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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Because "damage soak" is "tanky". Taking importance in distinction between them is just silly. See your point doesn't change.

No, it changes alot actually. Tanking primarily means taking very little to no damage overall meanwhile damage soak is taking damage but not dying from the pain, blood loss or shock and still capable of fighting.

How you see Gilgamesh in UBW is far different than Heracles and Karna taking blows with no damage. The only thing I can say in that sentence is that the distinction is silly is us using this only:

When we have Mori in Fate/Redline basically instantly repair having his head bisected vertically just by putting it back together amongst many, many other times characters get fully healed from grievous shit as long as their Spirit Core isn't destroyed.


Tanking something is taking an attack with virtually no damage and still being able to fight at full or optimal amounts of power .

Damage soaking is taking an attack with varying degrees of damage that would impede fighting at full power

There's a reason there's a distinction between them in the first place.


No it doesn't. "Tanky" is a general term that means you can take damage and not fall. Any Servant with BC become "Tanky" by the very virtue that they can take super high damage and still survive. Artoria is tanky by the very virtue of her surviving a hole in her chest. Now compare to Medea who lost to punches. Although Medea would be tanky to magical attacks I suppose?

It's not just Fate's term is quite a general term. Take League of Legend as another example. "Bruisers" and "Tankers" are 2 different roles. Bruisers have a lot of HP and Damage, while Tankers have a lot of HP and defenses. Both have roles as "Tank". Bruisers would be what you call not dying from the pain or blood loss or whatever. Either way both don't die easily and can take damage in comparison to Marksmen, Fighters, and Mage who will die easily and can't take damage. Some bruisers even can build all damage and still have the role of tank for teamfight. Tankers on the other hand do Tanking, which means "take only small damage" yes, but "Tanky" is not so specific.

"Tanky" just means you can take damage and not die easily thats it. Once again, your point doesn't change.

No because Servants lost magical energy having to repair themselves, meaning they aren't tanking anything, they are getting hurt which reduces their power, it's just that for Servants, they carry such huge reserves of Magical Energy you are better off going for the Spirit Core and ending it ASAP.

Bro, don't quote RPG terminology to me, I played more RPGs than you ever have. Bruisers have High HP and can do damage but they are not as effective as an actual Tank Class like a Paladin, your terminology literally doesn't work here.

Tank just means you can take damage and not die easily thats it. Once again, your point doesn't change.

Tanking means you take no damage whatsoever, Type-Rey and now me is stating that extremely simple concept. The only times Servants truly no sell things is if they outrank the Weapon being used against them or uses a skill to heavily reduce the damage.


You don't get it, if they survive a big damage, that means they are tanky. It doesn't mean they are so defensively powerful, just they are "tanky", like Gareth. And I will quote RPG technology to you I can also say I played more RPGs than you do, especially since you don't understand this simple concept. If you want to be stubborn about this, up to you.

Just remember that even someone who have 0 armor can be a tanker in some games as long as they have a lot of HP. You don't need to be invincible such as taking no damage whatsoever.

It's silly to make distinction between them but you do you. It's ironic coz making difference between them is literally semantic...And pedantic.
I mean, 15 years is actually a long time, if he’s changed his views on shit, why not?

As long as he doesn’t practice his former views while expressing the newer it’s fine
also forgot to mention that CBR is the same board that supposedly treats all statements as hyperbole and that feats "must happen on screen" for the statements to be corroborated.

this is why I find his take to be kinda hypocritical.

Triple Accel 555

Any Ultraman is more than enough to solo Chaldea. All of the current Ultraman characters can move at MFTL (Many Times Faster than Light) speed and possess Universe-busting capabilities based on scaling.
Any Ultraman is more than enough to solo Chaldea. All of the current Ultraman characters can move at MFTL (Many Times Faster than Light) speed and possess Universe-busting capabilities based on scaling.

No, I knew that from others who know Ultraman so I'm not surprised, shocked or anything.
I even remember seeing the scene they talked about where one of the strongest Ultramen literally left the Universe entirely and went into the scape of the Multiverse.

There's another series that any Ultraman can solo but some folks here don't like it when you bring that up

Oh yeah, a topic was made about that too lol.

No, it's just Gege wanting Gojo to lose and didn't know how despite Gojo was still fresh while Sukuna wasn't. That was the precise issue people had with Gojo's death next to his horrific character assassination isn't that he died, but his death was offscreen, made no sense at all with how his Six Eyes worked and he was character assassinated.

Are you forgetting Domain Expansions exist and how they work they make UBW useless.

...How would a Domain Expansion make a Reality Marble worthless? This is the equivalent of saying a Nuke can defeat a Servant because not only is that not even remotely true, you are just pulling shit out of your ass about it. When has a Domain Expansion show anything that can exceed a Reality Marble's power? When has it exceeded a Reality Marble's range? How will it be able to upend a User's Inner Soul, their World, their Reality planted onto the surface of the Planet and is able to make the impossible possible?

Saying it doesn't make it true because it never is.

Who do you think is beating EMIYA in a Domain Clash? Sukuna and Gojo, sure, but I'm not saying it would work on them.

AND OF COURSE HE GIVES UP ON EVEN POINTING OUT HOW DUMB THIS QUESTION IS AND HOW IT MAKES NO SENSE! Every single time, users say some of the stupidest shit that can easily be disproven... yet no one steps up and they allow the garbage into play. How would Sukuna or Gojo's DE overwhelm Unlimited Blade Works? Ionioi Hetairoi? Koyanskaya's Reality Marble? Unlimited Lost Works? How do they do so? Like they never understand how it works and forget that DE's don't have unlimited range(Hell, they are only a Hundred Meters across at best and some are even smaller) while Reality Marbles are absolutely GIGANTIC(Iskandar's is explicitly hundreds of miles around considering his distance to Gilgamesh and the Hundred Personas in Fate/Zero).

They come off more like discount Bounded Fields, not Reality Marbles.

Reading this makes the wanking for Domain Expansions, let alone Gojo and Sukuna's, even worse by proxy because:

Because Nasuverse Mages, let alone Servants, already have the means to Reinforce themselves with magical energy... it's called Reinforcement and Resistance. Servants meanwhile can just dope themselves on Magical Energy, this isn't even getting into the rest of the countermeasures are so damn simple from outside JJK. Hell, it even has the same deal with Domain Clashes that Reality Marbles do but it's even less powerful than that:

So what they are saying doesn't even work nor make any sense unless they are trying to say Domain Expansions > Reality Marbles which is god no.
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That's not how that works nor you try and pull that shit in that "It would be slow as shit because it's not against GoB" because it again misses the point(UBW works better than GoB not just because it's a "counter" but because UBW is literally Shirou's concept of Sword made manifest), Sukuna and Gojo would be torn apart for less. Secondly, Reality Marbles don't have Borders, we literally see this when Iskandar uses his to capture the Gigantic Horror, he literally vanishes with it.

So no, they aren't even the same in use and considering Iskandar can even move the thing up to 100 meters from it's current position, EMIYA can just grab Sukuna and leave the Shrine.

Iskander can release the Giant Horror from his Ioinoi Hetairoi 100 meters from where it was originally consumed
"B-But Koyanskaya's Reality Marble had a border" and the story outright states that's because it was her BODY the entire time.

I hope this guy realizes that Archer's Projections are him actually using UBW to bring in shit he's seen and not using his Projection right? That's the whole impetus that Shirou understands when he uses UBW, that alone shows how RM users > DE Users in terms of experience. Trying to go for "Look at the DE's that do damage with sure hit" misses the entire point.

Also when was mana or cursed energy in this case ever a factor in DE clashs did I miss something

Considering Domain Expansions uses a massive amount of Cursed Energy to the point only Gojo can use his multiple times a day?(Not even Sukuna can use his more than once and Gojo put a permanent end to that) Meanwhile as long as a Servant has enough Magical Energy and is not in Nasuverse Earth, they can keep up a Reality Marble at very little cost(We know that because Kiritsugu and especially Fabro can keep theirs up without that problem and it's only their resources that's the problem... primarily Kiritsugu's body in his case).

Yuta: Has way more cursed energy than Gojo yet I don't see him winning a DE clash with Gojo

Considering we have no idea hows his work, how do you know that?

Gojo: Has less cursed energy than Sukuna yet they were mostly equal in DE clashs winning losing and even drawing with each other and the factors that let them win or lose wasn't how much cursed energy they had.

Neither one won and both worked at once, what you mean?

I don't see how that matters either for the same reason as Yuta's. I even see it being for a less reason considering nothing shows skill or experience or Magical Energy(It gets REAL tiresome admitting that even Archer Jeanne has enough Magical Energy to use her Ocean creating Noble Phantasm and still have plenty of time to fight... and she's actually the middle point in comparison to her Ruler Self, let alone everyone else).
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