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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
"Werewolves are meant to represent people with HIV!"

So they're psychos who go around deliberately infecting children?

You really thought this one out, didn't you Rowling.
she is one of the dumbest and most bitchmade people i have ever seen

how are you the highest selling author of ALL time and you still got time to sit in your mansion angry that transgender people exist :skully

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
she is one of the dumbest and most bitchmade people i have ever seen

how are you the highest selling author of ALL time and you still got time to sit in your mansion angry that transgender people exist :skully
I remember one time she was saying how she was doxxed because people where standing outside her castle and posting photos on Twitter, when Castle Rowling has had a Wikipedia page for years.

"Hagrid is transgender."

Ok this is even funnier in retrospect. :smugnon

Yup, it’s glorified “I’m invisible” skill from Assassin Servants means nothing to a simple radar

That's literally not how that skill works but again, SB loves to constantly downplay Fate whenever they get the chance but whenever it gets to To Aru, it goes to truly mind-numbing extremes.
Presence Concealment: A+
The greatest weapon of the Assassin class is Presence Containment. When this power is activated, it is possible to completely cut off one's presence. When Hassan is so concealed, it is impossible even for a Servant to sense his presence. One would not be able to tell if Hassan was approaching, if he had already left the area, or if he had even been there in the first place... Thus, Hassan is able to gather intelligence with impunity. Security systems of any kind are meaningless before him.
Also, Hassan-i Sabbāh is a being created from the nineteen people that inherited the name. When Assassin is summoned, one of those nineteen individuals will appear. Naturally, Assassin's abilities and Noble Phantasms change depending on which Hassan is summoned. However, the excellent Presence Containment skill is a class ability, so it is shared by all Assassins. As described above, each Hassan has removed his or her nose and skin to create a faceless appearance, which carries the significance of being "nobody." It is hypothesized that the anonymity of being "nobody," the elimination of the self, also influences Presence Containment's ability to "hide oneself." Incidentally, the nineteen Hassans each have unique personalities, so the reader should take care to remember that they are not emotionless fighting machines.
Each of the "Hassans" are not quite Heroic Spirits, but rather mere wraiths (Heroic Spirits are heroes that have left their names in history, and assassins have no names). In comparison to the other Servants, Assassin's combat ability is lacking. However, the discussion changes if Assassin uses Presence Containment to obtain a perfect killing opportunity. Even if the first blow fails to defeat the enemy, Assassin can conceal himself again with Presence Containment, and vigilantly await another opportunity. As a matter of fact, even the formidable Cu Chulainn was easily defeated when he faced Hassan.
Nonetheless, there are weaknesses. In the moment that the user launches an attack, the rank of Presence Containment dramatically decreases. A normal person would fail to notice the killing intent and be sent to the world beyond. However, Hassan's opponents are Servants. For example, with Artoria's Instinct, it is possible to sense the presence of a trap and respond to it. Strategic planning on the Master's part is essential to make the best use of this crafty Servant.

EDIT: To put this into perspective of how good Presence Concealment can be, Shirou Emiya's house is protected by one of the best Bounded Fields around(basically his and Rin's house is very much protected by a field that isolates space and can be further modified to help further with other shit.), Shirou has a literal alarm that makes him know if someone just entered his estate(Which happened with Medea in one of the routes even if she attacked immediately after) Cursed Arm? Literally just wandered in without no one noticing.

Here, Hassan's presence concealment is good enough to get through Kiritsugu's bounded field around Shirou's home without being detected.

Here, Hassan throws a dirk at Shirou while under Presence Concealment. Shirou’s chest is pierced. Here, Shirou rushes to escape through the window, Hassan cuts his carotid artery when his hands reach the windowsill.

I mean even in F/GO despite all the “powercreep”, this is considered impressive


And I'm certain it was the same deal as Misaka being able to keep up with Supersonic Jets was also supposed to be impressive? I really love cherrypicking examples like this as it really shows just how much off the pits VS. Debators have truly become when we just got out of a Lostbelt with characters reacting to LS and FTL movement and Gilgamesh is VERY MUCH treating Kingu like his best friend Enkidu because the former is using the latter's recently dead CORPSE.
This is also hilarious when even the Wikia points out Servants don't like to waste mana going super fast over long distances and literally go cruise control instead or find other sources to not waste it(Meaning it's a literal trait to do so)

So what part of that purple prose tells me their not physically tangible with the sneak skill again?

>Says this while constantly sucking To Aru's dick which does this so bad, we literally have people here who admit that's a primary issue of getting feats from it.

And not able to interact with Misaka in spiritual form

And kill her the second he gets out of it like he did Ozymandias.

yes and in that form he cant do anything and thats not presence concealment but a basic servant ability that cant actually be used in combat as it takes a few seconds to re-materialize without using a command seal.

Assassin's combat ability is lacking. However, the discussion changes if Assassin uses Presence Containment to obtain a perfect killing opportunity. Even if the first blow fails to defeat the enemy, Assassin can conceal himself again with Presence Containment, and vigilantly await another opportunity.

That's not a stated weakness of Presence Concealment in any fashion, hell, even in the section where it has weaknesses, this is stated:
Nonetheless, there are weaknesses. In the moment that the user launches an attack, the rank of Presence Containment dramatically decreases. A normal person would fail to notice the killing intent and be sent to the world beyond. However, Hassan's opponents are Servants. For example, with Artoria's Instinct, it is possible to sense the presence of a trap and respond to it. Strategic planning on the Master's part is essential to make the best use of this crafty Servant.

So you would need Servant-level awareness to even notice a high level Presence Concealment even when the massive rank decrease.

And I find it hilarious that he's trying to make Misaka MULTIPLE TIMES the Speed of Light despite again, she doesn't fit that in the slightest. I think she's absolutely faster than Lightning but faster than light? Since when?


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

That's literally not how that skill works but again, SB loves to constantly downplay Fate whenever they get the chance but whenever it gets to To Aru, it goes to truly mind-numbing extremes.
Presence Concealment: A+

And I'm certain it was the same deal as Misaka being able to keep up with Supersonic Jets was also supposed to be impressive? I really love cherrypicking examples like this as it really shows just how much off the pits VS. Debators have truly become when we just got out of a Lostbelt with characters reacting to LS and FTL movement and Gilgamesh is VERY MUCH treating Kingu like his best friend Enkidu because the former is using the latter's recently dead CORPSE.
This is also hilarious when even the Wikia points out Servants don't like to waste mana going super fast over long distances and literally go cruise control instead or find other sources to not waste it(Meaning it's a literal trait to do so)

>Says this while constantly sucking To Aru's dick which does this so bad, we literally have people here who admit that's a primary issue of getting feats from it.

And kill her the second he gets out of it like he did Ozymandias.

Assassin's combat ability is lacking. However, the discussion changes if Assassin uses Presence Containment to obtain a perfect killing opportunity. Even if the first blow fails to defeat the enemy, Assassin can conceal himself again with Presence Containment, and vigilantly await another opportunity.

That's not a stated weakness of Presence Concealment in any fashion, hell, even in the section where it has weaknesses, this is stated:
Nonetheless, there are weaknesses. In the moment that the user launches an attack, the rank of Presence Containment dramatically decreases. A normal person would fail to notice the killing intent and be sent to the world beyond. However, Hassan's opponents are Servants. For example, with Artoria's Instinct, it is possible to sense the presence of a trap and respond to it. Strategic planning on the Master's part is essential to make the best use of this crafty Servant.

So you would need Servant-level awareness to even notice a high level Presence Concealment even when the massive rank decrease.

And I find it hilarious that he's trying to make Misaka MULTIPLE TIMES the Speed of Light despite again, she doesn't fit that in the slightest. I think she's absolutely faster than Lightning but faster than light? Since when?
With VERY iffy scaling her to Brunhild/Saints you could, but she obviously doesn't stack up to them besides "doesn't get instantly splattered", which while impressive, just isn't enough. :mjlol
With VERY iffy scaling her to Brunhild/Saints you could, but she obviously doesn't stack up to them besides "doesn't get instantly splattered", which while impressive, just isn't enough. :mjlol

Like I'm being really fair to To Aru right now like you wouldn't believe... but it still gets me when they have to basically bullshit around crap like this.
Like the "Servants can only go at X speeds" is even debunked now as Servants, even stated in the recent series is only hindered from moving superfast at long distances because of mana issues:
A sufficiently 'enhanced' body is comparable to the speed of a bullet. Of the twenty-eight rifle bullets, he handles only the seven that were aimed at himself and his master. The magic power exploded in the soles of his feet is converted into propulsion.
The maximum acceleration and speed of a Servant is far above a V-Max, but the V-Max could maintain its speed so long as there was fuel left.

However, there was no need to feel anxious. It was true that a Servant’s dexterity was far above that of the V-Max in terms of maximum acceleration and maximum speed. However, this iron beast could maintain its speed as long as there was fuel left. If she was expecting a drawn-out pursuit, then the motorcycle would be very advantageous.
Accompanying Rider’s roar, the bulls stamped hard once on the asphalt ground; their cloven hooves rushed forward like raging billows. Waver, though overwhelmed by their majesty, nevertheless made an utmost effort to open his eyes wide, so as not to pass out again like the last time. At the fore was a very strong anti-city Noble Phantasm about to be released; in order to gain the initiative, Rider rushed as if his life depended on it, definitely unwilling to give up an opportunity to defeat Saber.

The King of Conquerors’ direct attack sent a shiver down Saber’s spine. By the rushing of the divine bulls, the hundred-meter distance had instantaneously been decreased to zero. In the blink of an eye, the might of Gordius Wheel manifested before her eyes.

If the hilt of her precious sword had still been in her hand, then she would definitely have been certain of victory; facing the golden radiance that Rider raised, there was only one thing that she could shout out, one true name.

Like come the fuck on, this shit should be obvious to anyone who has ever read fiction before.
They do this same shit with Lostbelt Artemis and say she only does ISLAND destroying blasts when everything about what the story, characters and lore states, she's a Large Planet Buster and everyone sees her as such.


With VERY iffy scaling her to Brunhild/Saints you could, but she obviously doesn't stack up to them besides "doesn't get instantly splattered", which while impressive, just isn't enough. :mjlol
It was said that Brünhilde was completely serious and ready to kill Misaka, so when she first attacked, she surpassed the speed of sound. So the scaling, though shaky, is still there.

Pretty certain Mugino doesn't even use light, it's basically a far more concentrated version of what Misaka uses, this wouldn't make her LS or FTL.

Unknown magic lasers that don’t even act like them vs Real life Electron Beams from Mugino and Index’s Dragons’ Breath that was explicitly called a beam of photons.

Not to mention the moment it was redirected by Kanzaki, the beam instantly shot down a satellite in orbit

I like how this dumbass actually explicitly picks and chooses despite the Mash!Galahad feat is literally the same hogwash he's using for Misaka dodging Mugino's attacks despite them being legit lasers themselves(as Chaldeas is made from a combination of Magic and Science)

Fail to see how physical enhancements don’t include speed unless stated

That's... not how that works... unless you actually want to go with the fact that Servants are as strong as they are fast... which is true.

Turn based RPG fight tells me nothing about the details of the fight like her actually reacting to the twins. Reminds me of folks arguing that since some Type Moon Mages fire lightning for spells, their all lightning timers by default despite no feats of actually reacting to those spells and mages like Kayneth being too slow to do anything except preemptively defend against just regular bullets

1. Actually learn how Magecraft operates as it recreates known phenomena explicitly. Thus they ARE Lightning users just like Misaka is.

2. Kayneth got shot because Kiritsugu explicitly used the weakness of Kayneth's MC and shot right through it, Kayneth and his MC otherwise reacts extremely effortlessly to bullets, claymore mines and explosions.

Dont see why not when again, the nanomachines are an overall enhancement

Only Zeus's is ever stated to be an overall enhancement:

So yes, there can be a potential fact that Ares Klironomia only buffs your physical strength, not your actual physical stats.

Now this tells me something. The only thing that hurts arguing LS Musashi is that the passage says they can’t use their true Authority without killing themselves since their no longer Divine Spirits as the time. With how their Authority emphasizes speed, I see no reason to assume their moving at the same speeds while gimped or Musashi reacted to a light speed or FTL attack that didn’t harm, let alone kill Castor performing

No, it only hurts Castor to go FTL without being a true Divine Spirit, they went LS just fine many, many times without a single problem otherwise. Quit trying to overwrite what people tell you.

EDIT: I didn't bother putting this in the replies but I want to say something outright too:
Support Spells and Nanomachines don't buff you into the damn stratosphere(or else we wouldn't have scenes like this one proving completely the opposite:


So yeah, while I haven't played Olympus myself, the characters wasn't dumped in by huge amounts of Nanomachines to make up any real differences, they only had a decent amount to be able to deal with the various Authorities they had to deal with there. Everything is 100% them and their skills and powers).
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@Mr.OMG It seems Astaro is using what you said before to actually further buff Misaka despite you saying that it's on some really shaky ground to put her > most Servants.


V.I.P. Member
For what it's worth Mugino's attacks likely are lightspeed since they are electron beams. That said Misaka and Mugino have similar abilities and can sense each others attacks coming (and redirect them to an extent)
For what it's worth Mugino's attacks likely are lightspeed since they are electron beams. That said Misaka and Mugino have similar abilities and can sense each others attacks coming (and redirect them to an extent)

So basically they are actual lightspeed attacks(atleast Mugino's are) but due to being able to sense and redirect them, they aren't at that level of speed right?
What happened there? Why'd she fall down?

Did she run out of energy because she doesn't have a master or something?

No, Galahad forcibly took control of her body and mind throughout that sequence and at the end of it, she regained some level of control and at that, Galahad relinquished control(You can see her eye color change entirely to signify both ends).


Slightly Above Average

Pretty certain Mugino doesn't even use light, it's basically a far more concentrated version of what Misaka uses, this wouldn't make her LS or FTL.
Mugino fires a special kind of electron beam, which could be any speed. (electrons are matter and as such have no fixed natural velocity)

She can at least react to lightning, though.


V.I.P. Member
So basically they are actual lightspeed attacks(atleast Mugino's are) but due to being able to sense and redirect them, they aren't at that level of speed right?

Basically. Tbh I think Misaka has some lightspeed feats later on and her lightning is supposed to exceed the speed of light because of esper bullshit, but I have nothing but hearsay on those and I refuse to go looking :zaru
Mugino fires a special kind of electron beam, which could be any speed.

She can at least react to lightning, though.

It's not really confusing, just weird since I get where you and Cross is saying, I usually just see people being as fast or faster than what they can do... but I do know Mugino is that really rare person who isn't immune to their powers in any fashion and thus it would make more sense.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
No, Galahad forcibly took control of her body and mind throughout that sequence and at the end of it, she regained some level of control and at that, Galahad relinquished control(You can see her eye color change entirely to signify both ends).
I see, gotcha.

Galahad is the guy standing behind all the barriers I'm assuming?
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