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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

If basic physical rules apply then planetbusting is just planetbusting, same as IRL. You need 2.5e+32 joules to mass scatter the Earth. That's it. There shouldn't be any of this bullshit involved.

Didn't realize it was that easy to kill Mogo and Ego The Living Planet...
Seriously, Fictional Planets being more durable than IRL Planets is not something new so I have no idea why this is suddenly so new to Sheldon to wrap his head around...

You know what they didn't measure? Size. ORT is clearly smaller than the Sun, so even if its temperature is the same its power output will be orders of magnitude less.

I don't see how it being smaller than the Sun means that it doesn't generate that level of heat... when humans have been able to generate that level of heat just fine with far less...
Like, you can potentially point to the fact that it would have far less surface temperature like Yamamoto... but that ceases to matter when it can shit out Gamma Ray Bursts like it ate Taco Bell.

Then why assume we need THAT much more energy to destroy them?

Because if a single Texture(Not even the remaining all encompassing ones) can handle a good chunk of space and rendering reality itself around it... then yeah, it's pretty clear it needs that much energy to destroy them...
This is obvious when how Laeventienn tends to work only ever destroys the Texture of Norse Mythology and not carry over everywhere else(in which he explicitly needs to go much further to do that).

Your proof?

Considering Nasuverse Celestial Objects can literally produce beings that can casually create Planets and otherwise and toss them at people like footballs, pretty sure that's proof enough(That and every time Excalibur has been used at it's full capacity, does he know that energy doesn't come from the user right?).

It is funny because Blaze points out he didn't answer a single question at all and just bitched the whole way through. :risigif

you're right about the amount of energy and i agree that it takes the same amount of energy to destroy nasuverse earth as it would take to destroy irl earth, but Nasuverse earth has conceptual defense that protect her from anything that's born and made inside of earth.

so even if you have enough energy to destroy earth, the earth/Gaia can just either tone down your power so that you cant hurt her or just outright disable your ability. tldr: Gaia can power null you to stop you from destroying earth.

so you need to be NOT from earth and you need to have enough energy to destroy earth, if one of these factor missing you cant destroy it.

the only way to bypass this if you're an earthling is if get a power that's not from earth. like Lovecraftian Horror, God from another Universe,etc.

1. Like I said before, the first part is absolutely wrong. The Planet literally has reserves of Magical Energy that means it will last for millions of years despite it providing for Servants, fuel for Excalibur and Arcueid going all out and other shit(It's actually insane how the Dark Six somehow nearly killed the Planet by removing it's Magical Energy through their botched ritual to that extent)

2. The Earth/Gaia only restricts or tones it down when it's directed at itself or the beings around it, otherwise, it doesn't do jack and shit to anyone else.

3. Actually, TYPE-Rey brought up a good point that if Crimson Moon was able to take over Arcueid or Altrouge, theoretically he can be a threat to Earth while being under it's protection and destroy it regardless


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
"gee I wonder why destroying a planet with several layers of reality (that all have a significant amount of space in them) on top (?) of the normal sphere of rock is considered more impressive than destroying a planet without such properties"


To all Star Wars experts, scalers, and debaters here: Is this statement even remotely accurate?
The Force can affect spirits, like Luke and his Jedi trainees defeating Exar Kun’s spirit by using the Force. In the Old Republic era, Jedi were able to confront and banish Freedon Nadd’s spirit. Powerful Force users like the Ones and the Celestials, their existence and abilities transcend typical physical limitations. Luke had to defeat Abeloth physically, mentally and astrally in her own private dimension.


"gee I wonder why destroying a planet with several layers of reality (that all have a significant amount of space in them) on top (?) of the normal sphere of rock is considered more impressive than destroying a planet without such properties"

Sheldon become more and more stupid. Even Blaze call him out on this.
"gee I wonder why destroying a planet with several layers of reality (that all have a significant amount of space in them) on top (?) of the normal sphere of rock is considered more impressive than destroying a planet without such properties"


Yes, it's 2 major sets of Realities and both can carry small pockets but still very significant Realities on top of them and THEN the genuine "Primordial" Earth.

And that includes the shit ton of Magical Energy to go through as well. Funny enough, this is just for EARTH, this isn't including this is the same for The Moon, The Oort Cloud and every other Celestial Object in the Solar System alone including the Sun itself.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member


First off NO Harry Potter wizard has EVER used transfiguration on something as big and complex as Ray. Second most cyborgs and UG's as of Rising are equipped with infrared vision among other things that basically make stealth camo completely useless so those "obscuring charms" aren't gonna do shit. Third they aren't fast enough to do ANYTHING before dying horribly.

Wizarding locations wouldn't be too hard to find really, given how bad the fuckers are at being secretive. Not that they need to because Magic only works in line of sight in HP so the Wizards HAVE to show themselves to engage the Metal Gear side anyway so yeah, heavy calibre projectiles are very obviously going to be useful here.

Armstrong would literally break them in two before they could even try it so it makes no difference.

No wizards DO NOT emit a passive anti-tech aura (this isn't Dresden Files), that's HOGWARTS specifically that does that and even then, there are literally ZERO feats of it disabling something as advanced as a Metal Gear.

And once again, there are no feats for them transmuting something as large as a Metal Gear either or ANY other type of machine for that matter. Sure McGonagal suggests she could turn Harry or Ron into a pocket watch but that's not the same thing as turning a massive, complicated machine into something else entirely.


I still remember a ainz vs voldermort reddit thread that ended with someone just pointing out the killing curse is basically a much worse version of ainz normal death spell. People are weird about harry potter

The more I look through this thread, the more I keep believing that Spacebattles should never touch the Nasuverse amongst other franchises again because it's clearly obvious the people consistently bitching about only reads cliffnotes and then has a bitch fit when someone does any genuine clarification.

It's legit as bad as how they do The Elder Scrolls, Cyberpunk and Star Wars.

EDIT: It's absolutely insane people will bring up and act like One Punch Man's "Higher Dimensions" are somehow higher up than the Nasuverse's when Zelretch's place is consistently watching over the Parallel Universes of a single Multiverse, the fact that there are multiple higher beings as confirmed in Tsukihime Remake(And why that Universe's Kiara refused to even try and go beyond her humanity) and the Temple of Time existed in Imaginary Numbers Space(as well as Tiamat becoming 4D by being in it for so long).

We only got two dimension and Empty Void literally has to cheat to get in there and interact with anything.

EDIT: As I don't really feel like making another post, it's also weird Sheldon's entire argument is basically "Feats > Statements" but then ignores the feats in FGO that was explicitly shown and stated by the characters... because it's "statements" in his eyes...
I feel like this person doesn't realize what Feats mean but I can legit say that about SB as a whole as their entire motto is "Feats > Statements... whenever I feel like it"
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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Did I miss something? Where the fuck is he getting Garm eating concepts from? :whatisthis

It being unkillable isn't even that much of a hindrance as most notable verses have some way of sealing and/or binding it in place so it isn't taking very many verses regardless.


V.I.P. Member
Did I miss something? Where the fuck is he getting Garm eating concepts from? :whatisthis

It being unkillable isn't even that much of a hindrance as most notable verses have some way of sealing and/or binding it in place so it isn't taking very many verses regardless.
Actually true. You hear it from Mimir himself as to why he was sealed. Namely he devoured an entire mountain range not just physically but like it never even existed, he can devour the metaphysical barriers that separate the realms (tearing down the walls of Helheim is what was causing the undead to cross over into other realms after Garm was set free) and there used to be a fifth season until Garm “ate” that too.

Now it not only doesn’t exist, but it was effectively retconned to where people can’t even name what that season was called, just vaguely remembering it used to exist and that Garm destroyed it

That said, all you got to do is avoid Garm eating you anyway.