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  1. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Dude he's soloing RWBY gods or not. Dude even being Herald tier at all makes him far beyond planet level and ftl.
  2. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Okay well good to see it did lol :kobeha
  3. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    >literal shonen power of friendship tier bs Wow I hope to god that was retconed to hell and back because that has to be the stupidest shit you could ever pull in a SMT game.
  4. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    I am going to keep this straight and simple, tell me where Lucifer or YHVH are ever mentioned or involved in any way in persona? And by that I mean true forms, not some random persona appearance that has nothing to do with the real one in some possibly non-canon anime that is at best a cameo.
  5. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    That's what happens you come from a story written by an edgy man-child with a hate boner for superheroes that wants them to both look bad and be a joke.
  6. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Speaking of this image my two favorite are the one at the very top with the pitch black empty open mouth and eyes that resembles a creepy pasta face and the one right above the third text box that that has no face but two gleaming white spots for eyes. Both look simple yet creepy and I would like if someone one day took these and all the other versions on the page and made their own concept of what that form of Galactus would look like in full body view.
  7. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Always one of my fav pages to see as a kid and just made Galactus all the more cooler along with the "different perspective" pages because it even made his "old and corny" look make sense as just how we humans perceive him. The last time Comic writers ever tried showing that aspect of him was in the Stormbreaker miniseries starring Beta Ray Bill that had him take the form of his people's god of death or something like that.
  8. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Yeah that shit made me go thinking of him from just a dumbass to a full on degenerate.
  9. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Like the writer wanted to throw shade at Hulk wankers in the most unsubtle subtle way he could. :kobeha
  10. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Clone Trooper pilots have reaction speeds on par with FTL Droid ships and regular troops are Hypersonic with the stronger ones like Commandos and Arc Troopers being able to take on entire droid armies in small groups while Clone Assassins are trained by Jedi and can fight them evenly. The fact they are all cloned off a man who can fist fight Jedi and win should make sense for many of the the stronger clones to come close to him. Regular Pilots in both the Empire and Rebellion and by proxy the New Republic should also have FTL reactions and blasters on the average move at Hypersonic speeds from feats as far back as the start of the Clone Wars. Jedi are almost always faster and stronger on average in comparison with just the fodder.
  11. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Last I remember GER doesn't need to "reach" you to effect you. In fact last I remember it's range was like everything else limitless.
  12. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Don't you know? Unless I waste my time in off topic spiel concerning a series I have no love for that is infamous in pointlessly annoying vs debates than I must be a bot according to the clown who literally came here for the purpose of getting into a shit fight with Xho over shit to do with another forum. :skully
  13. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    She could never be satisfied with another man after the way Grimmjow penetrated her. :wow
  14. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Lol that order is straight wack. One two people on that list make any sort of sense and lol at Gilg being above any Universal character when last I heard he is not even above galaxy level. :trinny
  15. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Mephisto is just one of many versions of Marvel’s "Satan" and even he in his own realm could not fully absorb and mind break Norrin. This kid is out of his fucking league by miles.
  16. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Just last 5? Try last decade if not more.
  17. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    My god the fact every single person there talks like the worst stereotypical tumblr/twatterfag just shows me how much worse CBR has become. It was a shitshow before but now its a hopeless wasteland of cringy out of touch woketards wallowing in their own pathetic existence and views on humanity while the industry they infiltrated and ruined from inside crumbles around them. Just lol at one of the responses saying "controversy drums up sales". Yeah right, go look at the sells of current comics and keep telling yourself that tactic still works nowdays with the internet making it easy to see said controversial stories without wasting a dime. :skully
  18. NostalgiaFan

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

    Also they made the dude who is 3 years older than him shorter than Ender, that just made it less cool that he stood up to him and more laughable. :trinny