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Bleach Thread


It's honestly average, the more entertaining part is people raging about Yumichika hating transpeople because he dared to put Giselle on the spot and laughing at them for it or them trying to make excuses for Giselle that makes no sense(Apparently Kubo isn't correct that Giselle is a boy because... a transgender said so... yeah that makes sense...).

It's not a bad episode and I'm looking more forward to Undead Hitsugaya beating some ass.
6/10 A great first half is kind of let down by the Pepe shit but still good overall.

The fact even a weakened Zombie Hitsugaya pretty much kills Mayuri instantly the second he goes Bankai every time is pretty telling of how insanely Hitsugaya is at this point. Never mind Mayuri needing the auto-react sensor so as to not get shredded by base/Shikai Hitsugaya.

Was fun watching the death of any notion of Robert only being an "average Sternritter" and somehow "weaker than the Femritters" as he forced Byakuya into Bankai while the Femritters didn't even want to fight him without Pepe. Still would like to know his schrift but the odds of that happening are pretty slim at this point.

Now we need to see what they do with Division 0.
Finally getting the chance to see the episode:


Pretty much the same as Adamant but considering I'm a Hitsugaya fan, it gets a point in seeing how insane Hitsugaya is basically utterly destroying Lieutenants, Fraccion and insta-killing Mayuri in Bankai.
The rest of the episode loses steam after Byakuya basically deals with the 3 Sternritter, though props to making Candice's and Nanana's losses less contrived(Even going back to a point brought up earlier in the season that Volstandigt takes alot of out of them to maintain) but it makes up for him basically speedblitzing the shit out of Sklaveri enhanced Volstandigt Robert with Bankai.
8/10 Genuinely a very good episode, I liked it.

It doesn't make Mustache a good character, but the flashback with ichibei does a much better job of establishing his motivations and end goal for the invasion than the manga ever did and continues to push the more sinister side to ichibei. It also gives a MUCH better reason fro Mustache not having The Almighty until this point as it was literally stripped from him.

Squad Zero going ham on the Elites was still nice. Askin was STILL the only one who reacted to Oetsu at all, moving back to avoid the slash (at least enough to survive it) and it was to actually see another application for The Antithesis in the Sasuke Rinnegan-esque trick. Overall it was just a very enjoyable watch.

Also I feel the need to point out but when we cut to Renji, Rukia and Bazz, Renji was STILL in Bankai (and poised to attack) and Bazz was in Vollstanding (which he wasn't in before). :maybe

"Re..Renji totally only used Bankai to protect Rukia from the debris and not against Bazz."

Suck it Bazz B doubters.

The episode ultimately doesn't get changed too much but the flashback was so much needed, it's not even funny as:

>Ichibei actually met with the Licht Reich before they invaded the Soul Society for a non-aggression pact
>Yhwach knew of what happened with the Soul King for a long ass time with his Almighty but Ichibei fully proved it when negotiations went south
>Yhwach's goal is outright stated by himself in that flashback
>Ichibei somehow had the left arm of the Soul King grafted onto him and used it to seal Yhwach's Almighty
Meaning Ichibei used what we ultimately know as Pernida to permanently seal away Yhwach's Almighty and the nibba is grateful for it because he didn't want to see how badly they butchered his pops
It also showed how slimy Ichibei is as he would have fully allowed Yhwach to rule the World of The Living with no cost

Honestly, it gives alot of credence for Ichibei having more hatred for Yhwach than Yamamoto(Since Yhwach not only tries to defy the "natural order", he continually spits in Ichibei's face), the reasons why Yhwach keeps on doing what he does as he knows the "Worlds" they are currently in are false and he got the visions just like Ichigo did except constantly.

It legit fixes the biggest issue of the tail end of the arc in the manga that basically everything was spoken but we never got any info of it whatsoever.

The funny part is that people are saying that this uncharted territory... when it absolutely is(Yhwach only used the Auschwalen as soon as all of them dropped and THEN went to Ichibei, here he explicitly with Uryu's Anti-Thesis, explicitly just rushes to Ichibei instead, all but implying that Haschwalth and Uryu will fight the Royal Guard for a bit while Yhwach fights Ichibei and THAT'S when he will use Auschwalen. This is more explicit as Kirinji actually appeared earlier and tried to attack Yhwach too with the Soul King Guards and failed due to Nianzol, meaning shit has already been changed entirely.

EDIT: They also cut away Nimaya's mini-fight with Askin too... yeah, this is a huge ass change altogether.
9/10 for both episodes.

The Zero Division live up to their hype, while also letting the Elite Nazis show off their abilities, the Auswalen scene was well done and Ichibei vs Mustache was pretty damn good for being as short as it was.

I'm not sure why they decided to end on a cliffhanger, unless for whatever reason they believe people are rooting against the Zero Division at this point. I can assure on my front, that's definitely not the case. If anything, the more I see of the Zero Division, the more apparent it becomes how much more interesting and likable they are, both as characters and as villains than the Nazis so still rooting for them (even though I know they aren't going to win).

I did like the reminder that Urahara is willing to do whatever it takes to see victory here, just like my boy Shunsui even if I do wish I could grab him and prevent him from going where I believe he's going. This arc already has one shitty villain dragging it down, it doesn't need the other, just leave him to rot. :hmpf

I think Rukia vs As Nodt was still the best episode of the Cour but episode 13 is a close second.

Looks like Uryu's going to be the one to defeat Shutara.
Presumably they're going to reveal both A schrifts at the same time.

Just give Ukitake SOMETHING before he bites it, that's all I ask.
And if Aizen MUST show up, at least have him do more.
I didn't do my review yesterday so I'll do it today so it won't be as indepth:

10/10 for both episodes, absolutely the best episodes of the entire Cour. It fixes one of the hugest problems with the Final Arc(The blustering of Squad Zero just for them to be defeated offscreen outside of Ichibe) by having them be fully worthy of their status by even having Uryu and Haschwalth fight them but also get absolutely destroyed by them.
While there isn't anything added in for Ichibei vs. Yhwach, there was no need to really add anything(Outside of having Yhwach use Auschwalen here which honestly flows better) meanwhile the Schutzstaffel in Volstandigt ultimately comes off superior to Squad Zero, we STILL end it off with Squad Zero showing they are absolute bullshit on toast and potentially at the 3rd Cour why Uryu is chosen as Yhwach's successor.

Like it cannot be understated how much I like these two episodes and I'm absolutely going to rewatch them when I can.

Really should be putting this stuff in here... more bullshit about Senjumaru's Bankai that includes you actually getting inflicted with what she does to you in there... OOF.
That means that Uryu was actually Auschwalen'd which explains why he survived since he's immune to it.

Additional note - The transformation being referenced here is Hollowfication, not Complete Hollowfication.

So yeah, this 100% means the mask of his Hollowfication is the same mask as H2. He would not adopt his H2 form in its entirety, his Hollowfication is only the mask.

Okay, so apparently, Ichigo's H2 Form was always meant to look like the form Hollow Ichigo looks like before he fused with Tensa Zangetsu:

However, the way I'm reading this heavily implies the Mask that Ichigo gets after he defeats Ulquirroa actually did in fact boost him to his H2 version either way(Since it's ultimately no different than what Hollow Ichigo has) and...
Remember what happened when he went against Aizen :maury

So the Blu-Ray came in with more details about Season 2, none of them are hugely major, just explaining how they wanted to do certain things(Like show that Haschwalth really is Yhwach's "Shadow King" when he sleeps), Kubo wanting to actually do the scenes where Ichigo trained with Ichibei but apparently he wouldn't be able to fit it with the Soul Reapers fighting(I believe Kubo is stating this out of his ass... but at the same time, I can slightly believe it?)

The images Ichigo witnesses while walking on the Irazusando path are very important as they shall be explained later on, in the remaining seasons. We would be very grateful if you could rewatch the Irazusando memories and what happens to Ichigo's eyes. Rather than being 'sacred' as it seems, the pathway of Irazusando is actually 'cursed', but we did not tell the rest of the animation team this, because we felt they would consider it too dark. The training ground is supposed to give an impression of a very old, abandoned, decrepit and terrifying shrine. As the story would become very 'scary', we somehow managed to balance the terrifying aspect with 'beauty'.
Kubo-Sensei made sure that we could depict the Irazusando road as an 'Inka hall'. 'Inka' means a philosophical 'seal' in which obtaining the seal is considered to be the highest form of understanding of one's innermost soul. 'Inka' translates to 'transmission' in which a student receives his teacher's philosophies. Here, Ichigo's zen buddhist teacher is the monk, and Ichigo obtains the seal from Ichibe Hyosube. The status of Ichigo's soul has been uplifted. In the same context as the training area under Urahara's shop, the path of Irazusando is underneath the monk's sitting ground. As one walks through the Irazusando road, they are not supposed to look at the stone path, but focus on the torii-gate instead. Ichigo suffered because his gaze was on the stone. The heavier his steps became, the torii-gate turned whiter and whiter. Originally, the torii-gate was black, the essence of Ichibe Hyosube. The rain that falls outside makes the body decay, so if Ichigo had strayed off the road, his body would have rotted away.

So it confirms what we already knew in that the Soul King's backstory has been massively changed and will factor into the story of the anime this time. It also just basically beats you over the head that Ichibei is one fucked up dude, for real.


I asked Kubo-Sensei about Rukia's Bankai because I didn't understand why her appearance changes. So Kubo-Sensei explained that an icy aura emanates from her blade similar to the first dance 'Tsukishiro' and pierces her through the centre. That's why it has been called a dangerous Bankai. And that's also why there's the word for 'punishment' in her Bankai.

Yeah basically, it's hard to see if Rukia's Bankai will ever be truly "safe" for her because holy fuck, that's a pretty fucked up Bankai for the enemy and the user alike.


We wanted to add a scene in which the highest-ranking member of the Sternritters, Jugram Haschwalth calls everyone to order. This was done to show how cold the faction was. We had Haschwalth sit on a throne, explaining very clearly that what they had to do was 'break the souls of the Shinigami'. We also wanted to highlight how powerful Jugram Haschwalth is as a commander. This scene has been portrayed to stand at par with the meetings called by Yama-jii and Aizen. It was not fan-service.

So Haschwalth is their equivalent to Yamamoto? That's... honestly a surprise, I know it doesn't mean powerwise(Though he WAS able to withstand Yamamoto's Bankai heat) but it just further shows the hierarchy of the Sternritters being similar yet not to the Seiretei.
I would say this in the Main Convo but I have seen this been said alot and it feels like it's just another notch against The Almighty so I'll say it in this thread instead:

@Adamant soul @Blade
I actually have seen alot of people actually state what happened against Ichibei when his attack got "No U"'d and he exploded wasn't that The Almighty made him immune or any of that garbage Haschwalth stated and others latched onto:

What simply happened is that Yhwach used his Future Sight to literally pull a Kakashi against Zabuza and hijacked his Kidou and used it against him. Which actually makes alot of sense and fits with every other scene of The Almighty never making Yhwach immune to something once he learned it(and in fact, did the opposite and just stop the attack or form through any means).
I'll still add Bleach news from here but it's gonna be a pain in the ass without using Youtubers and the like.

The Premiere happened in Japan so basically people are talking about what happened in Episode 1 and 2.
  • The anime original battle between Senjumaru vs Uryuu continues in episode 27
  • There is an "amazing" Uryuu scene that may take a few rewatches to understand
  • the name of "that person" (Soul King?) was casually revealed in episode 28
    • more details are given on the Soul King that make Yhwach's motivation a lot clearer than in the manga
    • Yhwach has a scene reminiscent of Elsa and Thermae Romae
    • Ichigo is determined to defeat Yhwach, but also has feelings like pity for him

These stick out the most to me so yeah, they also avoided a question if we will get more Bazz-B and Jugo scenes which came around a question of what characters to look out for in this Cour and Kubo stated Bazz-B and Haschwalth.

Ichigo feeling pity for Yhwach... is a choice but to be frank, considering the new insight he has on the Soul King, I think it is appropo he feels actual pity for Yhwach.

Trailer including a new version of Ichigo(Visored and Final Visored Ichigo) and Ulquirroa(who apparently just starts in Ressurcion and goes into Segunda Epata) and a pretty tight Story Mode sequence of their fight.

Hitsugaya, Kenpachi and Rangiku was only shown recently so nice confirmation the Espada will be in(though if it will include the Fraccion, who knows) and Gin's Bankai being there meant it was going to go all in like this.
But honestly, I want to know what Aizen's gameplay will be like and how they will do Dangai/Mugetsu Ichigo and Butterfly/Hollow Aizen.
Finally watched the Bleach episode and holy shit, did it live to the hype... and it already destroyed alot of The Almighty wank right off the bat LMFAO.

TL;DR it still kept it basically removing Ichibei's hax Shikai and Bankai, it's ultimately far more obvious and minute of how it does things(i.e. it more shifts around Yhwach personally as he dodged a few of Ichibei's attacks using it) and Haschwalth's words are more meant that Yhwach would know how an ability WORKS IN ADVANCE rather than be literally immune to it(He just uses a future where he palm blasts Ichibei's torso to kill him rather than turn his ability against him).

Like it's still powerful as fuck but holy shit, I knew it was gonna happen and I'm happy to be vindicated on that front.

Also I'm not sure if it's The Almighty that freed the Schutzstaffel from Shutara's Bankai(sorta as while we see Haschwalth not be affected, he was still stuck and thus would the others, only Uryu personally fought Shutara) or it was Yhwach's power from regaining The Almighty that did it. Uryu is still bullshit for personally freeing himself entirely though.

I also like how Kubo added in a Ritual for Ichibei's final gambit and make it so you literally cannot move at all during it as a safety measure. Makes it really feel unholy and further shows Ichibei's true nature.

Basically pulled from the Main Convo but to go a bit deeper before I basically give it a verdict:

- I like how Kubo added in Klub Outside info into it by confirming that Shutara knows Mayuri personally(And thus SHE was the original Captain of the proto-Science Division and Mayuri was the equivalent of her Lieutenant before she got called up) while talking to Uryu, thus completing the circle the manga touched on with their only interaction(Which IS odd as at first, it comes off Shutara is just that fast and Mayuri didn't want to talk back to a Zero Squad member... but now it's Mayuri is fucking terrified over his previous "Captain" knowing how he ticks so much, she can casually navigate his lab effortlessly)

- The irony of it all is that, I don't know, while there's obvious hostility in Shutara trying to kill Uryu, it also seems like she knows his actual situation which is why she went for painless deaths for him specifically(i.e. trying to stab him in the back and have his spirit get absorbed vs. everyone else). She even state that he would be fine if he just stayed in the WoTL while condemning Quincies as an "abberation"(Which makes sense considering Quincies are supposed to be for progress, but stand being a King wanting stagnation above all and are connected to the Primordial Quincy, the Soul King who also kept stagnation till the end).

- I actually find it both crazy and weird Uryu's Volstandigt is still underdeveloped yet so strong, it can still effect Bankai Shutara despite him having issues controlling it. It actually makes him actually being able to hurt Ichigo even more wild.

- The OP and ED fucking SLAPS and is honestly the best OP and ED of TYBW anime.

I would give the episode an 8/10, only because the first 5 minutes was basically a recap of the last episode which WAS needed with the long time it took between the 2nd and 3rd cour but it also hurts it a bit.
Alright, finally watched the Bleach episode in it's entirety and I gotta admit, they did this far, far, far better than the Manga by leaps and bounds.

Ichigo basically vapes Yhwach in Shikai as he was without The Almighty even using all of his tricks in the Soul Society and Ichigo just making him a bitch... which then Yhwach had to use The Almighty to kick Ichigo's ass(Which does seem to come with a powerup state for Yhwach unlike the Manga which just made it seem like it wasn't) but it wasn't like he was just FUBAR either.

I'm not sure about if Yhwach personally witnessed the Soul King's "humiliation" or it's what he saw with The Almighty as he did a thousand years ago but it's further put on notice the Soul King not only saw everything that happened with The Almighty, but truly did not give a shit about Yhwach or The Quincy(But we probably will get the Soul King's Reiatsu will try and murder the Soul Reapers too showing he has animosity for them next episode). This actually fits with Shutara's statements that the Quincy are a legit aberration to the Three Worlds itself and was forsaken by the Soul King.

And finally, in the Manga, Yhwach had Ichigo cut the Soul King down... for no real reason that feels OOC to how Yhwach just gets shit down unless it's to personally break Ichigo(Due to knowing he's the Soul King replacement and in his own twisted way trying to get him out of that situation). In the Anime? We actually tie up that shit from the first Season and Yhwach NEEDED Ichigo to cut down the Soul King because ONLY Ichigo could due to having the same constitution as the Soul King(Only Like can cut Like).
And yeah, I do like how they just fully throw out there that Ichibe basically sent Ichigo and Co. to their deaths and even Yhwach knows that(Which seems to be why Yhwach wants Ichigo to just give up as again, he knows Ichigo's fate in advance and this is his twisted way of getting him to stop).

I'm honestly praying that Yhwach demonstrating The Almighty on Ichigo here is gonna kill his ultimate bitch mode at the final battle and just get it out of the way as Ichigo actually handled it pretty fucking well compared to how he was in the manga and giving off that old Yusuke swagger he had in the past.

10/10, won't really add anything extra here.
Q: It seems that Harribel held Starrk in high regard due to him having a good relationship with his subordinate, but what did she think of Grimmjow's Fraccions, who also did not have any particular hierarchical sense among thmselves? Since they were a group of violent delinquents I wouldn’t think she had a good impression of them, or maybe she appreciated the fact that even after having become Arrancars their relationships had stayed unchanged?
Kubo: She doesn’t like them, but does have appreciation for them.
Grimmjow's team was the one where despite everyone being closest to each other, it was still properly kept in place.
Well, that's largely thanks to Shawlong though.

Q: What’s the difference between Shunpo and Sonido? I'm especially curious about Sonido as it possesses the special characteristic that allows one to slip through perception senses.
Kubo: Shunpo is mainly done through training the physical body, Hirenkyaku is done by training the ability to manipulate reishi, while Sonido is executed by converting the Reishi within the body into “something that is not Reishi”.

Q: Sensei! Did Captain Hirako & Co wear boxers while in the Living World? Or was it briefs? Or trunks?
Kubo: Hirako is a fashionable lad, so he can wear any type of underwear so that it matches his clothes.

More Klub Inside info(really should be more ontop for this...