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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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King of Games
V.I.P. Member

Lore dovakhin doesn't exist.
There is so much wrong in that statement.
Gameplay Dovahkiin doesn't exist. The only canonical one is lore Dovahkiin. It's literally the exact opposite.


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
Dovahkiin is most likely the avatar of Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time. It seems to imply that the Septims were Dragonborns, with no other lineage or bloodline Akatosh had to choose a new host or a new physical form.
No, actually. He's a Shezzarine. Which means he is an avatar of Lorkhan, and is the closely related to the Soul of Sithis. Talos was also a Shezzarine which makes them related in the sense they're part of the same being. Shor is another Shezzarine. Which is why the Dovahkiin couldn't see them in Sovngarde. Something to do with mantling, and similar existences overlapping I imagine.

Rengoku’s metal sword is a bad disadvantage.

Of course again, when it's RWBY vs. Demon Slayer, THEN Demon Slayer "meets it's match".
It's hilarious how much they act as if Pyrrha is anything similar to Magneto when she literally isn't(Nothing has shown she can wrench weapons straight out from similar people or do anything even remotely close to Magneto's level).

Artoria has never used Excalibur against anyone who didn't first demonstrate that they vastly outdo her in melee, or deployed their own beam or the likes NP first.


The Dragon Tooth Warriors and the Shades explicitly state otherwise... as does Shirou getting onto the rooftop is the reason she even used Excalibur against Medusa(Or even in a Bad End with Heracles). People really do try and overplay that.

Besides, Charlemagne is above Hector and he couldn't make Artoria budge in Extella Link and he's a Top Servant Candidate for Sabers, Hektor would get folded.

Fatal mistakes right here. Just ask Archimedes

:grimgioArchimedes in Extella isn't even the Archimedes from the Timelines the games take place on, Archimedes that was corrupted by Velber literally came from an entirely different timeline which was why he alluded to trying this multiple times to get to his goal of having Velber find out about Earth before the QTL set in was imperative.
And BB and the Sakura Five was ultimately a fuck up from the Sakura AI that went completely rogue and Kiara had to hack them and took them a damn long time to fully get into the Moon Cell.
I'm not certain why now the Moon Cell is getting a shit wrap when all of those had their reasons.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
He matched a weakened stark
Funny how much they cling to this idea that being stabbed weakened Stark enormously, while outright ignoring the multiple examples of characters being far more grievously wounded than Stark was and their physical ability not being affected in the slightest.

Especially when another explanation for the disparity in Shunsui's performances against Stark clearly exist (literally stated Zanpaktou and Soul Reapers not working together weakens both and Shunsui's is fickle as fuck). They just don't like to acknowledge that because it beaks some of their precious myths.

Such as Lillie being physically weaker than even non-Elite Nazis BECAUSE Shunsui can fight him, as opposed to him actually being very physically impressive because he could react to everything Full Power Shunsui tried. :maybe
in CQC and still got blitzed.
Literally NEVER happened.

At NO POINT in the fight with Stark was Shunsui EVER blitzed or remotely close to it. Not even when he was actively nerfed by his own zanpaktou, he was ALWAYS able to react and compete with Stark at close range.

Yes Stark landed hits but that doesn't constitute a blitz, these people really need to learn what that word actually means. Note Rukia wasn't "blitzed" by Arroneirro as we see her react just fine to his actual attacks, she was caught off guard no different from Byakuya vs Ichigo. Ganju wasn't "blitzed" by Yumichika either, man clearly leaps to avoid a fatal slash from the guy.

Funny how fans of a series that does tend to rely on blitzes as a trope, don't seem to understand what a true blitz actually entails.
He could only Hang with stark in CQC,and had no answer to CM,
When he was actively being nerfed by his own Zanpaktou.
and would have been destroyed by wolves had stark used them on him.
How would the wolves help him deal with shadow game or the illusion one he pulled on Lillie?

Yeah no, Full Power Shikai Shunsui >>> Coyote Stark no matter how much they want to pretend otherwise.

I like how this thread exists and they wank Goetia way beyond his means with fucking Majin Buu(though Majin Buu wank is just as bad). This entire thread is just freaking stupid.

Round 1: Kratos gets stomped
Round 2: Unless you go with high end interpretations of him, Sephiroth gets stomped.
Round 3: Selene loses with the feats she’s displayed so far.
Round 4: I’m not familiar with the character so don’t know.
Round 5: Mahapralaya is an I win button for God Arjuna but it has a very lengthy charge time. Team 7 can kill him long before he gets it off so they win.
Round 6: If this SK Yhwach I’m leaning more towards him winning because of the Almighty.
Round 7: Team 7 gets stomped.

Edit: I just realized the OP switched out the Lion King for God Arjuna.


Jesus, these people are just... wow.

For the God Arjuna stupidity, Rama's(Whose on the level of Karna, Arjuna and Ashwatthaman, basically titans of the Indian Heroes)
Brahmastra did NOTHING to God Arjuna and it's explicitly know it's because of his own divine existence:
Here, Arjuna completely no sells Rama's Brahmastra. Here, Holmes clarifies that it wasn't the energy gathering into Mahapralaya that blocked it but Arjuna himself like an Anti-Interference ability. Here, Pepe outright states that nothing Rama or Karna have in their arsenal would make any difference in even scratching God Arjuna.
Here, Rama ultimately notes that the reason God Arjuna completely no sold Brahmastra is due to how strong his divine existence is with no other gimmicks or Magecraft involved.

And Ashwatthaman explicitly states it's due to having complete control over the Yuga Cycle:
Here, Ashwatthaman mentions that due to this level of control of the Yuga Cycles is precisely why God Arjuna is so strong.

And it's fucking amazing that somehow, they have consistently went with the Lion King "not showing any feats of speed" as to way she can be speedblitzed by everyone despite canonically being the DEIFIED VERSION OF ARTORIA PENDRAGON! One of the strongest Servants in existence.

This is like saying Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann can't teleport like Gurren Lagann can because it has never shown the ability to.

Rounds 1 through 3 are easy clears.

From what I’ve heard through Spacebattles osmosis, Shiraori disintegrates them.

Mahapralaya takes too long to activate and Godjuna’s other feats are unimpressive, so he dies.

Team 7 has no counter against a guy who alters fate and rewrites the future. Yhwach should beat them.

Othinus reality warps them away.

Here, Ashwatthaman's backstory in terms God Arjuna taking his contract away from Pepe and ultimately giving him his Curse and when he tried to attack him, killed him, brought him back and killed him again until he gave up.

Here, Pepe notes that after using it, he's virtually out of it until the next use of Mahapralaya by staying near the Tree of Emptiness(This doesn't mean he legit can't do anything at all during the timeframe, he DOES canonically kick your ass during the 2nd confrontation Here just to see if you was anything special or not to even survive a Mahapralaya)

Here(and basically with each Lokapala defeated), God Arjuna ultimately loses the Gods defeated by Chaldeas(or through Rebellion in Ashwatthaman, Asclepius and Tell's case) but it makes no difference to him(This should equally be noted he grants them those Gods to begin with)

Literally uses a Pashupata as a Basic Attack and is canonically stated to have access to every single weapon in the Indian Pantheon, including shit like Vasavi Shakti, Brahmastra, Brahmashirastra, etc, etc.

I like how God Arjuna can be pathetically be beaten so easily despite not even proving how past "Mahapralaya isn't immediately active(Ignore WHY that is) and thus he loses"


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
As a matter of curiosity, @Xhominid The Fool, where do you rate Goetia in a versus sense? I've seen quite a number of folks that love to pair him up in a matchup with Fused/Supreme God Zamasu from DBS, and was wondering what your take on that would be.
As a matter of curiosity, @Xhominid The Fool, where do you rate Goetia in a versus sense? I've seen quite a number of folks that love to pair him up in a matchup with Fused/Supreme God Zamasu from DBS, and was wondering what your take on that would be.

He would get wrecked by him.
People primarily overrate WHERE he stacks on the power scale and where his hax lies.
He wouldn't be able to do shit to Zamasu in the first place unless it's Manga Zamasu due to him being able to atleast fight against Beyond God SSJ2 Goku and the AAS Conglomerate is Galaxy level altogether and Star-Solar System individually.
The problem is that Goetia otherwise doesn't really have any means to kill them as they should have stronger levels of soul resistance due to their Ki and his Strength by himself wouldn't be beyond them either.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
He would get wrecked by him.
People primarily overrate WHERE he stacks on the power scale and where his hax lies.
He wouldn't be able to do shit to Zamasu in the first place unless it's Manga Zamasu due to him being able to atleast fight against Beyond God SSJ2 Goku and the AAS Conglomerate is Galaxy level altogether and Star-Solar System individually.
The problem is that Goetia otherwise doesn't really have any means to kill them as they should have stronger levels of soul resistance due to their Ki and his Strength by himself wouldn't be beyond them either.
Welp, vs wiki is gonna have a sperg-out if this match ever happens then, and Goetia loses, because they rate him higher than Zamasu, and believe he wins handily.
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