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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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And back to the retarded thread again(Seriously, there's such a goldmine for stupidity in this thread and why To Aru is banned here for awhile until we get some actual precise shit for their feats):
Got to give the Fate side credit. This time around, I was presented some pretty clear feats

The early stuff with Misaka’s Radar vs Assassin’s poorly defined Presence Concealment was the only headache

Pot calling the kettle black. Again I'm going to be real, what the hell about most of this shit is "not clear"? No fucking joke, I can't even tell half of the times what I'm reading from Kamachi because he's not even being remotely concise in the shit he's saying.
Nasu, meanwhile, loves to invent new words and phrases once in awhile... but he hilariously will explain them after awhile to the point it can easily be figured out by a goddamned novice.

It's fucking weird Astaro(and some of the other SB regulars to be real) act like Nasu works is so impossible to get into but then praise Kamachi when how he words shit in general is a consistent problem with his works across the board.

Holmes' support is prediction and observaton based, which obviously gives a higher return when it comes to blocking one fast attack versus fighting a stronger person for a period of time.

Yeah, ONE ATTACK and that's even if we go that far with it when they was still would be able to dodge Dioscuri's attacks with all of the characters helping mind, that loses alot of steam

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Pot calling the kettle black. Again I'm going to be real, what the hell about most of this shit is "not clear"? No fucking joke, I can't even tell half of the times what I'm reading from Kamachi because he's not even being remotely concise in the shit he's saying.
Nasu, meanwhile, loves to invent new words and phrases once in awhile... but he hilariously will explain them after awhile to the point it can easily be figured out by a goddamned novice.
Truth be told Nasu's and Kamachi's prose just sounds the same to me.
Truth be told Nasu's and Kamachi's prose just sounds the same to me.

To me, it legit doesn't and I don't even say that as a person who favors Nasu all that highly.
I can read fan translations of stuff from FGO or from Case Files(which isn't done by him but it is done by authors who write similarly to him) and they are pretty damn apparent in how they write something vs. how Kamachi does so(and I know, I see you guys bring in passages from his works).

Case Files – volume one – chapter five – part three said:
No, that wasn't quite right. The heroic, noble magical energy pouring off of it made it clear that this was not just a spear. It was on a completely different scale. It was like a tower standing at the end of the world, a crystallized Mystery proving that countless legends, countless myths, were true.

It was the end of the story.

The accursed yet divine spear, decorating the end of the legend of King Arthur.

Softly, the true name of that weapon left my lips.

" Rhongo—( The Spear Shining—) "

The time had come.

The divine spear warped and shuddered.

Unable to resist the vortex of swirling magical energy, the Castle of Separation shook as if in fear. Though it was built only to respond to waves of sound, the sheer amount of magical energy was forcibly drawing a reaction out of it. The manifestation that drew in all mana from the surrounding environment was like disaster incarnate.

The Thirteen Promises hadn't been released yet, so it was still only a small fraction of its full power peeking through. Even so, that small fraction was on the level of Divine Spirits, something magecraft couldn't hope to match.

That level of magical energy, concentrated to the absolute limit, could be felt like an extreme heat. It felt like I was sticking my hand into a volcano.

Ashbourne's beast would not make it in time.

There was no way it could. The manifestation in my hands was a Noble Phantasm exceeded only by Excalibur( The Sword of Promised Victory) itself. The divine spear wielded by King Arthur against his mortal enemy, Mordred.

" —myniad( —At the End of the World) !!!"

Who could even see that spiraling light?

Even though it was night, it was as if the Sun had suddenly risen—as if a piece of the Sun had fallen down amongst them, a brilliant crimson spiral. The magical energy, and even the water vapour that hung in the air were burned and boiled away, the flash of light from the Age of Gods riding forth like a mounted tyrant.

Gouging out the spire above, the light pierced through the Castle of Separation's domed roof and castle wall, only stopping when it bit deep into the hillside beyond the castle.

Like is there prose? Yeah there is... but it's still pretty obvious on what's happening and not going too far to the point that getting someone to point it out you aren't just wondering if the writer is just taking the piss.

I can bring in something written by Nasu if you really want to make comparisons but technically, Urobuchi wrote F/Zero and another author did this one. I can bring in a passage from Fate/Extra, CCC, Extella or Lostbelt 6 as he explicitly wrote those.
Eh, it's just my opinion but yeah to me that sounds similar to how Kamachi writes.

Well to me as I'm reading through some of the stuff you have, I don't think it's similar in the slightest.
Kamachi has the tendency to not know when to stop describing something happening and actually explain something that should be far more important happening, thus wasting time and leaving people confused.

Nasu likes using new words and phrases to the point it can seem like it's just pure prose... till he explains it later or it appears in his other works. Otherwise outside of that, it's alot more concise on where he's primarily aiming at in a scene.

Yeah I know it's your opinion and there's no right or wrong answer. I'm saying that as a person who is WAY too wired for shit like this, I can really tell the difference between the two like I can for Kubo and Kishi's writing style for example(I can do the same for Oda but One Piece usually bores me after awhile).


Well to me as I'm reading through some of the stuff you have, I don't think it's similar in the slightest.
Kamachi has the tendency to not know when to stop describing something happening and actually explain something that should be far more important happening, thus wasting time and leaving people confused.

Nasu likes using new words and phrases to the point it can seem like it's just pure prose... till he explains it later or it appears in his other works. Otherwise outside of that, it's alot more concise on where he's primarily aiming at in a scene.

Yeah I know it's your opinion and there's no right or wrong answer. I'm saying that as a person who is WAY too wired for shit like this, I can really tell the difference between the two like I can for Kubo and Kishi's writing style for example(I can do the same for Oda but One Piece usually bores me after awhile).

The point is that Kamachi knows about power levels, and very well, even too well, he's so well versed in all that it's sometimes hard for the average person to understand what he's thinking. It's like the average person trying to figure out what a scientist is talking about. You just don't have enough knowledge to understand what he's talking about. And that's totally fucked up. Here's an example.

What the Lady creates is different from golden spells that sound like complicated formulas. No, it sounds more like a children's song. The simple words were a series of sticky terms that carried dark traditions and other aspects of the past. She read the classics and concentrated to the point where a certain image becomes visible to the naked eye. In short, she evokes the spirit of Mercury, quite different from the Golden Kabbalah. This great power has no physical form. It is simply a great force that collapses into the earth and destroys the entire area. An explosion followed by a whirlwind of destruction, like a huge tornado that has been trapped in some space before spewing out all the force at once. The effect is the same as in astrology and the connection between sulfur, salt and mercury in alchemy. Instead of referring to a planet orbiting the Sun, certain symbols and signs are given energy to control them. As in astrology, where exactly the stars are in the observable universe is of little importance. The point is how they line up, from Earth's perspective. If you translate this in the manner of Modern Western Magic, it has to do with the Four Elements, but the idea is exactly the same. It can get more complicated if you add Enoch, but in this case it would be the wind element. When you convert from decimal to hex, the number doesn't actually change, you just look at it from a different angle. Every man and woman is a star. Simply put, the power used is the natural energy circulating through the earth, i.e., the ley lines. It seems as if the attack is falling from the sky, but in fact it is exactly the opposite. It bursts on the earth and rises to the sky. Just as the human eye sees a car wheel spinning backwards, if it is spun to sufficient speed. The Lady has placed Mercury in the night sky, removed one element from the energy building up on Earth to destabilize that energy and send it to an imaginary point. It's as simple as that.
"A distance of 3000 is still dangerous."

One of the men kneeling at her feet softly spoke to her.

The Lady of the Masquerade Ball reigned supreme in a fancy red party dress that showed off her bodylines and with her beautiful face covered by a smooth mask without eyes or a mouth. The two men knew their place, so they remained kneeling behind her with their heads bowed even as they expressed their concern.

"This is still in the danger zone, so the unexpected could still harm your precious body. I do not know how powerful this science of Crowley's is, but I do not think the risk is worth taking."

The masked woman's only response was to exhale from her nose.

She was not Aleister Crowley. The side effects of magic did not concern her. Even if it fell upon some ignorant person or blew a faithful servant's body to bits, she would still prioritize her own goals as a magician.

She was served only by those who were not bothered by that stance.

If Mathers and Westcott were the leaders of the main faction, then she was the empress of the secondary faction. That was why she had created a secondary cabal known as The Sphere to which only the chosen of the chosen were invited. It may have been like the elites of a giant empire gathering in one place and putting together a unique set of ideals. Their territory might be small, but their influence could not be taken lightly.

One of the men wore the thick, long-sleeved shirt and comfortable pants of old-fashioned tennis apparel. He held an oil lamp in one hand.

His name was Frederick Leigh Gardner.

"I have a report from our brothers. They say to fire."

"I see."

That was all she said.

As soon as she snapped her fingers, their formation moved. The formation was made by the Lady of the Masquerade Ball and her two magician servants, but it was not a triangle.

There was one more spot. A horn was embedded in the small island to form the fourth corner to take the place of a man who wielded a twisted silver rod.

"So Allan never made it, did he? Where did he get off to, anyway?"

Those words held great meaning.

The Lady of the Masquerade Ball.

Charles Rosher, Frederick Leigh Gardner, and Allan Bennett.

Surely you have not forgotten.

Allan Bennett was the only teacher Aleister Crowley ever accepted and his greatest friend. Yet the Lady of the Masquerade Ball only saw him as one of her servants.

He was useful, but not worth growing sentimental over. A pawn was no more than a pawn.

"Let us begin the silly wordplay. We shall toy with numbers and letters, add straight lines and curves, and combine it all into signs and symbols."

This was somehow different from the Golden incantations that resembled complex formulas.

What left the Lady of the Masquerade Ball's mouth sounded more like a children's song. The simple lyrics were a series of sticky terms that seemed to carry gloomy traditions and other aspects of the past.

Just look back at history and you would find what the Lady of the Masquerade Ball had accomplished with her beauty and wide knowledge.

She read the classics and concentrated it down to the level that a certain being was visible to the naked eye.

(This really is no fun without you here, Allan. Everything goes exactly the way I want. These non-rebellious servants provide no variety. They do nothing more than extend the reach of my own individuality.)
"It is time to shake Kochab, the planet protected by Raphael. But do not forget. Though the names may differ, the entire celestial sphere points to a single tree. All elements fall within my grasp and no element found on the surface of the four worlds or to the very ends of this earth can be fully separated. Therefore, only the appropriate knowledge allows one to reach their pure form."

Simply put, she had fully summoned the spirit of Mercury with a method entirely different to the Golden cabal's.

"Planetary Spirit Taphthartharath. Leave thy natural revolution and seize upon my planet."

It had no physical form.

Nothing more than a great power collapsed in upon itself while falling straight toward the shopping center at Piccadilly Circus.

It was all blown to smithereens.

And yet someone somewhere said the following:

"Nee hee hee. Mission accomplished☆"

When it erupted, Kamijou had no idea what he was screaming.

In the instant of the lightning-like strike, a single strange image was burned into his retinas: Accelerator reaching for his choker and Aleister grabbing the #1's wrist and pulling him to the ground.

"Get down!!!!!!"

As soon as that voice stabbed into his ears from close by, the flow of time suddenly reverted to normal.

Aleister had known Kamijou would do what he was told, so she had instead prioritized the #1 who would take a moment longer to grasp the situation.

Everything exploded and was tossed around. The shelves, the walls, and the ceiling fell apart and were blasted skyward. It was less an explosion and more a frightening vortex of destruction, like a giant tornado had been compressed into a point before unleashing its power all at once.


In that case, the boy did not understand.

Neither Imagine Breaker nor Accelerator had done anything. They were simply lying down and clenching their teeth, but for some strange reason, their flesh and blood was not torn to pieces and they had not died.

"That is the symbol of Mercury. The Planetary Spirit Taphthartharath."

While lying on top of the #1, the silver girl brushed off some small pieces of the building and provided that name.

"How about explaining in a way that actually explains something?" asked Accelerator.

"But in this case, it is the same as the relationship between salt, sulfur, and mercury in alchemy. Instead of pulling in the actual planet revolving around the sun, certain symbols and signs are given energy in order to control them. You should understand what I mean, Kamijou Touma."


This was a problem.

Why was it so hard for geniuses to understand that passing the conversation to someone else would only get a blank stare in response?

"It is the same as astrology. Where the stars are actually located in the vast universe is of little importance. We only find meaning in how they line up when viewed from earth. Well, due to your extensive experience with modern Western magic, you may be more familiar with the four elements. But the basic idea remains the same. It can get complicated when you include Enoch, but it would be the element of wind in this case. When you convert from decimal to hexadecimal, the number of stones does not actually change. You are merely viewing the problem from a different angle. Every man and every woman is a star."


Oh, no, thought Kamijou.

The board chairman assumed he understood, Othinus was not providing an explanation, and the #1 was giving him a look that said, "If you get all this, then I'll leave it in your hands."

He got the feeling they would kill him if he said he did not understand.
Aleis-tan was apparently the type who would die of loneliness if left all alone, so she seemed to view him as a formidable enemy and as a good friend who had shared her experiences in the Windowless Building. But when it came to this topic, Kamijou could not play the Showa-era wife who knew what her husband meant when he said "y'know, that thing".

He had never felt so left behind.

"Simply put, the power being used is the normal energy circulating through the earth. I am sure you have heard of ley lines before. The attack appeared to fall from the sky, but it was actually the opposite. It erupted from the earth and rose toward heaven. Just like a car's wheel, when the human eye views it at a certain speed, it appears to move in the opposite direction. Or to dumb it down to the point that a kindergartner could understand, they placed a fictional Mercury on the screen of the night sky, removed one element from the energy building up in the earth to destabilize that energy, and launched it toward that fictional point. See how it is all related to the way we see things from earth? Try fighting back normally with Imagine Breaker or Accelerator when you are still affected by that viewpoint issue and it will have the opposite effect. No matter how strongly you view them as an enemy, you will only increase their accuracy and power. It would be as foolish as reaching out to touch the high-voltage line powering a train."

"R-right, right, right. Yes, exactly. I know just what you mean. That's exactly what I was about to say!!"

Kamijou Touma was on the verge of tears, but he forced a full-face smile while trembling and spoke with his voice cracking. After all, Accelerator did not seem like the type to take a joke. How was he supposed to say he was clueless when that boy was giving off such shark-like killer intent!?

Dead Lock

Banned Member
What the Lady creates is different from golden spells that sound like complicated formulas. No, it sounds more like a children's song. The simple words were a series of sticky terms that carried dark traditions and other aspects of the past. She read the classics and concentrated to the point where a certain image becomes visible to the naked eye. In short, she evokes the spirit of Mercury, quite different from the Golden Kabbalah. This great power has no physical form. It is simply a great force that collapses into the earth and destroys the entire area. An explosion followed by a whirlwind of destruction, like a huge tornado that has been trapped in some space before spewing out all the force at once. The effect is the same as in astrology and the connection between sulfur, salt and mercury in alchemy. Instead of referring to a planet orbiting the Sun, certain symbols and signs are given energy to control them. As in astrology, where exactly the stars are in the observable universe is of little importance. The point is how they line up, from Earth's perspective. If you translate this in the manner of Modern Western Magic, it has to do with the Four Elements, but the idea is exactly the same. It can get more complicated if you add Enoch, but in this case it would be the wind element. When you convert from decimal to hex, the number doesn't actually change, you just look at it from a different angle. Every man and woman is a star. Simply put, the power used is the natural energy circulating through the earth, i.e., the ley lines. It seems as if the attack is falling from the sky, but in fact it is exactly the opposite. It bursts on the earth and rises to the sky. Just as the human eye sees a car wheel spinning backwards, if it is spun to sufficient speed. The Lady has placed Mercury in the night sky, removed one element from the energy building up on Earth to destabilize that energy and send it to an imaginary point. It's as simple as that.
It's as simple as that.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
That's the point, Kamachi is so well versed in the occult that it sounds like nonsense to the average person. Now imagine that you have to figure it all out and interpret it correctly.
Okay, then that's Kamachi's fault. Also, Kamachi's writing isn't so obtuse. He does explain shit. You're just purposely making it obtuse as hell.
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