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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Raising the sun took a lot less energy than most ponies would think. The celestial body was largely eager to move on its own, Celestia just provided the needed guidance at the proper time. That was largely thanks to her innate connection to it, of course. Regular unicorns would drain themselves by the dozen trying to do the same, but in essence all Celestia was doing was the magic equivalent of flicking a light switch, just one that was quite heavy and she herself best suited to flick. This meant that once the sun was rising into the sky it would largely continue it’s daily journey on its own, until time came to guide it back down, although “down” was just a matter of hemisphere and perception.
> Innate connection between Celestia and the Sun
> Sun mostly moves on its own :mjlol

I wouldn't even bring this up here if it weren't for the fact I know the author genuinely believes this is how this works. Mostly because he responded to my criticism of it saying as much.

The obvious issue being that Celestia was moving the MOON as well as the Sun for 1000 years ON HER OWN, the celestial body she can't even be argued to have such a connection with. Not to mention she's moved several stars that are not the Sun, FOUR AT ONCE in a single scene in fact.

And yeah the show and comics are both VERY CLEAR that the Sun and Moon DO NOT MOVE without Magic moving them. I really don't know where he gets that idea from.

As a way of nerfing the Ponies for the sake of them not dominating the crossover (not that this is an issue as it's not even the canon Bleach cast they're fighting, but a Bleachified version of their human selves from a mirror dimension who should be at least as strong as them anyway) or just keeping the power scale to a reasonable degree (ie not nuking planets), it's perfectly fine.

I just wish he wouldn't try to act like this is how it ACTUALLY works in the show when it very blatantly isn't. It puts a dark mark on an otherwise really good new chapter, with a great start to a fight I'd been anticipating for a while now.

Dead Lock

Banned Member

> Innate connection between Celestia and the Sun
> Sun mostly moves on its own :mjlol

I wouldn't even bring this up here if it weren't for the fact I know the author genuinely believes this is how this works. Mostly because he responded to my criticism of it saying as much.

The obvious issue being that Celestia was moving the MOON as well as the Sun for 1000 years ON HER OWN, the celestial body she can't even be argued to have such a connection with. Not to mention she's moved several stars that are not the Sun, FOUR AT ONCE in a single scene in fact.

And yeah the show and comics are both VERY CLEAR that the Sun and Moon DO NOT MOVE without Magic moving them. I really don't know where he gets that idea from.

As a way of nerfing the Ponies for the sake of them not dominating the crossover (not that this is an issue as it's not even the canon Bleach cast they're fighting, but a Bleachified version of their human selves from a mirror dimension who should be at least as strong as them anyway) or just keeping the power scale to a reasonable degree (ie not nuking planets), it's perfectly fine.

I just wish he wouldn't try to act like this is how it ACTUALLY works in the show when it very blatantly isn't. It puts a dark mark on an otherwise really good new chapter, with a great start to a fight I'd been anticipating for a while now.
rom the idw pony knight solos

Another Fate thread, another time when people basically bullshit around and pretend Naruto and Sasuke can canonically handle people who are beyond them in terms of physical and speed feats.

Naruto and Sasuke are at absolute best Moon level and I honestly find that a stretch. Siriel does what Siriel does best and literally fucking lies that Servants can't destroy the Planet... despite the reason that's so is due to the defenses of the Planet itself and that the "Worlds" that is on the Planet still function as a PLANET!(That's the whole fucking point of a Texture).
This also ignores Strange Fake where Enkidu and Gilgamesh actually DOES nearly destroy the damn World with their Enuma Elish clash(to the point the shockwave cascades off the planet), Quetzalcoatl's PDS being able to destroy Tiamat's Primordial Sea which requires Goetia's AAS to destroy... which a single ring can blow through a North American sized hole in the Planet with JUST the Heat of the energy.
NOR is that counting for Lion King's Rhongomyniad which is able to defeat Kirschtaria's Animus Animusphere which is virtually taking control of an entire Texture of fucking space!

Seriously, this is getting fucking ridiculous with how bad they love to do this shit with Fate at times. I know they do other series dirty but it gets absurd when they love to pretend one VN feat somehow makes less sense than another when by that logic, no Novel should be taken seriously at all.

EDIT: Hell, they still don't understand Enkidu's Chains are not the same as Gilgamesh's Enkidu Chains and THOSE are tied to it being to your Divinity, Enkidu's doesn't and they held off fucking TIAMAT, a Being that can match up to something that can destroy Connacht(a pretty big part of Ireland) twice over in a single stomp and do it for days.
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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Those low planet level ponies
I mean thanks to that "innate connection" bullshit, they aren't even that much in this story.

Best power feats in the story are all in the city level range at best (as far as I can tell anyway):
> Like Adagio raising an underground lake big enough to supply water to all of Las Noches
> Gaia Everfree's Magic Released Cero variant being stated to be able to blow a city away
> Celestia's Bankai would apparently nuke everything within at least a ten mile radius if it got out of control.

If not for actual lightspeed - FTL shenanigans and hax, regular ass (non-Alicorn) canon Ponies like Rarity would solo the Friendship Souls verse with ease. 🤣

Obviously in terms of reading the story, that doesn't bother me at while, it's only when the author and others are actually downplaying the canon versions of the Ponies that it starts bothering me. :maybe

Kaguya wank go!
Kaguyas dimensions which she created have planets and entire stars in them. Also her dimensional travel is good she can spam portals and has her dimensional travel which happens instantly

Edos do the exact same thing in regening as long as their souls are around. Naruto has a fair bit of soul manip as well and bleach blows DXD completely out of the water in soul hax with every character having some level of soul hax

Seriously, what the fuck do people not understand how her shit works? She didn't create dimensions or anything with her powers, they come off more as places already established in the universe by her people. That's why Sasuke was searching for shit for all of those years in her dimensions.

I don't even need to say or even see this for them to believe they actually think he can pass all of the Servants and have issues with JUST the TYPES and Beasts.


Just fucking stop already!
All Might definitely shouldn't be that powerful, but I mean, neither is Primal Groudon as depicted in the games it shows up in. I haven't watched the anime where primal Groudon shows up, but Groudon in Omega Ruby would have been incapable of stopping or destroying the "more than 10 km in diameter" meteor. Only Mega-Evolved Rayquaza was capable of doing that.

Destroying a 10 km-wide meteor is very impressive of course, but it's well below anything like destroying a country, unless you count something like Vatican City. And Groudon performs below fhat level.

This dude never played Ruby, Omega Ruby or Emerald, has he? Because I fucking remember Groudon created a World-wide drought that was intensifying and getting worse by the second and it was never-ending day on top of that.
And thirdly, great job ignoring WHY Primal Gorudon couldn't destroy that meteor, couldn't be because who was hitching a ride on said Meteor would probably massively lessen the damage on top of that too(Deoxys, remember that Pokemon? The one that's equal to RAYQUAZA?!)

There's no indication that Deoxys was holding this together with its power as opposed to just directing it through space, nor is there any indication that it was "sealed" in the same way.

But even setting that aside... no-one on the ground treated it as anything but a big rock. Despite thinking it was nothing but a big rock, when Rayquaza wasn't able to Mega Evolve, this is how Zinnia reacts:


The implication here is very clear. Despite her thinking that it is just a big rock, she despairs because Rayquaza can't destroy it without mega-evolving.

Legit my thought process reading this shit.
So... let me get this straight:
It cannot be an actual feat because no one knew that Deoxys was riding on the Meteor when they was trying to get Rayquaza to Mega Evolve nor can it be a feat for Deoxys to be able to redirect a fucking 10KM Meteor in the first fucking place to the Planet which would be why Mega Evolving Rayquaza to destroy it would be paramount at all?

...How? How can someone fail critical thinking this badly?

TrueG 37


You know you’ve got a great debunk when the first thing you say is you know fuck all about a verse.
Damn didn't mean to send that out yet. Found this on the dead remains of what used to be FV's OBD page. Jesus Christ vsbattles fucked up it's to be expected when these nibbas pretty much state they don't know anything but still :skully.

TrueG 37

Nibbas saying Sol didn't actually use the Outrage mk2 to channel infinite magic energy because of the Zilpods "giving" it too him supposedly even though that's not how magic works in the series and it's not what they were used for. Then saying that certain extra material like Guilty Gear Xtra is "in another timeline" with no proof and is false anyways :mjlol . Then mentioning magic doesn't any require physical ability because the scene with Haehyun experiencing physical strain from essentially holding up a fuckload of ki around the world doesn't want it scales physically somehow. Bruh :skully
Nibbas saying Sol didn't actually use the Outrage mk2 to channel infinite magic energy because of the Zilpods "giving" it too him supposedly even though that's not how magic works in the series and it's not what they were used for. Then saying that certain extra material like Guilty Gear Xtra is "in another timeline" with no proof and is false anyways :mjlol . Then mentioning magic doesn't any require physical ability because the scene with Haehyun experiencing physical strain from essentially holding up a fuckload of ki around the world doesn't want it scales physically somehow. Bruh :skully

It's the same deal as Fate and other series similarly to where "I don't like feat because it would break the setting" ordeal without saying it.
And even then, shit like that in Guilty Gear isn't even new as Justice's Gamma Ray fucking destroyed the entirety of Japan and nothing showed or stated that was her full power either(And left a huge fucking crater that is a good mile deep), you have characters that can battle in dimensions like it's nothing and in Xrd, Sol literally palms something as strong as a Black Hole without much injury and as we've seen and now realize, Asuka can wear Sol's ass like a hat even at his best and having some basic knowledge on how to fight him.

But yeah "We can't have no Sol being able to handle infinite energy" bullshit is just dumb because considering who he was fighting(I-No at full blast that can basically rewrite reality as easy as breathing), I'm pretty sure that's thrown right the fuck out.


🍌 Banana Joe 🍌
V.I.P. Member
Kaguya wank go!

Seriously, what the fuck do people not understand how her shit works? She didn't create dimensions or anything with her powers, they come off more as places already established in the universe by her people. That's why Sasuke was searching for shit for all of those years in her dimensions.

To be fair, it's quite easy to wank Kaguya,
Her final attack was stated to destroy the dimension they were in and then create a new one and they do have a day/night cycle with a sun. We just never accepted her as more than planet+ level because The Last shows a small artificial sun inside the moon.

A badly translated Novel also states that Momoshiki drained a star into exploding or something like that and unless you know better or can read japanese, you wouldn't be aware that the original word used can mean either planet or star. People often use this to support Kaguya being star level through scaling.

Naruto and Sasuke are at absolute best Moon level and I honestly find that a stretch

Toneri has a casual small planet level feat that Nardo and Sauce scale to, but that's the highest they get.


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
Don't actually have a problem with planet level Nardo myself. It's just that just like Bleach we don't know how legit that sun is because it could be fake or not to scale. Aizen's sun for example. Which could have just been an illusion since that's what he excels at.

The planet is that dimension Kaguya created was definitely real though.

Still gets murked by Northstrider regardless.

Dear lord RWBY fanatics are something else to believe that Extremis Iron Man is too slow to deal with RWBY...

To be fair, it's quite easy to wank Kaguya,
Her final attack was stated to destroy the dimension they were in and then create a new one and they do have a day/night cycle with a sun. We just never accepted her as more than planet+ level because The Last shows a small artificial sun inside the moon.

A badly translated Novel also states that Momoshiki drained a star into exploding or something like that and unless you know better or can read japanese, you wouldn't be aware that the original word used can mean either planet or star. People often use this to support Kaguya being star level through scaling.

The issue with that is that both of those is just bunk because we have no clue on how far her dimension scales from in the first place. And the 2nd one basically, as you stated, is badly translated so that's a huge pinch of salt right there.

Toneri has a casual small planet level feat that Nardo and Sauce scale to, but that's the highest they get.

Would still get murdered by Enkidu alone, let alone the other 2 unlike whatever SB keeps being on these days.


🍌 Banana Joe 🍌
V.I.P. Member

Dear lord RWBY fanatics are something else to believe that Extremis Iron Man is too slow to deal with RWBY...

The issue with that is that both of those is just bunk because we have no clue on how far her dimension scales from in the first place. And the 2nd one basically, as you stated, is badly translated so that's a huge pinch of salt right there.

Our accepted number for her ETSB is based on it being capable of destroying and recreating the planet inside the dimension, everything else like potential stars was ignored.

Would still get murdered by Enkidu alone, let alone the other 2 unlike whatever SB keeps being on these days.

If they're planet level like you said, then yeah Nardo and Sauce get murked.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Don't actually have a problem with planet level Nardo myself. It's just that just like Bleach we don't know how legit that sun is because it could be fake or not to scale. Aizen's sun for example. Which could have just been an illusion since that's what he excels at.

The planet is that dimension Kaguya created was definitely real though.

Still gets murked by Northstrider regardless.
star level could be legit and they would still get washed by island level Bionicle mid tiers
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