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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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You do realize that takes time for Issei to get that far right? And Mordred is NOT the type of person to wait.
No I don't. I simply take it from that comment. Thats the person's fault for not mentioning it then. How long I wonder and whats his base.

Like this is the only thing the guy said about his durability and I have no idea if this is boosted or not. I assume it is.
Guy can get into extended slug out with people as strong as him with the planet busting form being the exception.
Speed fast enough to blitz lightning timer and weave through mass lightning. Undetermined faster in later form.
Break dimension by hitting hard enough, can survive the void between dimensions indefinitely.
Treat dimension attack and soul attack like they are regular attacks instead of durability negating haxx.


But that doesn't matter to Issei isn't it? Though I guess you mean he will simp over her and just keep following her even if he knows he is sprouting bullshit? huh, I guess that make sense.
What I mean is, even checking her Boobs will do nothing since Castoria's fae eyes can't detect Aurora's bullshit, why does Issei's ability can?


Cmiw, but isn't The boobs should only speaks what its owner truly thoughts?
You are asking me? I told you I have no idea, I go by what the other guy is saying. I even said "If this is true". And the guy said "Boobs will be honest" so I have no idea if it need to speak what it's owner thoughts or if it just gonna be honest and not follow the owner's delusion. You have to ask that guy for that not me.

...What the fuck is this conversation?! And I mean that rhetorically because I can't believe we are having this discussion :heston
What? You don't like boobs? we talking about boobs.
What? You don't like boobs? we talking about boobs.


Do you know what Rhetorically means? Because I know what the conversation is and I know what you guys are talking about, I am asking it because it's outrageous to have this as an actual debate.



Do you know what Rhetorically means? Because I know what the conversation is and I know what you guys are talking about, I am asking it because it's outrageous to have this as an actual debate.
It was a joke obviously...And blame the author for making outrageous power and the guy for commenting that outrageous power of boobs
Besides to put this shit to rest: you guys are expecting Issei, a Human-Dragon hybrid, to stroll up to Aurora, a Clan Head that is protected by multiple Humans, Fairies and Melusine and is outright speciest against Humans outright grab her Breasts to confirm if she's if she's lying? Even though Aurora's lies are so potent, even she can't tell she's lying...

This shouldn't be in question, Issei would be turned into a caterpillar the second he tries.
Based of what do you think he can win against Morgan ? Did you forget in order to take her down you need to be strongest like Woodwose just like how Spriggan state in section 16.

...Do people not realize the reason Issei is "more potent against women" is because he will use Dress Break which destroys their clothing, forcing them to cover themselves up? ...That's literally it, he's not physically strong against women or have some insane skill that instantly knocks out women, he just has Dress Break... that's it.


Based of what do you think he can win against Morgan ? Did you forget in order to take her down you need to be strongest like Woodwose just like how Spriggan state in section 16.
From what the guy said

No, Issei was mountain level if he doesn't use any of his abilities.
With his main ability being doubling of his own power, exponentially.
Less "Modred says she can burst mountain, does she need Clarent NP or just a powerful mana burst.
More "Opps, I accidentally jabbed too hard while shadow boxing, the mountain is gone".

Then the guy went through DBZ powercreep "previous strongest attack can't even scratch my next power up" style.

Vol 9 he was breaking entire Kyoto size pocket dimension with mountains in it.

His power continued to escalate, but Issei specifically avoided using super moves where collateral might be too high, he's literally trained for that and it showed, like going through the trouble of lifting and restraining enemy so he can shoot Longinus Smasher skyward to prevent collateral.

World destroying power, Leviathan one of the four demon lords can casually destroy Japan have all been thrown about much earlier in WOG and in-character dialogue, but it's unclear whether it's life wipe over time or what and people ignored those as hyperbole. The new transformation having a definitive "break the planet" capability merely put those into perspective.

Think of him as someone who throw out normal Excalibur beam as a casual probing attack and escalate further from there.

Guy can get into extended slug out with people as strong as him with the planet busting form being the exception.
Speed fast enough to blitz lightning timer and weave through mass lightning. Undetermined faster in later form.
Break dimension by hitting hard enough, can survive the void between dimensions indefinitely.
Treat dimension attack and soul attack like they are regular attacks instead of durability negating haxx.

For special abilities
"Boost" Double his power exponentially, capped by his own body ability to withstood his own power.
"Divide" Halve enemy or incoming attack power by half repeatedly.
"Reflect" Reflect enemy or his own attack, capped to a certain threshold relative to his power. So enough to reflect most Noble Phantasms if we talk about current Issei. Will likely fail vs Servant Verse ridiculous NPs.
"Penetrate" bypassing enemy defenses and attack their body directly. Has been show to ignore armor, enchantment and defensive ability that completely nullify Issei's power.

"Transfer" Give the accumulated "Boost" to someone.
"Dress Break" Destroy clothing and armor. Has been shown to work on entire pocket dimension being used a restraining tool. Issei refuses to use this on male as it requires imagining the target naked.
"Bilingual" Literal boob language, talk to enemy boobs. Functionally it's mind reading, but cannot be blocked by normal mind protection because he's asking the boob, not looking into the target's mind. So far, all boobs are 100% honest.

The bolded part makes me believe he can

Idk if the "Penetrate" is NLF or not though. Honestly I believe what @Proto234 say...Kinda. As I said I guess it make sense if he will simp for Aurora regardless making the entire skillset useless.

Triple Accel 555

Do people not realize the reason Issei is "more potent against women" is because he will use Dress Break which destroys their clothing, forcing them to cover themselves up? ...That's literally it, he's not physically strong against women or have some insane skill that instantly knocks out women, he just has Dress Break... that's it
Just be glad you're posting in this forum. If you're still active in SB, many Issei fanboys will be pissed about this.
:skully :skully :skully


This is honestly making me confused if what Riverlia said is true or not, I am guessing from what you guys arguing here is that what Riverlia said is not entirely true? If so, then which part are not true? Or not as honest as Riverlia said?

Huanglong double it down by saying this

^It's true; also, Issei has the ability to stop women from moving with his dragon god aura and he can completely drain their power with Breast Wave Cannon. The latter prevents women from retaliating because they are unable to build up power in the process.

Dress Break has an astral version that can remove enchantments applied on women, such as curses and mind control.

I'd also add that Penetrate isn't limited to bypassing defenses; it can also penetrate through objects, stronger attacks than the user's, and target the core of the opponent.
Idk if that aura can work vs Morgan or not though, I don't think so but I don't wanna downplay.
Just be glad you're posting in this forum. If you're still active in SB, many Issei fanboys will be pissed about this.
:skully :skully :skully

I don't give a shit, I'm not saying that Issei isn't powerful, the problem is that Issei's max is Planetary is which is low as fuck and that requires going into Super Modes at that which is obviously nothing for anyone major in the Lostbelts.

Issei's lack of tact and just going in on people will get him absolutely killed in short order as well as the dude is no genius in how to basically go about combat. I FULLY expect his ass to treat the Machine Gods like his gods in his series and get absolutely smoked about it.


Issei's lack of tact and just going in on people will get him absolutely killed in short order as well as the dude is no genius in how to basically go about combat. I FULLY expect his ass to treat the Machine Gods like his gods in his series and get absolutely smoked about it.
I'll pay to see his interactions with Aphrodite and Demeter or even Akuta and Ophelia. It will be hilarious
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