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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

Paces are variable, and literally dependent on whatever a person feels like. Bella is also a short-stack on top of that. There are no actual static paces attributable to any person, and that was just a non-common measurement derived from an average. Which they applied to every possible step ever. When, again, they're variable and dependent on a person's mood. Everyone has control over their own gait.

Still subsonic.

It doesn't help that Meyer has been buffing her cast and otherwise well AFTER the book series is over and SB keeps bringing it in over and over again when they have mocked people for doing less than that.


V.I.P. Member
Unironically for SB given the kind of people you’ll find there, yes there is a following of Twilight fans in the Vs Section


V.I.P. Member
Twivamps speed definitely gets wanked from what I’ve seen. Not to mention how tough Edward’s sparkly ass is argued because the books describe his skin as like marble or some shit.

Definitely one of the worst takes I remember was Edward being argued as stronger and faster than Kid Goku on there

Usual tactics being highball the hell out of the sparkly vamps and make up every excuse to disregard all feats presented on the opposing side


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
wait just to be clear are these actual, real, unironic twilight fans
in the year of our lord 2024





This, funny enough, proves to me it's never Fate that's the problem in SB. The issue is dudes that constantly stone wall and just say shit and hope their takes somehow "make enough sense for dudes to drop the argument" because it's literally one massive Sadako fanboy believing she can defeat Gilgamesh by "dropping a well on him" or "BFR" and just going "What other ways can Gilgamesh beat Sadako's offense".

Like anywhere else, anywhere else, people would have long called out the TC for stonewalling and blatantly just being up in their own ass about this.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

Kind of interesting that Alice can't find anything within the 103,000 grimoires that can overturn her "prediction" of touma's death even when they contain enough knowledge to turn a person into a magic god. Just goes to show how absolute it is, but also that she is definitely not as versatile as a magic god in terms of power.

Literally 0 correlation, and also directly contradicted by what Othinus (a former Magic God) says about her power :giogio

The Anotherbible provides freedom on a level far beyond even the framework of magic.
It might be faster to just say there is effectively nothing she can’t do.”

The 15cm eyepatch girl, who existed here like normal, sighed with exasperation and looked to the school once more.

- GT10
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Crimson Dragoon

when the fuck do you describe planets as being parallel
parallel planets
Biology: Alternity is a future form of the Transformers which, after 900,000 years, have evolved into celestial beings. Their bodies are made of a higher-dimensional material called Alternium, and they have huge forms that straddle multiple parallel worlds. As a result, it is impossible for terrestrial beings to comprehend the entirety of their appearances. Each individual fuses with his selves of countless parallel worlds to make up a giant, manifold being. The word Alternity, referring to their multi-dimensional nature, has become the name for the entire species.

So going by the planets interpretation (lmfao) Optimus Prime has a bunch of alternate selves on other planets in the same universe he’s in, right down to his spark

Critical thinking is a lost art for some people


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

Anyhow as for the thread itself. Its basically another instance of "Do you take the TES lore seriously when its a drug-fueled fever dream completely and totally disconnected from everything that actually happens in gameplay?"

If you treat the lore with any seriousness than Alduin is (somehow) supposed to eat the planet which is actually a mini-universe or someshit Tamriel is fucking cursed.

If you look at the gamplay you'd notice that the planet is not a mini-universe. That Alduin is not large enough to eat a large ball of dirt and rock. And that Alduin does not possess the capabilities to grow with the passage of time so that he may one day, after the heat death of the universe, eat a large ball of dirt and rock. (We know because he is the exact same size in Sovnegarde, after feasting on the dead souls, as he is at Helgan.)

Gameplay Alduin is a dragon that trades size and strength for hax and intelligence relative to Thedas counterparts. As those dragons haven't destroyed everything and conquered the world. Even when made intelligent, Alduin isn't likely going to do better than any of the Darkspawn dragons did. If anything he's going to fare worst and while he has more hax than Arch Demons do. He doesn't have immortality hax and is thus vulnerable to getting ganked by living bomb shenanigens. (Note. Yes he's immortal as in he can't age. But TES dragons can still be reduced to immobile skeletons. Incapacitation until rezzed isn't that different from death until revived. Last I checked Gameplay Alduin never does anything similar to Arch Demon respawn.)

Now "Lore" Alduin is "somehow" supposed to eat planets at the low end and if you take the whole consumes kalpas shit eats universes. This is despite that such a proposition is absurd and laughable by everything we've actually seen of Alduin's capabilities.

But if you want to take the lore that's so divorced from the games that its basically a seperate source material entirely. Loreduin works on a different scale of everything in dragon age except for the Maker. So Maker ex machina or Loreduin wins.

This is literally the exact same conclusion every single Tes thread ever reaches. Its almost like Loretes and gametes are wholly unrelated products.

TLDR I'm throwing a bitch fit over TES and think it's a typical high fantasy setting when it's anything but.
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Biology: Alternity is a future form of the Transformers which, after 900,000 years, have evolved into celestial beings. Their bodies are made of a higher-dimensional material called Alternium, and they have huge forms that straddle multiple parallel worlds. As a result, it is impossible for terrestrial beings to comprehend the entirety of their appearances. Each individual fuses with his selves of countless parallel worlds to make up a giant, manifold being. The word Alternity, referring to their multi-dimensional nature, has become the name for the entire species.

So going by the planets interpretation (lmfao) Optimus Prime has a bunch of alternate selves on other planets in the same universe he’s in, right down to his spark

Critical thinking is a lost art for some people

It really is...

It's insane how needing to think of the implication is legit lost on people when it comes to debates.
People think it's JUST needing pictures or feats or otherwise but no, most of the time you need to think of "WHY is it blatantly obvious why characters can sometimes endanger the Planet and then not do so with the exact same attack when they are far stronger" and then think it must be an outlier.

Spacebattles is legit full of these people but it's not just them as there are plenty of people they lack the ability to legit think before they speak/type and they end up being the ones people actually listen to is infuriating. Especially when they would have been laughed out of the room in the Early 2000's - Mid 2010's level of VS debates



I played shadow of war/shadow of mordor, I don't remember anything that impressive that would let talion...Survive this. The only thing I can think of is possibly dominating her with the rings power but within the context of the games strong enough willed orcs can throw it off. Making me doubtful of it's ability to overcome shalltears innate resistances, especially if we assume this is her with a world item

Like unless Im forgetting some truly stupendous feats I don't remember talion....Really having much for someone as bombastic as shalltear/high level overlord characters. (Im open to being proven wrong it's been a few years since I played, I literally just dont remember anything that huge)

Saying that his immortality could be a problem, though at that point it kinda just becomes shalltear slapping him around every time he respawns until she gets lucky and cuts the ring off.

(Talion to my memory pulls some crazy stuff but it's taking down fortresses/hordes of orcs, abusing stealth, tactics, poison, and teleportation/quick attacks and generally relying on his speed/agility to take out numerous foes)
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The "Faster than Light" link is Dioscuri moving at faster than speed of light, and the "Weapons" link is Alexander calling Cu's speed faster than light. Guy literally saying "all questionable and not supported by actual feats displayed" using Dioscuri and Sephiroth whom we see move faster than light in feat quite literally.