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Game Ranked Castlevania animated series Mafia - Game Thread

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Ok every post is an exaggeration

but every post which invokes that kind of ate nonsense


Polarized Noob
I hate every single post of yours and shit like the bolded sums up why - you using this as an excuse is very silly.
I didn't intend for that post to be read into and used as an excuse. It's me venting frustrations with the game, hence why I originally intended it as a spoiler not to open :3
I'm not using it as an excuse really. I just don't think that I care for much of the game after that. I do think that me losing motivation after the fact that I was tunneled on by a good portion of the players day one is reasonable, especially if you factor in the simple fact that I normally do lose motivation after D1.


Polarized Noob
I don't think that I've tried to use AtE this game at all no matter my alignment, I'd like you to believe that at the very least. But, it could be unintentional I suppose.


Polarized Noob
I'm going to go to sleep. Sorry if any of my posts came off as sounding like AtE this game I guess, I think I've tried to avoid it and have mostly been successful. Maybe. Goodnight.

Lord Melkor

Vote Lynch Nibel


everyone should offer a solve before we lynch anyone
Vote lynch Nibel

Well shit. Better stop suspecting him and lynch you

Vote lynch Luka

Is that a challenge

Vote lynch Luka

Wow that was unexpextably fucking boring


Vote lynch Tempest

vote ultra

Gonna play games with the rest of my night, peace

Vote lynch Luka

@Flower @Lord Melkor vote count

Fuck it I'm doing this, it's the only way I can save Nibel!

vote Luka

Vote lynch Tempest

consider this a placeholder to check my vot


read post-game, or now, idrc
i just ask that u dont form any read of me from this post bc its coming from me as a person rather than me as a player here

This is going to come off very blunt, but I hope you don't take it in a bad way.

Your problem is that you believe the @bolded.
You constantly "worship" certain players or, in better words, put them at some God-tier level in your head and in turn, think of yourself as a lesser player in comparison.
This translates into low confidence which only further spirals down every time someone insults you or scum reads you when you're town.

Your confidence levels are so bad that you think you're way worse than the average player which is not true. This is stunting your growth as a player because you are too worried about messing up, too worried about being a hinderance, and too worried about what people think of you, hence not allowing you to play freely and not allowing you to more easily mature in the game.

You can ignore this if you like and say I'm playing armchair therapist or whatever. In fact, I could be wrong, I don't really know you. I'm just speaking from my own experience, though.

It's still a mindset that I'm working to break out of, but I feel like I've made a bit of progress on it since maybe last summer when I stopped "worshipping" a certain person. This is not to say that you can't look up to people and respect them, of course. I do that now instead. I believe there's a difference between the former and the latter though. The former puts the individual at a much more unattainable level whereas the latter pushes you to improve more because you acknowledge that they're a regular person like yourself who has just gained more experience than you and properly applied said experience into their current playstyle. It takes away the idea of them being someone "you can't be or play like". I found it to be a much healthier way of thinking.

Anyway, like I said, maybe this doesn't apply to you. If so, ignore.


Fuji: Nibel
Tempest: Ultra - Luka
Watson: Luka-unvote
Luka: Nibel
ULtra: Nibel-Luka-Tempest-Luka-Tempest

Nibel: 2
Luka/Tempest: 1

with 9 alive it is 5 to hammer.

let me know if there are any mistakes
i believe im voting nibel?


@Lord Melkor @Flower
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