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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

King of 🌽


One guys' extremely awful attempt at explaining how and why the Wizards don't get their shit pushed in by any Demi-God in Camp Halfblood...

TWELVE. FUCKING. PAGES! About wanking a dude that all he did was an amped Dismantle at the end of the day and did jack and of shit else of note that due to the very nature of the ability, isn't even all that effective!

A reminder that U-Olga Marie was able to pinpoint the Wandering Sea in 3 seconds once she genuinely tried and that shit literally floats between 2 Realities.

EDIT: I forgot to mention it was also a further continuation that somehow both Saitama and Cosmic Garou Saitama Mode somehow both scale to their Serious Squared Punch despite that's not how that works and it never being brought up and contradicted to shit.
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Only in Spacebattles is Tiamat considered "weaksauce"...
Unironically, Tiamat is canonically as strong, if not stronger, than Goetia. That's the entire reason why he goes all out on your ass after you defeat her: You are truly a threat to him to stand and be able to defeat a Beast at all.

The only reason why Tiamat didn't shit stomp everyone is due to her skill explicitly tearing the shit out of her power and the fact she has no TRUE attacks(She wasn't built to destroy, only to create life) to make use of her absolutely ginormous amount of magical energy.


I really just want to look through this but why is everything this dude say is so wrong, I have to point it out for how dumb it is?

1. The Trees of Emptiness do not contain the actual Galaxies but it's explicitly stated in that same Lostbelt that info is from in literally the next sentence that it DOES NOT MATTER! It's a literal distinction without a difference in a franchise where a copy can defeat the original, why does SB take that part and completely refuse to bring up the rest of it?

2. He already fucked up again with the next part of the sentence because ONLY Magellan is modified for the Animusphere Magecraft because ONLY the Greek Lostbelt has anything to do with it in it's grandest scale. The others do keep the Lostbelts around but to then say "They aren't a measure of Firepower" when Yu Meiren literally uses it as a weapon in LB3 is fucking insanity.

3. This guy realizes that U-Olga Marie ultimately manifested her physical form through Magellan right? She didn't even have an existence prior to that which was why when Wodime went against her, all she could do is stop his heart and send Muramasa to kill Atlas, not do anything physically.
Yes, I know the actual truth of the scene, I don't feel like spoiling it too deep.

The power of Magellan being equal to Goetia's Incineration of Humanity would = Galaxy levels... but this is the same place that took Da Vinci's metaphor completely literal so reading comprehension is still fucked.


V.I.P. Member

No, the novels just describe his appearance as androgynous from his powers messing with his growth development.

Accelerator is unambiguously a biological male and the narration and he himself both identity as such.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I can go through pretty much any volume with Accelerator (which is most of them) and I'll find at least a dozen instances of Accelerator being referred to as a "he"

no way this guy's serious


V.I.P. Member
Same people that think Misaka is a lesbian symbol when she rejects every one of Kuroko’s unwanted advances towards her and has only ever shown interest in boys


V.I.P. Member
I can go through pretty much any volume with Accelerator (which is most of them) and I'll find at least a dozen instances of Accelerator being referred to as a "he"

no way this guy's serious
You don’t need to, he’s literally titled Chairman of Academy City


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
accel is an albino non binary nig with a jpop wig for hair, but somehow, he solos also, yeehaw, kamachi doesnt even know how too