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  1. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    As long as your model isn't old as piss, you are fine.
  2. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    One of the strongest ST Berserkers in the game.
  3. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    Apparently the translation that seems the most correct is that they literally unsummoned themselves because they cannot work in the Bleached Earth post Lostbelts without Ritsuka being as much of an Avenger as they are without it crippling or nearly killing them in the process and that it's a "true farewell". The main problem I have with this, outside of the fact there's no way in hell it is, is that it does not explain why Marie Alter and Ushi-Gozen are in danger of vanishing outright if it was a consensual leave altogether even if we go with the issue I explained above. It's why I believe they more or less just left to prepare for the final battle in advance and they was unsummoned by the CF instead.
  4. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    No, she's explicitly still there but she does gain a new Summoning Line that states she's suffering the same issue and can disappear at any moment.
  5. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    It is as well as it is for Ushi-Gozen, that's the point of why that is there.
  6. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    Generous as shit banners.
  7. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    She noticed I got all of the Irish Servants and especially the Red Branch Knights and came with the quickness. She brought in terrible CE luck so I will have to roll a bit more but if I get another copy of her, that's great. I don't really plan on rolling for any future banners outside of Traum's first banner(And that's for potential Charlemagne and especially Kriemhild) until Anniversary(While I do plan on rolling the Trung Sisters Banner, it's more so I can try and get more copies of Lancer Melt).
  8. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    Not only did I get a Double GSSR for the first time, I got the 2 Servants I wanted the most. Van Gogh in particular as I went so goddamned hard for her every time(Like 800 for her the first time and then like 300+ the second and got spooked every time). I wanted to get Miss Crane after her Event so yeah, this is a win for me.
  9. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    They managed to make Takeru pretty unique in a sea of AOE Arts Sabers by having them(Seems like this is the ONE character they will keep completely androgynous unlike Astolfo or Mordred) be able to tag one enemy with a -50% Arts Resistance Down(Just one because having it be for everyone would be ludicrous) and going for more Divine/Demonic enemies niche and having an NP battery buff that activates when an ally dies. I do feel that having the NP Damage Buff be 1 turn despite only being 20% does hurt them a bit but whatever. The Animations obviously come from Samurai Remnant but primarily uses his Skills from it and they are recreated pretty well just like Charlemagne's was. The Noble Phantasm looks great but I haven't finished Samurai Remnant so yeah, it's pretty obvious it's meant to be seen more for the endgame deal(like most Player Servants deals are). And there's a Samurai Remnant collab happening in late January which I'm surprised it's coming so fast which means they was...
  10. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    It does suck but you can't really go slow here without getting murked and Morgan targets Castoria far more than most so it's difficult even keeping her alive.
  11. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    Best way to do so is to actually just bullrush the shit out of her because she doesn't have much health even with the Berserker weakness removed and her damage gets too damn high to really try and mitigate it.
  12. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    Congrats! I got shafted so badly in this banner so atleast you got them.
  13. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    Oh yeah, I got Ashiya Douman off a paid single during the Summer 6 Event. So there's that.
  14. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    A Paid Single, a Multi and 10 tickets. The ironic part is I said I wanted to see if I get him early but I also wanted more chances at Barghest and Sith copies... So yeah, I'm a little deflated but still very happy. I'll get go for them and Morgan on their return banner like next week.
  15. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    We don't know if Oberon is tonight but if he is, I'll go for him.
  16. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    It would be Medb who has the most amount of Interludes and Rank Up quests followed by Jeanne D'Arc then Cu Alter. But it's best to pick who you really want character-wise than anything else.
  17. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    Muramasa's fine... but considering I like the amount of Servants that are: Artoria or her AU versions Ishtar Astraea And practically love Sakura as a character I now gotta deal with the NTR memes... yay. Koyanskaya made me eat into my funds hardcore as you see above but I actually should get enough money to get into pity with Oberon regardless. So I got one half of the terrible duo, I wonder if I'll be able to get the other or not? EDIT: Not pictured, getting 2 Caenis' during the roll session, thus being able to NP5 her which yeah, I actually like Caenis due to her Interlude now.
  18. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    Went 800 deep, ultimately was a success at the end of the day.
  19. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

  20. Xhominid The Apex

    FGO thread #1

    ...My White Whale Journey is done... The Servant I was aiming for by years and over a thousand SQ is officially mine at long last. Costed me 120 SQ but I got her... She getting Grailed to 100 and Golden Fou'd after Ibuki Douji, no question about it.