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Game Unranked Bloodborne Mafia

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Lonely at the top
he didnt in last game
Jason Sudeikis Ted GIF by Apple TV+


never said anything about her play and said it wasn't about reads but the setup spec.

didnt say you tried defening her on her play, i said the opposite. i said you made it about there being more than one vig. i understand you were making the counter out to be a smoking gun but my issue with that is that even if she wasn't the sk the chances of her being scum just claiming vig to get the vig to claim were high as that's exactly what she did in ultra's game and he pointed out to you. it's weird you'd sooner think there could be more than one vig when one is odd/even night and the other is x-shot than just assume she's doing the fishing for claims thing again.
I'm not quite sure if you're following. My interaction with Ultra was specifically around her claim in relation to his... that was the crux of the contention I was making, you know, the part you're using to say I was TMI'ing her?

It's not weird at all - in Ultra's game she claimed something risky but benign in the sense that there is no danger of the real vig shooting her st night. That's kind of why Vig doesn't get fake claimed very often - it's way too risky. I did actually acknowledge that it could well be the case too, just that I didn't agree that the roles couldn't coexist at all. I even framed this as such to Ultra - I specifically told him the case (in this context, the case here is referring strictly to his claim and hers( wasn't compelling for me because of that.

To say nothing of course of burning a slot to get the Vig out in the open and not, say, the Cop.

So yeah none of this really stands. Next!


i dont, but i don't think he is, and i said "if these turn out non-mafia"
Well let me stop you here - that was ot your original statement. Your original statement was "if he is town, we kill Ratchet". No trial, no claim, no nothing, just blast me into the sun. You then brought up Bachi as a way to defend that sentiment - it was not argued as a qualifier, it was argued as an already-given premise.


i dont, but i don't think he is, and i said "if these turn out non-mafia"

and i don't think u wud be bussing rej because there was a cubey wagon and u moved from it to rej when u cud have just continued dunking on cubey if hes town

if rej, bachi, balsamic are non-mafia it looks rly bad on u, even worst if cubey is non-mafia as well. all i have to do is find magic as town there and u'd be scum just by the accuracy of ur pushes. call it paranoia, call it distrustfulness. i dont have the time nor enough proof to sit down and logically case you, but these players, if non-mafia, shud see it from their PoV that u r mislynching them one after the other and do something about it. both rej and bachi want you gone but may not be the types of players to be capable of pushing it through and are just getting overwhelmed, basically like tweet in JJK
Also why can't I just be wrong? You suspect all these same players with the exception of Bachi - what about my suspicion makes me purely scun when from your perspective you should be able to reconcile the suspicion as genuine given you share it. Almost half the game, functionally, isn't really playing, and a quarter day 1 straight up didnt. It is almost impossible to work with, I'm not at all confident I'm going to have a good strike rate with the game state being what it is.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Well let me stop you here - that was ot your original statement. Your original statement was "if he is town, we kill Ratchet". No trial, no claim, no nothing, just blast me into the sun. You then brought up Bachi as a way to defend that sentiment - it was not argued as a qualifier, it was argued as an already-given premise.
im not going to flip bachi before u baring info as i already have him as non mafia. all i need is to see rej's flip to proceed, if he flips town ur going to be top of my PoE. and sure u can claim etc... u already said u wont be lynched today so better be able to back that up, which is still not going to be 100% clearing with a janitor in play

i think rej is scum but doesnt hurt to solve beyond the flip in case it's wrong


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Also why can't I just be wrong? You suspect all these same players with the exception of Bachi - what about my suspicion makes me purely scun when from your perspective you should be able to reconcile the suspicion as genuine given you share it. Almost half the game, functionally, isn't really playing, and a quarter day 1 straight up didnt. It is almost impossible to work with, I'm not at all confident I'm going to have a good strike rate with the game state being what it is.
u can and i hope its right for my sanity. im already half assing as is and will be gone completely once avatar starts. if town isnt gna bother defending themselves against ur pushes i cba


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
ik im pulling a muugen here but with like no lynch day 1 and 6 slots with lower posts than the host (third of the player base btw) its so easy for scum to control the narrative if town are going to offer themselves on a plate, and i don't buy all inactives are scum, maybe 2 at best


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also fair that its harsh to criticize and pin on certain players when alot of the player base arent making themselves easy to read but just cuz thats possible doesn't mean it's the case and u can easily thrive as scum here like magic mentioned day 1 being lazy isnt really an acceptable excuse


ik im pulling a muugen here but with like no lynch day 1 and 6 slots with lower posts than the host (third of the player base btw) its so easy for scum to control the narrative if town are going to offer themselves on a plate, and i don't buy all inactives are scum, maybe 2 at best
Might be more than 2. I think cp could be scum that found the setup less than stellar without fakes leading to him being disinterested.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Might be more than 2. I think cp could be scum that found the setup less than stellar without fakes leading to him being disinterested.
im rescinding my town read on him until further notice


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also fair that its harsh to criticize and pin on certain players when alot of the player base arent making themselves easy to read but just cuz thats possible doesn't mean it's the case and u can easily thrive as scum here like magic mentioned day 1 being lazy isnt really an acceptable excuse
just as being wrong isnt


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
if we have roleblockers we shud flip rej and block balsamic imo
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