonist

    Morrowind also frequently goes on sale for dirt cheap so there's a good chance you'll be getting one of the best games ever made for five bucks :mjgrin
  8. Flowering Knight

    OBD Convo #49: I RECEIVE YOU

    What's not even mentioned in the post is how there's an entire section in the rules that straight up tell the GM to railroad the party at all times, barring any characters from doing anything outside combat and from doing anything in combat that isn't on their sheet. Of which everything on their sheet is automatically determined by their class. Which doesn't even have levels, since levels and experience points don't exist in the system. You basically don't get to do anything in this game, and what little you do get to do, doesn't even matter. For such a big name (in the context of TTRPGs), it's shockingly bad. :life
  9. Flowering Knight

    OBD Convo #49: I RECEIVE YOU

    My problem with his no kill rule isn't that it exists, because I have no problem with that, my issue is that Bruce is a fucking retard about it who is willing to go out of his way to prevent anyone from killing anyone else no matter who they are, which often leads to thousands of deaths in the process that could have been prevented if he wasn't dumb as shit Like Spider-Man has a way better "no kill" rule because he just doesn't want any of his villains' loved ones to go through what he went through with Uncle Ben, even then he's debated on breaking it for guys like Cletus or Morlun just because of the sheer danger their very existences pose to civilians. He also won't go out of his way to stop any other super from killing their villains, so, yeah. :char
  10. Flowering Knight

    Characters whose hax counter the other

    Caine's curse in World of Darkness includes an effect where any harm that would come to Caine is returned to the attacker sevenfold. It's almost a diet GER, honestly.