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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
"Prove that the lightning is as fast as lightning"

Classic SB counterargument

someone in a DCEU Thread literally said the bullets Diana blocked were slow

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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
I assume the Toaru character is out of his league here? I'm not familiar with Toaru so I don't know?
"Prove that the lightning is as fast as lightning"

Classic SB counterargument

The worst part is that it's not only the main counterargument they use, it's primarily the most commonly used one that they will drop on a dime for, again, any pet series they like(Which is primarily To Aru).

"Prove the Lightning is actual Lightning?" It comes from manipulation of the electromagnetic spectrum? That means nothing at all!
It literally comes from the person to the sky and from the sky back to the target on the ground? They most likely aim dodged it!
The Lightning comes from a Magic that- NOPE! Magic is Magic and thus the feat can't be used as it's not "True Lightning".

Okay it's Misaka from To Aru... OH IT IS! Then it's absolutely 100% real Lightning and anyone stacks to that then!

That's literally how it goes for SB Land when it comes to debating Lightning.
SB should just quit vs debating.

They truly should, they absolutely fucking suck at it.

That's literally from the diatribe I only copied and pasted because it was so fucking stupid, I couldn't even force myself to fully read it. The fact he actually went to "slow fucking bullets" and actually thinks that's a legit way to downplay feats is fucking mental but completely indicative of Spacebattles logic

I've seen better debates in fucking ComicVine and most of that shit is filled with Multiversal Dimensional Tiering bullshit that's mixing in superhard with trolling and blatant parody attempts.

I assume the Toaru character is out of his league here? I'm not familiar with Toaru so I don't know?

Othinus is Universal with Gungnir and otherwise is SUPPOSED to be Universal without it but suffers a 50/50 Probability choice of having the spell succeed or either not work and literally backfire on her.
She's one of the quintessential characters SB loves to use whenever it comes to To Aru and she's honestly the most fucking boring since it ALWAYS comes back to the first one being used alot.
So basically any Digimon with Universal+/Multiversal backing would absolutely murder her... which is everyone in that list.

It is completely canon that Herc can tank Sutr's sword
Sure, if we ignore the whole context behind on why he can do it, and the whole story of Lostbelt 2, yes he can

I see we are back on the "Fate is actually a weak and inconsistent verse again, let's not fully believe everyone gets easily stomped by Night Raid because reasons" train again... choo-choo.

No they are not, if they are then Mordred in apocrypha wouldn't die from one.
It doesn't matter who or how strong the poisoner is, the mere fact they they can die from poison mean that they can, it's just a matter of how much potent does a poison need to be to kill them.

Wow, a SB'er who is ignoring their own hypocrisy to completely get a scene wrong.
Mordred explicitly wasn't dying from any typical poison when Semiramis was trying to kill her(yeah she coughed up blood once but that wasn't enough to put her down). What WAS killing her when Semiramis finally had enough? Hydra Venom:

Fate/Apocrypha material - Encyclopedia: Hydra [Magical Beast], p.181 [T]

And did people forget that even in real life myth, Hydra Venom is some truly fucked up shit where the fucking pain was so unbearable, Chiron killed himself and Heracles ultimately just chose to burn himself to death rather than let the pain continue any further. So in comparison, you really can't just say it's "any poison" can ultimately kill a Servant when it had to be bullshit like Hydra Venom to ultimately do so.

Okay now this is just funny...

Somehow still better than SB would be at Debates.


Meliodas' scaling is more clear cut and you can easily define his tier. People's opinions on Ichigo range from city to universal so he shouldn't really be a character that's used on the battle boards. Imo he loses here

1. That's fucking adorable to pretend Meliodas has any actual better scaling than Ichigo(Like he can literally be from Country to Continental based on how you can interpret his feats and the Demon King and Supreme Deity are ultra jobbers).

2. Ichigo is only anything above Continental/Multi-Continental due to people trying to stupidly scale him to Soul King Yhwach and believes he's Universal because of some random shit stated in CFYOW.


Man of Atom

Spacebattles need to get the fuck on

  1. Abigail Williams
  2. Gilgamesh
  3. King Hassan
  4. God Arjuna
  5. Tiamat
  6. Kirschtaria Wodime
  7. Oberon
  8. Morgan
  9. Buddha
  10. Romulus-Quirinus
  11. Beast III/R Kiara
  12. Arcueid (Remake)
  13. Mysterious Heroine XX
  14. Zeus
  15. Sefar
  16. Chaos
  17. MHX Alter
  18. Goetia

Outside of potentially Abigail, every single person here would sadly murder Shinrabanshoman despite his abilities... guess how SB believes he will somehow outstat most of these people?

>Believes he can outstat God Fucking Arjuna.
Only in SB's wildest dreams is that even true. I even found out that God Arjuna doesn't even NEED the Lostbelt to be seen as "perfect", him being able to control the Yuga Cycles is more than enough.

Shinrabanshoman would get fucked up as badly as Chaldeas did against him the first 2 times they've met.

I can go through a tear on this entire page on how EVERYTHING ABOUT IT IS SO UNFATHOMABLY WRONG but at this point, I want to focus on a few and then just move on because this is going to take my entire life(ironic how all of these terrible takes happened AFTER I get perma-banned and most of the Fate debaters virtually left the site or hobby as well).

This is a truly unfathomably bad take... so let's start from the top:
1. We literally have in the text of Turas Realta in the exact page where Fergus does his Mountain chopping feat, Hektor(Who remembers Orleans and has seen and worked with Heracles) stated that Heracles is still stronger:
This is also hilariously ignoring that Alcides, the weaker Heracles, was able to flex a Mountain off himself in Strange Fake:
The moment when it happens.

The moment he easily gets out which fits the narration in the LN.

2. I want to know exactly what people love to think "Heroic Willpower" is an outlier... when we have seen that happen so many times in Media as a whole? Vegeta breaking out of Babidi's spell or any brainwashed character breaking out of mind control on their own, characters that are able to stand, move, still fight despite every single bone in their body being broken and shattered, etc, etc. If the character can do said impossible thing... they can do said impossible thing. For fuck's sake, would they pretend the MISAKA Network still existing despite Othinus deleting the entire Universe and everyone living in it doesn't count as that then? Because that definitely comes off as such. And secondly "He had help" AFTER he first blocked it. The fact that SB'ers can't even recognize the extremely obvious timeline despite having the video there clearly showed he blocked it on his own and THEN he got help.

3. "No Servant scales to Dioscuri or Romulus Quirinus" Literally Mash, Musashi, Holmes and most likely Caligula ALL DO because they literally fought Dioscuri when they used their Authority in that fashion. A dead EMIYA Alter literally did so as did Tristan when the former was able to tag Meltryllis while she was in FTL and so did Tristan straight after. And you know, the Machine Gods are literal Interstellar Ships and they show they can explicitly move... so I'm certain that in order for anyone to hurt them, they would ALSO have to be capable of moving or attacking at this speeds too?

I mean it's not like I made a threadmark for this exact thing so people won't be pretending Servants are just stuck at supersonic because they can't read... https://onelastforum.com/threads/type-moon-nasuverse-feats-general-thread.112/page-5#post-56020

4. "Rho Aias only blocks projectiles" is an extremely stupid take considering Rho Aias is a fucking shield that has never once been stated to explicitly only block projectiles.
Fate/side material - Encyclopedia: Rho Aias [Noble Phantasm], p.078-079 [T]

Apparently having conceptual absolute defensive power = ONLY being useful against Defensive Power Weapons(don't bring this up with Fate/Extra or CCC where he has it and can use it against anything INCLUDING Physical attacks...)
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