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Game Ranked Castlevania animated series Mafia - Game Thread

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Hans Tweetenberg

y didnt u amplify tempest? u townread him?
I did and he even told me that he had an x-shot ability that the amplify would probably work on, but he was really quiet during d2 so part of me thought he might be scum after all who's resting on his town reads for a bit. I was hoping to maybe find the vig and help them along but things didn't pan out that way. Even if I didn't happen to find any good use for the role I didn't think much of it, it's very rare for someone to use the role in a way where the amplify actually matters.

Not amplifying Gad was a mistake, I just abandoned the role pretty much and quit thinking


I did and he even told me that he had an x-shot ability that the amplify would probably work on, but he was really quiet during d2 so part of me thought he might be scum after all who's resting on his town reads for a bit. I was hoping to maybe find the vig and help them along but things didn't pan out that way. Even if I didn't happen to find any good use for the role I didn't think much of it, it's very rare for someone to use the role in a way where the amplify actually matters.

Not amplifying Gad was a mistake, I just abandoned the role pretty much and quit thinking

Wait, you did? He said you never did.


Leprous Monarch
Honestly if anyone's botched here it's most likely you, on account of clearly not being aware I told had to shoot nibel, and now you got your dick in your hand
Doesn't really fit with your theory that I blocked or redirected gad now does it


I did and he even told me that he had an x-shot ability that the amplify would probably work on, but he was really quiet during d2 so part of me thought he might be scum after all who's resting on his town reads for a bit. I was hoping to maybe find the vig and help them along but things didn't pan out that way. Even if I didn't happen to find any good use for the role I didn't think much of it, it's very rare for someone to use the role in a way where the amplify actually matters.

Not amplifying Gad was a mistake, I just abandoned the role pretty much and quit thinking


Leprous Monarch
I'm not the Serial killer you mong

Rugrat doesn't rolecop the double fucking voter, you are very desperate
Rugrat rolecopping you or not is irrelevant,I already said I didn't believe rugrat because he didn't give details. How am I a mong for pushing you as SK if I'm scum? Keep your story straight


Rugrat rolecopping you or not is irrelevant,I already said I didn't believe rugrat because he didn't give details. How am I a mong for pushing you as SK if I'm scum? Keep your story straight

So if you don't believe Rugrat is SK, you're basically admitting you think I'm SK off a hunch, and you're willing to take this hunch to the conclusion that we should lynch me...

Despite you earlier proposing that Hime could be on a team with 2 other scum when casing her

0 buys. You said she could have two team mates, so if you're pushing for SK here, by your own admission you are throwing.

Nice try. Keep mentioning these dumbass NPCs, they'll probably follow you like the lemmings they are.


Leprous Monarch
So if you don't believe Rugrat is SK, you're basically admitting you think I'm SK off a hunch, and you're willing to take this hunch to the conclusion that we should lynch me...

Despite you earlier proposing that Hime could be on a team with 2 other scum when casing her

0 buys. You said she could have two team mates, so if you're pushing for SK here, by your own admission you are throwing.

Nice try. Keep mentioning these dumbass NPCs, they'll probably follow you like the lemmings they are.
What the fuck are you talking about? Rugrat flipped GF


fwiw i can reconcile tweet as just a townie who just hella fucked up
but id have to revisit fuji/watson in that case
on that note tho, i do think watson looks better than fuji at the very least

anyways i feel like thats something to revisit later after nibel/tempest r solved
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