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  1. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    I still remember a ainz vs voldermort reddit thread that ended with someone just pointing out the killing curse is basically a much worse version of ainz normal death spell. People are weird about harry potter
  2. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    I remember a tweet where a dev was asked about this transcendent nonsense and saying "no..." anyone still have it?
  3. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Fair enough, in the end I don't have a problem with king of time or anyone else tbh (as annoying as the optimistic thing was to me) Ill be clear I like overlord a lot (Its far from perfect and I perfectly understand why some people hate it), one of the main reasons Im still around here is to share relevant info from the series whenever it comes up/whenever I notice something bizarre from it (And eventually finish that respect thread). I can be a dick sometimes and I do apologize for that it is usually born out of frustration or exhaustion. Im not actively trying to upset anyone I just sometimes feel attacked for pointing information that is incorrect/sharing information from the novels.
  4. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    For instance the thing seth was complaining about, the post where I was correcting a bit of info from Astaro who was criticizing the holy queens death. I didn't just do it to be pedantic, the bit of info they had wrong is actually somewhat important. The joke of her character is one of nihilism, shes a good person that wouldn't hesitate to bend the knee for the good of her people. She absolutely could and would have worked perfectly fine under ainz if he found her first. But due to no action of her own she's condemned to a horrendous death by an uncaring god...That god being ainz, whom didn't care enough about her or her people to look into them before handing them off to demiurge. Through no action on her part she is condemned to death by an entity she very easily could have gotten along with. If she would have resisted the joke simply wouldn't work as then arguably ainz and coe would have needed to take care of her in some manner and demiurge just went to far. Now does that...
  5. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    ...What the fuck are you even trying to say here? If your telling me to work on the respect thread nothing I mentioned recently would go in one. nigredo has no character sheet or info beyond being level 100 and focused on divination. She wouldn't get more than a foot note and I likely wouldn't include her weird obsession with infants because I can't think of a single instance it'd be relevant. She can't be used for debates because she doesn't actually do anything. She's a freaky baby obsessed faceless monster of an unnamed race that sits below a freezing blizzard island holding baby dolls that scream. (She's literally just a horror enthusiast taking the piss and combining all the weird elements of horror he liked) If it's about respect? I can acknowledge Ive gotten disrespectful once or twice but usually Im just correcting information about overlord. The last disrespectful thing I said was instigated by seth saying nobody cares, which I felt the need to point out as much as...
  6. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Its not a big deal I just find it annoying that he reacts to every one of my overlord post with optimistic, even when Im directly quoting information from the light novels. Often my posts don't even involve speculation, it's just noting something weird thats explicitly stated in the books. (In the last post I was pointing out how an overlord bash fic explicitly misunderstands a character and quoting from the book to prove it) He assumedly does it to annoy me. It winds up bothering me because my dumb brain assumes he actually wants further clarification/sources only to realize "no he's just fucking with me" because there is literally zero room for confusion.
  7. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    I stop in every once in a while on full paragons overlord bash fic and it always amuses me how much he gets wrong/doesn't understand the story he's been bashing for five years now. He used nigredo as a "Good" Person opposing ainz within the tomb...I can only assume he's working off half baked memories of the anime cause in the books it's made clear she's just an insane monster The only way that bitch is helping is if your under two years old and you better pray petsonya or yuri step in cause she will fucking end you the moment your not cute to her anymore.
  8. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    @seth yall care enough to bitch and complain about overlord but not enough to actually understand what happens in it. I just point out when y’all are talking nonsense/misunderstanding basic information about the series you love bitching about That and pointing out weird random shit the author does in regards to things he steals from dnd. Some of its just really weird/random and often makes me wonder what he was thinking. Like why change it to magic arrow? Like why change the number of “missiles” per level?
  9. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    It doesn’t just correcting your assertion about her opposing nazarick. Also worthy of note it’s not just humans being tormented in the happy farms, it’s all the races that weren’t warlike enough. Ironically if your one of those races your also more likely to survive the coming purge as it means demiurge saw potential in your races domestication Where did I ever imply nazaricks crimes against god didn’t happen
  10. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    She doesn’t actually oppose nazarick, that’s the irony of her charcter she is one of the few people that thinks an undead as long as he’s a good king might not necessarily be evil. Ainz actually considers reviving her but doesn’t want to mess up ainz plans
  11. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    @King of time Why omptimistic, nothing I said is interpretation, outside my assumption that magic arrow is overlords version of magic missile. Something that I assume because its decription, tier and function are incredibly similar, that being a tier one spell that creates several magical bolts of glowing mana that can't miss. With the notable feature of higher tier adding more magical "bolts" that was present in 3.5e the version the author was playing before his campaign group fell apart and he decided to write overlord. (Again with some changes around the numbers of bolts per caster level) Is it the upcasting because ainz explicitly upcast magic arrow in book three, though it seems like upcasting was rolled into the meta magic system. The meta magic system also seems to have just been universally given to all casters at a baseline as druids and clerics use meta magic with nothing odd being noted. To be clear outside upcasting this probably won't appear in my overlord doc, as...
  12. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    So interesting note about magic missile in overlord, it was renamed to magic arrow. Notably it sorta has the 3.5e feature of gaining extra missiles with each two tiers of magic the caster is able to use. Thing is back in 3.5e from what I can find it maxed out five. Overlord decided in it's version you get an extra bolt "Arrow" for every caster level, meaning it instead maxes out at ten. Also weird thing conceptually to me, you can upcast in overlord, it's just its only been used once in the entire series so it's easy to forget, and really makes me wonder what some of ainz spells would do if upcast.
  13. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Maybe it's just the context Ive seen him in but he seemed very convinced that a group of rwby characters could save new world from ainz and coe. And the impression I have is short of the god brothers themselves descending rwby is shit out of luck. Yeah it's not something really specific to them/an ability they have it's part of the setting/location they're in.
  14. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Ive only seen him argue against overlord, rather poorly at that To clear this up they can revive specifically in the dungeon, it's a mechanic of the dungeon that it binds the souls of whomever is inside it to their bodies. Thus as long as you can heal/repair the injuries/body enough a person can be "revived" (Revival in this case just being a normal as healing spell) But arguably it's more like death never fully takes hold within the dungeon. AFAIK Revival outside it is never mentioned/may be impossible. (One of the main things people are interested in with that dungeon is the possibility of recreating it's effects on the surface) Also The moment you leave the dungeon that protection ceases to function and you die for real. AFAIK Nothing can bring you back from that, as even within the dungeon itself it can fail if the body is to damaged/destroyed. There is some power escalation around the lion/some nebulous reality warping but liaos and coe don't win through brute...
  15. R

    To Aru Majutsu No Index Feats/Discussion/Analysis Thread - One Othinus To Rule Them All

    Fair enough to me it just feels like punishing fire for being hot/water for being wet, they're designed to act the way they do.
  16. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Homelanders image is never recovering from maeve fight is it
  17. R

    To Aru Majutsu No Index Feats/Discussion/Analysis Thread - One Othinus To Rule Them All

    This is one of those things I always wonder about, I know the characters of overlord so I get not liking them but I never really got the point in trying to punish them/wanting to see them punished outside basic catharsis. The way they're written they literally can't learn anything from being punished in the way you and many others desire because they fundamentally know of entities far stronger then them in universe. And even the fact there were humans stronger then them. Theres no getting through to them/making them see the errors of their ways because they don't have a fundamental misunderstanding of the world. They understand it rather well it just doesn't interact with their reverence for the supreme beings or their backstories. At one-point narberal is directly confronted with a question about what if ainz was weak/human and she simply says she'd serve him regardless. We see this even further with aura, mare, and aurola omega, all three are humanoids and receive zero...
  18. R

    To Aru Majutsu No Index Feats/Discussion/Analysis Thread - One Othinus To Rule Them All

    Authors often lack basic understanding of how nonsense what they're saying is. The amount of authors that think you can "Dance" around an explosion with specialized movements is plainly stupid and a failure of our education system.
  19. R

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    They never try this method, and as mentioned true resurrection and likely withers both seem capable of using true resurrection wich creates a brand new body. (hell if you resist as a dark urge withers brings you back despite bhall removing his godly essence) The game never acknowledges the idea of removing the tadpoles in this way, it studiously disallows you from ever discussing or touching on the idea by erasing your companions tadpoles from existence. No I just understood the main plot of the game unlike some people in this thread (cough look in a mirror cough) who for some reason have it in their heads our tadpoles are super special compared to all the other netherese touched tadpoles in the game. It's not a huge deal, as mentioned I would have much prefer the game at least mention this way of removal because it's quite literally the main one described in older editions, rather then studiously ignoring it when we have at least two methods of high tier resurrection on hand...