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Game Ranked Better Call Saul Mafia Game Thread [Game End - Serial Killer Victory]

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@The Orca I can quote a bunch of your posts and say they are horrible and they wouldnt mean anything. I believe when i've pushed someone ive explained exactly why.


Lonely at the top
don't be a coward

I've got a good feeling about this
I Can Do It GIF by Britannia

Believe in your dreams bb.


Independent of the whole "Who's Ultra" thing, I didn't like this post from yesterday when he's in the middle of tunneling cubey and then insists whoever defends him next is his partner

I think Guillo gets a bit of a pass for not knowing how everyone plays here but as a baseline assumption this is a pretty shit read, both for assuming scum would come in and start defending a supposedly outted player, and also stating this out loud to build consensus. Instead of just waiting for someone to do this.

His play reminds me very much of how I played as wolf in champs last year with his aggression. It's very effective in environments where players aren't familiar with you as you'll usually get a town read and also be forgiven for pushing mislynches easier. I suspect that's what he might be doing here
You misunderstand, read what i had said previously.
I said that because then scum would try to use that logic against me to buy credit.
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