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  1. Ral

    Game Elden Ring Mafia

    Damn, y'all really don't be playin' games here huh, just Mafia right? :pepesip
  2. Ral

    Game Elden Ring Mafia

    I increased it from the default 20 to 30 as soon as I posted that link :maybe
  3. Ral

    Game Elden Ring Mafia

    Me as a sub ghost in the background trying to keep up with this thread: :risitas
  4. Ral

    Game Elden Ring Mafia It's usergroup controlled, mostly to reduce notification spam (spambots can easily abuse mentions). We may eventually have to make a separate user group for Mafia just to avoid this limitation, but for the time being, we can increase the mentions limit to a decent amount or you can double post if needed. Maybe in the future we can have an advanced feature that allows you to mention all users that have replied to a thread, for Mafia only ofc, or just have it where you can fill out who the host is and the participants invovled in the game.