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  1. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    I would Retcon Dr Doom into a Hungarian and reveal him to be a Turan Nationalist who wants to wipe out Indo Europeans
  2. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    I sometimes think about the shit I could get away with if I was a Marvel Writer. Like how far I could get before I get fired. If writers got away with Making Wolverine do MMF threesomes I would probably get away with a lot
  3. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Marvel and DC never had decent Editors to keep everyone in check, they couldn't even stop ONE writer from ruining Spiderman even though every other writer said it was retarded for Spiderman to sell his soul to the devil. Like one Writer with an agenda managed to do that to Marvel's cashcow all because the Editors don't do anything
  4. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Colonel Sanders still wins
  5. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Pro wrestlers mostly come from rural backgrounds and....well.....anyone who comes from a Rural or Conservative background knows that domestic abuse is something that people are kinda encouraged to keep to themselves
  6. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Why would his sister in law lie about him beating up her sister tho
  7. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    She nearly got a Restraining order against him in 2003
  8. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Chris Benoit was already a wife beater before he became Mentally Ill, his Sister in Law said he was beating the shit out of his wife for years before the thing happened
  9. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Honestly, Dean Malenko somehow has more charisma than most modern wrestlers. Think about that for a bit
  10. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    A Moroccan Cock invented the Multiverse?
  11. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Smarks ruined wrestling. There are no gimmicks nowadays, nobody is protected from 50/50 bookings, everyone is just a "Hard working happy to be there" Vanilla Clown who flips and tries his hardest to get Meltzer stars
  12. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    I was thinking about why so many in the radical left participate in "speedrunning" The reason is the left's lack of work ethic ('go fast' rather than 'do it right') and, in a Petersonian sense, to elevate alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace ('fastest mario')
  13. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Aw hell Nah, No Coomer posts in my OBD convo
  14. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    I would solo that Maze Low Diff
  15. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Manga art is on average better at showing movement and expression and backgrounds. Comics are better at more Detailed art
  16. Goth Boy

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Eternals is weird. Why the fuck would you write a Capeshit movie like some Indie arthouse movie? It's like mixing Chocolate cake and some artsy Pizza