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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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"W-Well that's only the AAS... and Quetzalcoatl's NP, nothing else can do it!"

>The area that's burning up that the camera focuses on? That's Grail Mud, Excalibur burned it through sheer heat cast off. Heracles canonically survived the full blast.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Then SB needs to get it's head out of it's ass.
It's Large Planetary+ due to being used as an example to destroy the Grail Mud which needs the equivalent of destroying the Planet to do so.
It was also straight up stated to be able to blow right through the Planet too with just it's heat, not the actual beam which would make it even stronger

Yes I know you are cracking a joke, I'm just pretending we are actually in SB :kobeha
Do you have the Grail Mud requiring that much energy to destroy scan on you right now?

Or the link to it, at least.
Do you have the Grail Mud requiring that much energy to destroy scan on you right now?

Hilariously, we have that in the Blogs but I'll give you the actual scans alongside the whole Blog CT did:

Here are the scans in particular:
And the Kagetsu Tohya story Dawn, written by the author of Overlord, has 30% Arcueid's full powered Marble Phantasm fail to do fuck all to Maiko Yamase (basically all that remains of Nrvnqsr Chaos from Tsukihime after Shiki killed his ass). Additionally, Arcueid makes mention that upon approaching True Chaos (aka, the real Chaos Tide/Primordial Sea/Grail Mud) that it becomes a world in and of itself, that power to destroy it would be sufficient to destroy the world.

I've heard there's ambiguity over it being canon, but the reasoning is never provided as the story itself was published as part of Kagetsu Tohya in the first place. Nasu, no longer being the sole writer of Type Moon works, the distinction that he didn't write it shouldn't matter coming from published story material its packaged into :hmm

If actual statements exist that cast it being canon into doubt, so be it, its less of a headache to deal with than Arcueid's Marble Phantasm failing at full tilt, but being written by someone other than Nasu isn't a real argument with how much delegation gets done anymore.

Thank you Kingu for the hilarious clarification.

What's this mean exactly?

Given how small a surface area Nrvnqsr's Soil of Genesis covers is (both inferred from just the fact the park and distance between Arcueid and Shiki is tiny [like, dozens of meters at most] yet still fails to reach Shiki and the visual the manga provides of it)?

Aside from here where Quetz vaporizing the hell out of several kilometers worth of Tiamat's legitimate Chaos Tide as seen, not just Nrvnqsr Chaos' close approximation?

And even more hilariously, Nvrsqr's Crapshoot version? Requires Continental levels of destruction to destroy it:

The size of it in the manga?

That's why we say it's the substance itself, not the actual size or dimensions, requires such power.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Hilariously, we have that in the Blogs but I'll give you the actual scans alongside the whole Blog CT did:

Here are the scans in particular:


And even more hilariously, Nvrsqr's Crapshoot version? Requires Continental levels of destruction to destroy it:

The size of it in the manga?

That's why we say it's the substance itself, not the actual size or dimensions, requires such power.
Last question for now because I don't want to turn this into another respect thread, but how does Gil stack up to all of this again?
Last question for now because I don't want to turn this into another respect thread, but how does Gil stack up to all of this again?

To put this bluntly, Enuma Elish can literally rip the Textures(The Layered World of the Planet Earth that can have it's own Afterlife, Underworld and even a good amount of space or Reality itself of that section) right off the damn planet with hilarious ease at it's strongest. He can also pick and choose as he did this to Iskandar's Reality Marble which basically is it's own World.

It's potentially even more powerful than Excalibur but that's before Excalibur got it's retcon massive powerup so we don't know where it actually stands at now.
His thrown Noble Phantasms from GoB can easily be above Country+ to straight up Planetary themselves due to how strong even non-TNR Noble Phantasms can be(See Altera's bullshit in Fate/Extella having her open cuts in Space with just a charged Photon Ray attack) and his overall physical prowress is either equal or JUST weaker than Artoria and Heracles, two of the most physically powerful characters in the Nasuverse.
And he has one of the most bullshit Clairvoyances in the series, being able to see into the Past, Present and Future at once, can see into peoples' souls and read them like a book(From how many more projections Shirou can do... to knowing Artoria lost her virginity... don't ask) to even being able to see into entirely different universes and timelines... and that's before it's TNR which just straight up tells him how to defeat any encounter and empowers him and his teammates in the process, thank fuck he's too arrogant to go that far.

Basically he's bullshit on toast and there's VERY few Servants that is his equal or superior in any way(To put this into context, Artoria can defeat Gilgamesh and Iskandar at the same time... meanwhile Gilgamesh can absolutely hose her if he actually tries... but considering it's not in his character to really try and how strong his not trying even then...)


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

I thought we already did know how big they thought the realms were.

Had to throw them a bone or two with this comment. :maybe

It's funny as spatial attacks don't mean shit to Servants as they do it all the time lol:

So Yami's strongest move wouldn't really do much to Gilgamesh and considering his Golden Armor is not only so physically, only a TNR Excalibur pointblank could kill him, Enuma Elish would absolutely wreck it.
Worst part is Gilgamesh goes as strong as he does depending on the foe he faces so even when he sandbags, he sandbags only in relation to the foe he fights lol.

I thought we already did know how big they thought the realms were.

Yeah he's not really the best at this...

1. The size of the Textures are BARELY different than what they are. Each basically follows their Mythologies Afterlife and Underworld as well as some level of Space outside given the Greek Mythology and their lostbelt. So he would be right but he's also flaking on it.

2. Um, Durindana and Durandal literally deflected Artemis's attack... it was outright stated both times... how can that work "Due to that unbreakable nature" when that wouldn't be anything on it's own? That's like saying if I had an unbreakable spoon, you can deflect the Sun.


This guy is spitting.

Everything he says there is right. They shouldn't even defeat the Lion King as her Instinct basically evolved into a bullshit Clairvoyance itself and her hax is just as ridiculous.
Poor bastards can't even pass Gilgamesh, Quetzalcoatl would murder these fuckers:

The Norse realms are basically each planet-sized right?

It's not stated but it basically is considering that they virtually follow their real life myth counterparts to a similar extent(Outside of the Greek Pantheon which was done differently because Mecha!).
Besides Fenrir literally ate the Sun out of Reality there and in PHH and ate a good chunk out of Niflheim, so yeah, wouldn't be too out of bounds.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
On an unrelated note, it's fucking wild that Kamachi revealed/hinted at the retroactivity of Phases (among other things) with the Endymion movie.

Something something Aleister experimenting with the power of wishes, which existed before magic and is what basically caused Phases to exist in the first place.
On an unrelated note, it's fucking wild that Kamachi revealed/hinted at the retroactivity of Phases (among other things) with the Endymion movie.

Something something Aleister experimenting with the power of wishes, which existed before magic and is what basically caused Phases to exist in the first place.
The funny part is that Nasu does it all the damn time which makes what I get from Kamachi believable.
The Primordial Sea from Tiamat? That came from Nvrsqr's monologue about his ability from Tsukihime which came out before Fate/Stay Night, let alone Fate/Grand Order.
Angra Mainyu and how ridiculous the Grail Mud is under him? Was always supposed to tie under Tiamat entirely and Angra Mainyu just hijacked it(which is why he's worthless as a Servant but broken when he corrupts the Grail.
The Beasts? Was hinted at since HEAVEN'S FEEL and given more onus since.
The TYPEs themselves, one of them gonna be a huge deal in FGO? Was literally in a small novel Nasu did called Notes.
Even shit like Textures was defined since F/SN with the Reverse Side Of The World and Avalon, showing that there's an entire World literally under The World of Man and potentially other Worlds before we actually get to "Earth" itself:
Fate/Apocrypha material - Encyclopedia: Other Side of the World [Others], p.173 [T]
Reverse Side of the World [Others]

The place where the evil dragon Fafnir finally arrived at the very end of the novels. The Phantasmal Races, having understood that the Age of the Gods was over, ceded the Earth’s surface to humans and moved to this place. The world where humans currently live (including the laws of physics) is like a fabric that thinly extends across the surface of the planet. Beneath that fabric exist the planet known as “Earth”. On the other hand, the Reverse Side of the World is the world as it was before humans lived there… that is, the fabric of the era where Phantasmal Races strode the land. In other words, the Earth is the bottommost layer of the planet, and it is covered by the “Reverse Side of the World”—the place where the laws of the “world” as it once was reigns, and covering that is the “Present World”.
In the Reverse Side of the World, the Holy Grail cannot activate its function of “using the Third Sorcery”. In the first place, that function was for the sake of granting Shirou Kotomine’s wish. In other words, it is programmed to target humans, and doesn’t count Phantasmal Races as valid targets.
Jeanne d’Arc is a Heroic Spirit who, from the start, lost her human body long ago. Because of that, the chances of her reaching the Reverse Side weren’t completely zero… However, that is merely the kind of “not zero” like, as a comparison, somehow managing to pass through a wall with the tunnel effect, but the Throne where Heroic Spirits Exist is cut off from the time axis, so she effectively had an infinite number of attempts to try.

So yeah, Authors do this when they can but sometimes, it can get real clumsy.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

Can't wait to hear "Servants aren't relativistic" for the 400th time.

Can't wait to hear "Servants aren't relativistic" for the 400th time.

The funny part is that both is wrong... but for the reason that both would be FTL but Gil would have an advantage with his Clairvoyance. I forgot to mention his Golden Armor? Has the Magic Resistance equivalent to Artoria's A. There's a very real chance most of their Magic may not even work at all, let alone get past the Armor.

Of course yes, I 100% will see them say that and use the same nonsensical arguments that never work because the times Servants move at like 200-500KMPH? That's done while they are avoiding burning their Mana to fight the opponent or to go somewhere. They literally have no problem moving faster at longer distances if it wasn't for that.


V.I.P. Member
The funny part is that both is wrong... but for the reason that both would be FTL but Gil would have an advantage with his Clairvoyance. I forgot to mention his Golden Armor? Has the Magic Resistance equivalent to Artoria's A. There's a very real chance most of their Magic may not even work at all, let alone get past the Armor.

Of course yes, I 100% will see them say that and use the same nonsensical arguments that never work because the times Servants move at like 200-500KMPH? That's done while they are avoiding burning their Mana to fight the opponent or to go somewhere. They literally have no problem moving faster at longer distances if it wasn't for that.

You want some extra chuckles?

Magic in BC can be resisted via extreme mana density.....as in the same way Magic Resistance works :catskully
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