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Ranked Baki Mafia

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So unreliable.
@Ultra can we get a VC? I'd like to see who's on whom at the moment, for my own reasons


Town reading all three of them. I also think only 2 people voted nibel (if that, I don't recall who voted using nipple as I thought that was someone else). Also not sure who explained why not to vote nibel who why anyone shouldn't vote him.

I wouldn't reference a post 4 vote on anyone as any alignment as I'm well aware it's meaningless unless properly pushed. You didn't really answer my question but I asked about how you approach day 1's because it seems like you're overly fixated on page 1 interactions. It isn't really random voting stage or whatever RVS is, I vote to generate reactions. Nibel gave me none then left the thread so I voted Craig to see the reaction of aurelian and then he also left the thread so again that didn't really turn into much.

You seem like you've landed on a spot on scum reading one of myself.or Retro and your making reasons to make sense of it. Despite this reading nibel doesn't seem important to you even though that should be crucial from your pov as if you think he's scum you'd have more reason to vote me and if you think he's town you have reason to go after Retro. Instead you've decided you want to remove one of us and then seemingly the other while nibel is of no particular concern to you.

I'd like you to explain why this makes sense and if not I'll be pushing you. :)

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
And I'm going to bed soon
I'm not responsible for his actions, I thought he did to annoy since I'm new here.


I looked at his previous two games here and he was not fluffing past like his second post, was voting and discussing actual game stuff
Not sure of the fluff thing, I can go look at the.recent avatar game to see how he played there but not now as ima gym and that can be a way to kill time at work!

When I said weaker I meant just overall he felt weak in his last game as town cop.early.on compared to the one where he fought ratchet off page 1.


why craig aurelian?
Again, why not?
Sup. I'm gonna be on vacation soon with family from Friday to Monday and i've got a 12-8 at work tomorrow. But i'll still try to make the most of my time with you guys

She seems like her usual self so far.

Yeah, that's fair. I do remember him slapping Sikorsky and Yanagi's shit in that arc.

Though Sikorsky got his shit slapped by pretty much everyone

[Vote Lynch Xenos]

Too much about the fluff/lore, feels like busy work and setup spec doesn't enthrall me either with Xenos' early posts. He did this in the Eastenders game as scum when paired with Flower. Well, more fluff posting day 1 then actual set up spec but same difference.

Vote Aurelian

I’m not really enthused by the thread as it stands, so let’s see what shakes loose!
Feels like the barometer your setting here is just to gauge my reaction and go for an easy read if it presents itself one way or another. Not really worried about it tbh.


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
And I did the same thing in the Jojo game I was just in with you on FV where I was town. It's how I roll, and you should know this.

I actually knew nothing about Eastenders, and just tried to pull a silly british posting style iirc. Nothing to do with setup spec. If you're gonna call me out for a past game at least be accurate about it my dude.

I can respect people who say what I posted is potentially NaI or potentially scum. Most of them don't know me. But this is just some bad faith shit, misrepresenting how I was in a past game to suit you agenda. And I gotta say I expect better from you, Fang


Not sure who all three of who is. Anyway, you, Retro and Jinri did I thought. Maybe Jinri just said they wanted to.

I didn't make reasons up to scumread either of you. Your slots both gave me that, like it or leave it. Nibble can be town or scum here, I'm not sure which currently because up until just now I've had to analyze how other slots were interacting with it. In fact, the two scenarios I outlined generally keep the other (you or Retro) alive because it seems odd for you two to both be scum here.

The way I play D1 is that I make a list of all the players and everyone gets subtracted out of it in one way or another. At the end I have a small pool and somebody goes poof. I'm not even close to having subtracted out all players to feel confident in a lynch rn. 3 of the low posters just got on lmao.

But yes, you and Retro are still in there and I'm not sure why that bothers you so much.


Wanna vote nibel with me?

Think he's looking nervous since it's a new forum and only his third game.

Are you familiar with hayumi

what does this mean.

what do you think of retro thus far?

what is inorganically attentive?

what can you tell me about them?

town lean for this.

the fact after his first post he left the thread!

in contrast aurelian said hello then voted. craig also did nothing after his entry but he's far more experienced and not really a way to read him.

Where are you going with this frickles? Is this apart of your APPROACH?

Seems town to me. Interacts with Gramm, myself, Frinkles, Hayumi, Jinrei, Bachi, Xenos, etc...doesn't feel forced or like busywork in my eyes. Gut impression is Magic is town
why would you be worried?
Why would I be?


Leprous Monarch
xeno lowkey cucking magic imo fr fr on god
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