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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
If only Seth joined this forum.

That's when the real kino would begin

And back to the retarded thread again(Seriously, there's such a goldmine for stupidity in this thread and why To Aru is banned here for awhile until we get some actual precise shit for their feats):
Got to give the Fate side credit. This time around, I was presented some pretty clear feats

The early stuff with Misaka’s Radar vs Assassin’s poorly defined Presence Concealment was the only headache

Pot calling the kettle black. Again I'm going to be real, what the hell about most of this shit is "not clear"? No fucking joke, I can't even tell half of the times what I'm reading from Kamachi because he's not even being remotely concise in the shit he's saying.
Nasu, meanwhile, loves to invent new words and phrases once in awhile... but he hilariously will explain them after awhile to the point it can easily be figured out by a goddamned novice.

It's fucking weird Astaro(and some of the other SB regulars to be real) act like Nasu works is so impossible to get into but then praise Kamachi when how he words shit in general is a consistent problem with his works across the board.

Holmes' support is prediction and observaton based, which obviously gives a higher return when it comes to blocking one fast attack versus fighting a stronger person for a period of time.

Yeah, ONE ATTACK and that's even if we go that far with it when they was still would be able to dodge Dioscuri's attacks with all of the characters helping mind, that loses alot of steam

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Truth be told Nasu's and Kamachi's prose just sounds the same to me.
Truth be told Nasu's and Kamachi's prose just sounds the same to me.

To me, it legit doesn't and I don't even say that as a person who favors Nasu all that highly.
I can read fan translations of stuff from FGO or from Case Files(which isn't done by him but it is done by authors who write similarly to him) and they are pretty damn apparent in how they write something vs. how Kamachi does so(and I know, I see you guys bring in passages from his works).

Case Files – volume one – chapter five – part three said:

Like is there prose? Yeah there is... but it's still pretty obvious on what's happening and not going too far to the point that getting someone to point it out you aren't just wondering if the writer is just taking the piss.

I can bring in something written by Nasu if you really want to make comparisons but technically, Urobuchi wrote F/Zero and another author did this one. I can bring in a passage from Fate/Extra, CCC, Extella or Lostbelt 6 as he explicitly wrote those.
Eh, it's just my opinion but yeah to me that sounds similar to how Kamachi writes.

Well to me as I'm reading through some of the stuff you have, I don't think it's similar in the slightest.
Kamachi has the tendency to not know when to stop describing something happening and actually explain something that should be far more important happening, thus wasting time and leaving people confused.

Nasu likes using new words and phrases to the point it can seem like it's just pure prose... till he explains it later or it appears in his other works. Otherwise outside of that, it's alot more concise on where he's primarily aiming at in a scene.

Yeah I know it's your opinion and there's no right or wrong answer. I'm saying that as a person who is WAY too wired for shit like this, I can really tell the difference between the two like I can for Kubo and Kishi's writing style for example(I can do the same for Oda but One Piece usually bores me after awhile).



The point is that Kamachi knows about power levels, and very well, even too well, he's so well versed in all that it's sometimes hard for the average person to understand what he's thinking. It's like the average person trying to figure out what a scientist is talking about. You just don't have enough knowledge to understand what he's talking about. And that's totally fucked up. Here's an example.

What the Lady creates is different from golden spells that sound like complicated formulas. No, it sounds more like a children's song. The simple words were a series of sticky terms that carried dark traditions and other aspects of the past. She read the classics and concentrated to the point where a certain image becomes visible to the naked eye. In short, she evokes the spirit of Mercury, quite different from the Golden Kabbalah. This great power has no physical form. It is simply a great force that collapses into the earth and destroys the entire area. An explosion followed by a whirlwind of destruction, like a huge tornado that has been trapped in some space before spewing out all the force at once. The effect is the same as in astrology and the connection between sulfur, salt and mercury in alchemy. Instead of referring to a planet orbiting the Sun, certain symbols and signs are given energy to control them. As in astrology, where exactly the stars are in the observable universe is of little importance. The point is how they line up, from Earth's perspective. If you translate this in the manner of Modern Western Magic, it has to do with the Four Elements, but the idea is exactly the same. It can get more complicated if you add Enoch, but in this case it would be the wind element. When you convert from decimal to hex, the number doesn't actually change, you just look at it from a different angle. Every man and woman is a star. Simply put, the power used is the natural energy circulating through the earth, i.e., the ley lines. It seems as if the attack is falling from the sky, but in fact it is exactly the opposite. It bursts on the earth and rises to the sky. Just as the human eye sees a car wheel spinning backwards, if it is spun to sufficient speed. The Lady has placed Mercury in the night sky, removed one element from the energy building up on Earth to destabilize that energy and send it to an imaginary point. It's as simple as that.

Dead Lock

Banned Member
It's as simple as that.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
That's the point, Kamachi is so well versed in the occult that it sounds like nonsense to the average person. Now imagine that you have to figure it all out and interpret it correctly.
Okay, then that's Kamachi's fault. Also, Kamachi's writing isn't so obtuse. He does explain shit. You're just purposely making it obtuse as hell.
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