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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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@Xhominid The Fool Do you have the quote of Soil of Genesis being stated to be like the Primordial Sea?
I've basically lost it (as in the scan, not my mind, though that's definitely on its way as well) with all the replying I've had to do on SB :mjlol
The large serpents wrap around Arcueid and return to a black fluid.
Arcueid is pinned to the ground like me, but the pressure is hundreds of times worse.

"Wh, what----no way......!?"
As she is pushed down, Arcueid tries to escape.
"It is useless. You should understand what that is, Princess of the True Ancestors."
Arcueid's face lights up in pain and surprise.
The remaining half of Nrvnqsr raises its voice almost as if howling.

"----Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666---Haha, are you pleased with the chaos within my body, Arcueid Brunestud?"
"Are you sane......!? A human body... having more than three hundred factors compressed in something as small and closed-in as a human shape, this is just like----"
"Indeed, no different from the Primordial Sea.
I am not making my body up with other animals. I merely use the factors called 'animals' as my body, mixing them like mud."

FYI, he doesn't mean it's as strong(Continental Power to destroy vs. Planetary Power to destroy) but it's obvious he means it carries the same elements, ultimately a substitute or a decent fake compared to the real thing.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
@Xhominid The Fool By the way, we may or may not have a SBer coming in to the site.
But don't worry, it's one with sense. He (rightfully so) believes that Servants are planetary.


But then it wouldn't be any fun. :maybe

And i actually mean this 100% percent. No jokes.

It's one thing to laugh at idiots on other sites and another entirely to have them shit up this place.

Don't encourage people from Spergbattles to come here.



Cmiw, but isn't Ywhach almighty is more or less similar to Ophelia's mystic eye, with self ressurection as bonus? How's that gonna help when even Brynhildr, while a high tier servant is nothing compared to LB king can no sell it.


2. Why the hell is it taking GaRbs so long to point out that Medea controlled one of Shirou's friends and had him "Activate" and kill Shirou and himself based on probing too much:
That is literally what I meant by having Medea make them commit suicide. I did not elaborate on it because people started whining about whether or not Medea Lily would or even could use mind control against people with zero magic resistance.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
That is literally what I meant by having Medea make them commit suicide. I did not elaborate on it because people started whining about whether or not Medea Lily would or even could use mind control against people with zero magic resistance.
SB really sounds like such a fun place to be for debating, if you want to lose brain cells to an echo-chamber of idiots who will deny anything they don't like, even when proper evidence is given. :mjpls



SB really sounds like such a fun place to be for debating, if you want to lose brain cells to an echo-chamber of idiots who will deny anything they don't like, even when proper evidence is given. :mjpls

Yes, but I prefer to spend my time on the echo-chamber where over half of the Nasuverse isn't wanked to sun level.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Yes, but I prefer to spend my time on the echo-chamber where over half of the Nasuverse isn't wanked to sun level.
If you somehow think that's wank, even with all the evidence presented for it, then I guess you haven't seen VSBW stats for the Nasuverse, have you? I get the feeling your brain might explode if you saw the stats they gave them. :mjlol


If you somehow think that's wank, even with all the evidence presented for it, then I guess you haven't seen VSBW stats for the Nasuverse, have you? I get the feeling your brain might explode if you saw the stats they gave them. :mjlol
Yes, all of the evidence was wank, because it leads to shit like this.
Sun level Gram
Everything else that scales or is relative to Gram:
Sun level Gungnir
Sun level Gae Bolg
Sun level Balmung
Sun level Galatine
Sun level Nero
Sun level Enuma Elish
Sun level Enkidu
Sun level Durandal
Sun level Vasavi Shakti
Sun level Achilles Cosmos
Sun level Rho Aias
Sun level Excalibur
Sun level Lord Chaldeas
Sun level Photon Ray
Sun level Fafnir
Sun level Heracles
Sun level Tristan
Sun level Cu Alter
Sun level King Hassan
Sun level Merlin
Sun level Arondight
Sun level Arash
Sun level Caladbolg
Sun level Clarent
Sun level Caliburn
The fact that you sit here and think this makes perfect sense is absurd.

And yes, I have seen what the VSBW says about the Nasuverse. It's somehow even worse than you people.


No, cause we work with what we have.

We come to these conclusions based on what the series shows us.

It's obvious that you don't even basic understanding of how scaling works based on that list. Even if you were able to understand it, literally your best argument is ' i don't believe it " or "it's absurd" which doesn't even register as an argument.

Yes, this hobby is absurd, fiction is absurd, and the way people write is absurd. It's something that you can say about about all series .

At the end of the day it doesn't matter, we're here to try to make sense of it, catalogue and contextualize it.

If you're so baffled at the absurdity, take it up with Nasu. He's the one who made all of this possible.


We come to these conclusions based on what the series shows us.
You mean the series that shows us Excalibur not being capable of destroying a half kilometer diameter meteor without help?
The series where Heracles dies to an attack that is not even twice as powerful as destroying a mansion? And would lose all 12 of his lives to an attack 10 times as powerful as that? The same Heracles that Excalibur fails to kill.
It's obvious that you don't even basic understanding of how scaling works based on that list.
If you don't like the scaling maybe you shouldn't have wanked something as weak as Gram be sun level. A Noble Phantasm that is directly compared and scales to a plethora of other Noble Phantasms.
Also, the lack of self awareness is boggling to the mind when you people are trying to keep a series where mythologies are a thing for example to carpet levels in DC and constipated sloth levels in speed and you say that other people are absurd.
The true top tiers such as Zeus, Amaterasu, Goetia, etc are the ones that are legit sun level and light speed. Fodder like Servant Sigurd wielding Gram being as powerful as the sun is ridiculous when other Servants of the same rank as him, with Noble Phantasms of the same rank as Gram are actually literally compared to carpet bombing in destructive power.
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