• We are currently rolling out incremental alterations to the forum. Don't freak! You aren't going crazy.

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  • Users: Dr. Watson
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Dr. Watson

    A Mafia game you played that turned out to be your favorite

    What is a game you participated that you find memorable? Why is this [whatever] game your favorite/one of your favorites?
  2. Dr. Watson

    Announcement We have recently affiliated with The Forgotten Lair!

    Link to TFL here This site is run by the lovely and talented Phoenix, still kicking today. TFL offers wallpapers, icons, textures, and much more! Give TFL a visit sometime. ;)
  3. Dr. Watson

    [Experimental] VC Mafia

    The gist: 1. Discord invitation will be sent via PM 2. There aren't any text channels besides the muted channel for players too shy to voice 3. Schedules can be discussed 4. VC game will start small, 5 players required 5. The VC game is essentially going to function like the Wolfia bot Who is...
  4. Dr. Watson

    Request prefixes in a section that haven't been added

    Please keep the prefix name suggestions functional/conventional that are actually needed. The shitpost sections are exceptions to this. (Yes, you can request [gamer girl bathwater] in the chatterbox section. Please don't request [mafia player bath salts] for something like the Mafia section.
  5. Dr. Watson

    Future skin updates

    Minor planned updates: • The Last Soul Reaper will have a font change • Basic Xenforo skin will have gradient removals and a font change • Set Sail will have gradients removed and a font change • Light skin banner will change Major planned updates: • The Default "Yellow" skin - fuck you I'm...
  6. Dr. Watson

    Obtainable ranks & participation incentives

    This serves solely as clarification for the rewards each section wants to hand out. There is another thread that illustrates subsection/community policy that was discussed in the I'm Very Mad thread I have made. Once the current game concludes, there will be two separate threads for the Alt and...
  7. Dr. Watson

    Minor update for reactions

    Reactions updated: • U smart is now a positive rating • Dislike is now a negative rating • Scust is now a negative rating If you see a rating that's neutral or inappropriately defined, feel free to tell me.
  8. Dr. Watson

    Section name nominations

    suggest anything
  9. Dr. Watson

    Section overhaul

    @Odd brainstorm with me here 1. im thinking that the caption contest is a much have so it suits users that don't feel confident in other skills but making it a little more challenging to gain points 2. maybe a trivia event section? possibly bi-weekly or monthly 3. easter egg events or...
  10. Dr. Watson

    Planned Beta tester competition interest thread

    ...think to increase user engagement that isn't solely incentivized by typical forum prizes gets people a chance to truly collaborate, brainstorm, and *build* a culture. I think, however long we decide this tournament should be, the "create a skin" and also allowing other users more timid/busy...
  11. Dr. Watson

    Cinematography Retro reviews

  12. Dr. Watson

    Suggestion Shortening the Auditorium

    I'm going to have to make philosophy a prefix, same with books. S'why I tend to just add prefixes over sections. I'm not sure how to utilize this section overall until we expand on our mission, though. Anyway, that's a potential update.
  13. Dr. Watson

    Announcement Test

    Yadaya bla bla
  14. Dr. Watson

    Announcement Hall of Fame posts & contributions

    This thread is also going to be used as a soundboard in the future, any suggestions that gain traction will get polls to determine which direction you guys (any member of the forum) go with this. 1. It must meet specific criteria. Even if a post gets rated positively, the content may not meet...
  15. Dr. Watson

    Game nights

    What y’all think? What do you guys want to do?
  16. Dr. Watson

    Announcement New shiny Pokémon section added!

    You can suggest further changes here in case I missed something. I assume necessary prefixes for the games need to be added, but I am not sure which in particular are needed, so do drop the names of the games and any administrator will add them.
  17. Dr. Watson

    Announcement Contests

    [bangs pots and pans] I need input on what contests you guys would like to see. For easier rewards what we have so far is: a caption contest, and puzzles. Odd is working on puzzles for you guys. I can think of maybe doing forum-related games, too. And something like standard pictures that...
  18. Dr. Watson

    Announcement Newbies: how can we make you keep coming back?

    How can we make your stay more interesting, and why?
  19. Dr. Watson

    Announcement Bleach skin added!

    There will be some minor tweaks made that aren't super noticable, like border removal and stuff. The only big issue with the skin - and believe me, I'm aware - is the drop down arrows aren't showing in order to collapse the sections. This will be fixed; I simply couldn't fix it myself at this...
  20. Dr. Watson

    Mafia section banner community vote

    Credit to the very talented @Baka. Choose between these two banners, obviously.