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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Leave it. Seen enough of fate and plenty sure at this point, it’s a bait for both Xhom and You. No need to get you BP high for bunch of sadistic idiots wining while sitting behind their Devices. How about switching to Fanfic. We always roast SB and sometimes Fanverse. Fanfiction.net seems the next thing to do. I have plenty of things from Overlord and Naruto😝
I remember a Bleach x Digimon one where NEFERTIMON couldn't even beat a basic bitch fucking Hollow. :kobeha

Bear in mind this is post-02, so it's a Tailmon who HAS HER RING back and is therefore no longer nerfed (for reference, in her first appearance in 01, Tailmon made a mockery of multiple Adventure Adult levels including Kabuterimon and Greymon), and the Armor levels all being at least high-top tier Adult level by the end of 02.

Fucking child levels would murk basic bitch Hollows...but you gotta necessitate someone becoming a Soul Reaper in these things because heaven forbid you actually have the Digimon fight them. :maybe
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ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
What’s the method of adding new feats for OBD. Since OBD Mondaiji thread is just dead wrong. The whole Star punching fist was a mistranslation, it was always comparable to movement of tectonic plate. Also, the whole statement but no feats gets it self dead wrong when considering that Little Garden is not Only stronger than outer world but universe and multiverses stack together like atoms in it. And the cosmology page to just TBA. I can finally see why @Aurelian just classifies it at like multi-galaxy to universal despite 1000s of feats to say other wise.
(Before someone bombards me with: ‘Not right place to post this’ - this is the only thread I am active in so help please.)
make a meta thread with the relevant quotes/material
What’s the method of adding new feats for OBD. Since OBD Mondaiji thread is just dead wrong. The whole Star punching fist was a mistranslation, it was always comparable to movement of tectonic plate. Also, the whole statement but no feats gets it self dead wrong when considering that Little Garden is not Only stronger than outer world but universe and multiverses stack together like atoms in it. And the cosmology page to just TBA. I can finally see why @Aurelian just classifies it at like multi-galaxy to universal despite 1000s of feats to say other wise.
(Before someone bombards me with: ‘Not right place to post this’ - this is the only thread I am active in so help please.)
Also guys, if there is a statement of star and infinite world with several backing up in side story, statement from other character, Tweet from author, and its sequel and prequel; someone who in universe has omniscience but that feat didn’t destroy the planet even when it has statement of comparable to sun then does that means people here don’t accept it.
OBD has done it for Mondaiji, like several times and uses mistranslation to invalidate the feats. How outdated is that site.
Make a meta thread titled "Mondaiji Discussion, Feats, Lore & Analysis Thread". Then you can gather and archive the feats, statements, lore, context, cosmology, etc.


Make a meta thread titled "Mondaiji Discussion, Feats, Lore & Analysis Thread". Then you can gather and archive the feats, statements, lore, context, cosmology, etc.
Alright, thanks.

Also saw a Naruto x Elden Ring fanfic where Naruto one shorted Rennala. Pretty sure anyone who strolled Elden Ring fanfic section knows who is the author. I onece went a massive rant on him in SB thread.
Also, Paras obsession with turning Shirou is to a Saint who doesn’t have hormones, is a Messiah Reincarnated etc.
And lastly, that one Persona 5 x FGO fix going in SB. It’s just…bad
And-Grand Foreigner. No more words for this fic. Also this: An average Overlord Fan:
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I thought you were exagerrating. It took me a sec to remember you are absolutely correct.

Ever since Mook calced Usain Bolt levels of sprinting speed for Shippuden Naruto, I lost all hope for Naruto SB threads. Knowing them they probably went 'Supersonic ninjas are only for God tiers!' then came to the conclusion that war arc Gai would lose to 5th gate lee.
Do you have the link to that post?
Alright, thanks.

Also saw a Naruto x Elden Ring fanfic where Naruto one shorted Rennala. Pretty sure anyone who strolled Elden Ring fanfic section knows who is the author. I onece went a massive rant on him in SB thread.
Also, Paras obsession with turning Shirou is to a Saint who doesn’t have hormones, is a Messiah Reincarnated etc.
And lastly, that one Persona 5 x FGO fix going in SB. It’s just…bad
And-Grand Foreigner. No more words for this fic. Also this: An average Overlord Fan:

The main reason Overlord fans like the series is similar to how unironic fans love OPM:

They completely miss the point of both shows and think that "MC stomping everyone to pieces" is the main highlight when it's not. Ainz is only as OP as he is because the rest of the Universe was literally PAVED FOR HIM TO EFFORTLESSLY DO SO!(I'm not lying, it's even in the backstory) The actual story is literally the title of how Momonga goes from a dude who can't let go that his guild is gone into becoming an Evil Overlord of a New World.
Trying that premise against series that have dealt with shit like Ainz with ease is literally missing the entire point and going full "Saitama Complex" about it.
An actual good story about Ainz would have him actually play subterfuge, realize he's out of his depth and further corral his friends into learning how to deal with humans and pull the rug from them later. They legit cannot understand how dumb it is to have "Ainz casted TGOALID and Naruto, the 7th Hokage and Leader of the World, is dead" because they still believe that all of the New World's shit would easily and effortlessly transfer over despite that not even being the case for YGGDRASIL and the New World.

All it does is make the result of the thrust happen before the actual thrust, if the result is it getting stopped then it can't pierce, how is it going to go through Infinity?

That's... not how that works...
Like I know Blood Stone is one of the stupidest debaters on the site but is it really that hard to understand why Gae Bolg, which completely inverts Cause and Effect, can bypass Infinity?

But there’s no possible path through infinity?
Gae Bolg Thrust just changes the order of Lancer stabbing someone and them being stabbed to you’ve been stabbed and then Lancer stabs at you. It won’t do anything because Lancer isn’t capable of stabbing Gojo in the first place, so the effect of being stabbed is nonexistent. At least, that’s how I see it.

Seems like I give other users in SB too much credit for not being stupid...
Infinity (無限 Mugen?): Being the neutral form of the Limitless, the Infinity is commonly known as the ability to stop, although this is a common misconception as the true power of the Infinity is to slow things down. When something attempts to hit Satoru, the person or object in question instead hits the infinity between himself and them. According to Satoru, this is the convergence of an infinite series and comes straight from the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise. Akin to the way Achilles will never catch the tortoise due to the potential, infinite amounts of finite space separating them or how the real number one will never touch the real number two due to the infinite amount of fractions that separate them, the opponent will never touch Satoru due to the infinity between them. Satoru can decide what does and doesn't touch him and can do so based upon mass, speed, and danger ratings.

If something is confirmed to hit you, it doesn't matter when or how it will hit you, it just will. All Infinity does is stop it from approaching him due to him using Cursed Energy as a medium to keep folding space. Gae Bolg is already destined to hit him because it already did, that's plain and simple.

So a NLF? What's "conceptual" supposed to mean?

There we go, as per usual of Blood Stone...

This is just about surviving Noble Phantasms. Bypassing Chaos’ maze was through some hardly explained technique using his authority.

Anyways, distance is explicitly a limiting factor against Gae Bolg, with Nasu stating that Archer backpedaled in their 2nd fight for the explicit reason that he didn’t want to face the thrust technique. An ability that functionally increases distance much beyond Archer’s distance from Lancer in their 2nd fight should work just fine.

Holy shit, that's not how that works nor what Nasu stated:

Barbed Spear that Pierces with Death [Noble Phantasm]
Gae Bolg.
The cursed spear that always pierced the opponent's heart after being thrust.
Reverse causality --- a technique which broke the rules by launching the spear after it was already established that the heart was pierced.
Since the target was already hit by the spear, the opponent would always be hit regardless what kind of evasive maneuvers he took
In order to evade Gae Bolg, one would require Noble Phantasms that automatically resurrected the target after death like that of Berserker's, or a high degree of Luck sufficient to negate the curse of the spear.
To put it into game terms, it would be an insane Noble Phantasm with a base damage plus an additional component that scaled with the target's HP.
For example, if Saber's HP was 100, then Gae Bolg's damage would be (Spear Damage + 100). She would absolutely be dead if it hit.
It was also an efficient Noble Phantasm with mana consumption only in the double digits.
Anti-Unit Noble Phantasms probably did not get anymore economical than this.
By the way, Piercing Death Thorn was a technique Lancer developed himself.
Originally Gae Bolg was a thrown Noble Phantasm. It was an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm rather than Anti-Unit.

>The Noble Phantasm Gae Bolg
Nasu: A weapon that strikes with guaranteed fatal blows sounds like a total cheat, but I guess it doesn't sound as bad now since we were just talking about Berserker earlier. (laughs)
Takeuchi: Are there any limitations to the use of Gae Bolg, or is the True Name the only requirement?
Nasu: The Noble Phantasm will activate if Lancer is within spear-striking distance of his opponent. If his opponent has a high luck stat, the attack can still miss, though that is quite rare.
Takeuchi: So luck is the only way to dodge it?
Nasu: Yeah, I'd say so. Even if your agility was EX level, it wouldn't matter. The only reason why Saber survived Gae Bolg's strike was because her luck stat was high.
TakeuchI: I guess her precog ability helped too.
Nasu: I like to call it intuition. Add to that her B-level luck, and she was able to avoid fatal injury even though she still couldn't dodge the attack completely.
Takeuchi: Do you think it would hit Archer?
Nasu: Without a doubt. Archer knows that too, which is why he stays as far away from Lancer as possible. If Lancer ever got that look in his eyes and took the stance, Archer would backpedal like his life depended on it, because it would.
Takeuchi: I see... well, they do say discretion is the better part of valor. What about throwing Gae Bolg?
Nasu: Gae Bolg: Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death is purely destructive power.
Takeuchi: I guess it would be too much if Gae Bolg could strike the target's heart without fail when thrown as well.

What Nasu meant is that there's 3 ways to avoid Gae Bolg:
Have an insane degree of Luck(Like telling the rules of the World and beyond to go fuck off levels of luck), get out of range before Cu says the words or be able create a Rho-Aias tier shield before Cu again says the words.
Gojo's Infinity is just dividing the same space infinitely(and as long as he has Cursed Energy or nothing interferes with said Cursed Energy) meaning he isn't backing up or anything, he's literally in the same space and distance.
SB isn't even having members lie anymore convincingly, this is just hardcore levels of delusional lying.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
gae bolg vs jiren :mjpls



V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

Ayo what the fuck

nmh3 travis is at least relativistic+ and planet level+ with a decent amount of hax

lets pit him against a verse which loses from the likes of pein :heston


V.I.P. Member
It’s guaranteed to hit by reversing cause (thrusting the spear) and effect (getting stabbed) but you still need to actually be able to be to be pierced by it for it to matter


V.I.P. Member
pretty much, Gae Bolg is just a glorified spear thrust that ignores space between it and the target

In this case of Gojo, Infinity doesn’t matter because again, ignoring space as long as he himself is within range of the NP’s effectiveness
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