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  1. OrlandoSky

    Kang the Conqueror and Galvatron invade Asgard.

    So then your research is purely from skimming wiki pages then, that's even worse "bud" Rama-Tut is literally a normal dude with a ultra diode ray he has none of Kang's 30-40th century tech suit or lifetime of training. This was literally before Kang went full globe trotting and training his body physically by sword fighting dinosaurs. So yeah Rama-Tut is just a dude with a mind control gun. scaling him or saying he's peers with Kang is nonsensical. Then specify access to Damocles, if you say "Peak Thanos vs Darkseid" nobody is going to assume you mean Thanos with access to the HOTU or the dimensional regulator unless you specify it since he never had either of those as standard. It's the same Rama-Tut because he abandons his tech and goes back to just using his plan diode ray and sphinx machine first of all multiple universes is not megaversal level second of all you're making some assumptions in that Immortus is even below them when he is the multiversal singularity that RUNS...
  2. OrlandoSky

    Kang the Conqueror and Galvatron invade Asgard.

    Looks like someone only watched the MCU version of the character :facepalm Theyr'e the same in that they're both Nathaniel Richards but Rama-Tut is not Kang the same way that an 8-year old Bruce Wayne is not Batman. Nathaniel Richards various identities have seperate weapons and abilities pertaining to what identity they are in life it goes Nathaniel Richards->Iron Lad->Kid Immortus->Rama-Tut->Scarlet Centurion->Doctor Doom (at some point)->Kang/MisterGryphon->Rama-Tut (again)->Kang again (depending on the writer)->Immortus The point of the destiny war was to erase humanity and Earth before they became space farring conquerors it was a domino effect they weren't destroying all alternate timelines with a single blast. And they needed the forever crystal just to do that. Trying to scale Kang from Immortus in anyway is like trying to scale Kid Goku in the King Piccolo saga to Adult Goklu from the Saiyan saga. Again their energy and attention was already directed to using the...
  3. OrlandoSky

    Kang the Conqueror and Galvatron invade Asgard.

    Rama-Tut is not Kang. He's Nathaniel Richards nobody would assume you meant Rama-Tut in a Kang thread since he has none of his tech or his experience I think you're confused this isn't a "fluctuation of his power" the same way Thanos with the infinity gauntlet isn't a fluctuation of his power it's just a power boast from non-standard equipment. There's nothing there that suggests he's getting a power boast from the supreme intelligence and if memory serves me right about Avengers: Forever it was jut an alliance to take down Immortus That's resistance to hax, not quantifiable in DC or power and the supreme intelligence had nothing to do with that Kang killed them because their power was drained from charging the chrono cannon
  4. OrlandoSky

    Kang the Conqueror and Galvatron invade Asgard.

    Ok I gotta ask, wth does "Kang at his peak" even mean? The dude is always at his peak. He's essentially a wall-tier human in 30th century tech revolving around time hax. Like if Bruce Wayne was in an Iron Man suit that revolved around time manipulation. The bulk of his power comes from his suit and tech, there are no varying degrees of power level he has.
  5. OrlandoSky

    Caster Artoria (Fate) vs Doctor Strange (MCU)

    If she's only FTL and large planet level then Strange still has better speed and better DC
  6. OrlandoSky

    Caster Artoria (Fate) vs Doctor Strange (MCU)

    If what I'm seeing on the OBD wiki is accurate and the fate characters are around small country level and MHS then Strange casually sling rings her into a star and goes about his day.
  7. OrlandoSky

    Most advanced civilization

    Celestials from Marvel and the Old Ones from the lovecraft mythos, seeing as how Cthulhu built R’lyeh are decent contenders I think.
  8. OrlandoSky

    Shiki (Edens Zero) vs Kat (Gravity Rush)

    Yeah, that's why I say contextually it's still a universe level feat because story-wise that's what it was going to do, his numbers were just off. It's like how in marvel character guides list Thor as being strong enough to "lift up to 100 tons" when the dude's been arm wrestling with planet benchers since the silver age.
  9. OrlandoSky

    Shiki (Edens Zero) vs Kat (Gravity Rush)

    Universe+ Level for our observable universe is actually 9 TenaFoe, 40 YottaFoe came from a generously low estimation using 13 billion light-years diameter as an estimation instead of 93 billion light-years. This estimate is 10 NinaFoe, so it's actually 1/900th universe level. But contextually still a universe level feat since it was going to be used to destroy the universe but we can't expect Mashima to be a big wiz on numbers dude wrote Fairy Tail after all.
  10. OrlandoSky

    Who are the worst protagonists ever?

    I’m curious, What made Midoriya a popular choice? Dude just kinda seems completely wonderbread stale and boring. But that’s about it.
  11. OrlandoSky

    Who are the worst protagonists ever?

    Three way tie between: -Meliodas (his existence and power level completely trivializes everyone else’s agency in the show and the fact that he’s written as a jack of all trades self insert from the writer and is a groomer doesn’t help) -Kazuya from Rent-a-Girlfriend (GET. A. FUCKING. HOBBY DUDE…he literally just cries and jerks off, the dude is so pathetic it goes beyond pitiable and is just downright despicable. There is nothing he says or does that doesn’t invoke secondhand cringe) -Natsu Dragneel (Dude is an actual destructive menace. I don’t care how many villains he nakama punches he causes so much property damage with 0 repercussions every time cuz “lolimsocheeky”. Fucking wild animals have more restraint than him)
  12. OrlandoSky

    Thor with Stormbreaker (MCU) vs Optimus Prime with Star Saber (Transformers Prime)

    Also Gorr speeding up the orbit of his own star to create shadow monsters, and there's arguable scaling he gets from Khonshu and Odin too, depending on how canon you think the L&T trailers are even a couple of celestials were hiding from Gorr in god city. I've seen people go back and forth on large planet level pre-ragnarok Thor because of him battling a Reality Stone powered Malekith
  13. OrlandoSky

    Sukuna (JJK) vs Meruem (HXH)

    Right, I know Cheetu is fodder to the RG and King but I’m not sure you can scale his speed directly to them because the Hunters didn’t look motionless to him, all that really means is that they’re far faster than regular humans which we already knew and their speed is arguably as high as fraction of his own. I don’t think you could scale Cherry’s speed with really anyone because it was his whole and only schtick and the only characters we saw who could get him did so with strategy or flanking him from behind like Silva.
  14. OrlandoSky

    Sukuna (JJK) vs Meruem (HXH)

    Playing devil’s advocate here but I don’t remember Knuckle or Morel tagging Cheetu without restraining or tricking him in some way beforehand that’s what made him such an irritating opponent for them in fact I remember him blitzing them at the same time like they were statues with chain punches in the first fight.
  15. OrlandoSky

    Sukuna (JJK) vs Meruem (HXH)

    This is pre-Rose Merry Fight is where he fought Netero
  16. OrlandoSky

    Transformers feats/discussion

    It’s cool, happens to us all, just wanted to help with full context.
  17. OrlandoSky

    Transformers feats/discussion

    Solar system Supes is lowballed but he actually fought an old Golden Age Superman and their fight didn’t nearly destroy their universes that’s an out of context narration referring in actuality Alexander Luthor smashing a bunch of earths together like a child while they were busy roughhousing.
  18. OrlandoSky

    Lizardman (Soul Calibur) vs Reptile (Mortal Kombat)

    I think the Soul Calibur feats thread concluded Aeon was at country level or something with scaling. I don't think Reptile close to that.
  19. OrlandoSky

    Death Battle Discussion

    It seems pretty concrete that they will at this point.