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  1. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    3rd semester Akechi is fucking trash dudes almost Morgana lvls of uselessness :mjlol . I genuinely can't wait :skully .
  2. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Honestly I don't think Kakashi is just as bad as Aizawa. Not because Kakashi is really good mind you but just because Aizawa just happens to be far worse. At least Kakashi didn't straight up expel students for the crime of being too happy to be in a supposedly elite school on the first day :bookerpls. I think I only really like Aizawa in Vigilantes where he's more of a reluctant ally/supporter who cares more about lives being saved and the job being done to the point that he'll overlook the rules when he can. The story doesn't have to pretend he's any sort of mentor to Koichi or anyone else there. Pretty much the same here:mjlol. Haven't practiced Spanish in a while though.
  3. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    > Jobkashi greatest written in Shounen Anything attached to Simpbito Uchiha gets an L by default :skully . Oh and I almost didn't notice the Mha take. "Best new gen story" gtfoh current Mha is dollar store ninja war at the moment :mjlol.
  4. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Was there ever a time where it wasn't a cesspool for anything other than free guides? Cause I don't remember a time like that at all :bookerpls .
  5. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    That sounds about right. Lol the dude wasn't even unique back in his heyday in the first few seasons :mjlol.
  6. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Didn't Goku black spend a large part of fighterz being pretty shit in comparison to the other 12 Goku's in the game :bookerpls? I gotta admit though back in the early online shit it was fun catching new fighting game players with a dive kick loop for him. That and trapping people in Freeza's telekinesis ball thing everytime someone thought spamming dragon dash would work. Almost was worth going through the shit online connection:mjlol.
  7. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Why the hell is YouTube recommending that shit tier Persona 5 anime? You look up how to make some busted persona's the one time :mjlol . The only reason anyone should suffer through it is to laugh at the poorly animated all out attacks and maybe to see the eng va's trying to squeeze out any amount of enjoyment possible. Two things you can just watch a compilation of :skully.
  8. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    That niggas feats in the Lightning the Argent novel is straight up insane. I don't know how those didn't get translated until recently :bookerpls. Some dude from Switzerland using ki better than the Japanese characters :hestonpls.
  9. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    They could have a moment where Elder Kai hypes up potential unlock things as new never before seen techniques only for Goku and Gohan to shut that down cause they've seen it before- Oh wait a minute that already :mjlol . It was a good move for them to quit while they were ahead. They already slipped with the Cell saga.
  10. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Sonic shirked his responsibilities as fast as shit and got the hell out of there. Truly the fastest thing alive :bookerpls .
  11. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    The real way to use mathematics :mjlol .
  12. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Chad: "I promised my Grandfather I wouldn't use my strength for my own benefit." "We're offering you a 100 billion signing bonus " Chad: "......Now Grandad hear me out for a minute." It would have been easy to just make him a boxing coach or something. You can't tell me Kubo isn't doing it on purpose :heston . This dude can't even breathe without paying for it :bookerpls. Rukia settled way too damn low. Either that or she either hooked up with him out of pity :skully .
  13. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Can he use the anime to redeem Chad apparently being a boxer or something after the end of the series? Cause I'm 99% sure that completely went against his character :bookerpls.
  14. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Bleach fans: I'll never forgive Kubo for shafting Chad!! I swear that Kubo calling the dude Chad was a cruel inside joke on his part. You have to actively put effort to try and make a character less chad than Chad. I almost can't even be mad cause I kinda saw it coming as soon as the soul society arc began :heston.
  15. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    I'm replaying Persona 5 Royal and the boss fight against the Cleaner, uh I mean the guy who totally isn't the same voice as Sol in the English dub is more annoying than I remember. Or at least it would be if I didn't set up absolutely busted persona's :skully . Yoshitsune destroys all eventually :heston.
  16. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Happy birthday man.
  17. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    I assumed that Hori would take a break and that a new chapter wouldn't release and it does anyway. With no break next week either. It really does pain me to say that this isn't really Shounen jumps fault and more on Hori. Please man just stop:skully. Chapter sucks and its only held up by All Might flashbacks. Which are admittedly pretty good. It makes Izuku look even more like a privileged little shit who got everything handed to him but still good. All Might went to Nana to try and get her to make him her disciple. She says no because he not only is quirkless but his ability to help others given the circumstances would be limited. She thinks that it's some sort of revenge thing since All Might's parents are dead due to the chaos going on but All Might basically states his whole symbol of peace plan. Rationalizing that even if people rebuild their homes it won't matter if they're constantly in fear having to protect where they live. He figures that since they're forced into...
  18. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    It still kills me that Toei basically saved Super Saiyan Silver. Years later and everyone still prefers the Omen version :mjlol.
  19. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    That nigga made out like a bandit. Damn :bookerpls !!
  20. TrueG 37

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    The 26th time of them marketing class A despite the fact that not only do those losers literally do nothing but they don't even show up in that arc :skully .