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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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By the way, in all these years, I still haven't figured out how strong DC and Marvel are, can someone explain to me what their cosmology is?


Cosmically Evolved Entity

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
once i was actually in OP i never really cared how close i was to the end because I was having too much fun

it's far from the perfect manga hut it's fun as hell and something everyone should experience imo
I love One Piece, but it can be a great manga and not be perfect.

And this not just for OP but every form of medium, i'm not understanding why people are rating series now on some weird perfect scale, where if it's not the best thing ever, it's not great. I never read a manga in my life that was perfect, but I read alot of great manga. (OP, FMA, YYH, SD, DB, Berserk, JJK) It's just something I have noticed the more social media I use for any fiction I read. Hell people are complaing about LotR's on reddit, a series that finished almost 70 years ago. So who knows. And I think every series deserves criticism. But to hold a series to someones idea of perfection that is unquantifiable is so weird to me. Do people nowadays don't enjoy anything? Sorry for my small rant.

Also, I lol at OP fans who treat OP as a Dragon Ball powerlevels, and get butthurt every arc. If you haven't figured out how the powerlevels are going to work but AP you just aren't going to figure it out in Wano lol.


V.I.P. Member
I don’t really give a shit if the series is “perfect” or a “masterpiece” (lol). If it’s fun and I’m enjoying it than that’s what matters really.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
no their cosmologies are wildly different

from what ive seen marvel has infinite multiverses and other realms beyond that like overspace, Oblivion's realm and other shit

DC has multiple interpretations of where the multiverse came from, the multiverse map witth all those different realms above the material universe, shit like Overvoid and what is and isn't important changes depending in the author. Also because of hypertime everything is supposed to be canon even if it contradicts.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
yeah there are sources that say the main dc multiverse has 52 universes and others that say it has infinite

and Grant Morrison said there are other multiverses besides that out there, although he was referring to entirely separate fictional properties in that statement. The main universes also have branch universe's though so the cosmology is larger than it appears at first glance


Cosmically Evolved Entity
DC is supposed to have only like 52 universes/earth's aren't they? But still somehow have infinite universes/multiverses cause comics.
yeah there are sources that say the main dc multiverse has 52 universes and others that say it has infinite

and Grant Morrison said there are other multiverses besides that out there, although he was referring to entirely separate fictional properties in that statement. The main universes also have branch universe's though so the cosmology is larger than it appears at first glance
Nah as of Death Metal, DC is like Marvel now

Also everything is canon


Cosmically Evolved Entity
idek what death metal did besides establish the dark multiverse and stuff, once i found out it was all shittier batmans i lost interest
I'll just post the panel where they talk about it


Man what the fuck is this shit

Jesus fuck the downplay.
It's honestly disgusting to look at as Build alone would wax the shit out of Garou and he isn't even the strongest KR there.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Wait, does that mean DC high tiers were only multiversal before Death Metal?

In seriousness, Prolly not, seems like a shitty ass retcon that established something that was already established.
nah because their universes already had infinite branch universes among other nonsense
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