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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
they as multiversal as multiversal destiny game land from catalyst75
Destiny is multiversal (and that's putting it lightly), it just only scales to two characters (the Gardener and the Winnower).

Arguably the Vex too.


V.I.P. Member
I’m actually surprised there’s anything being contested about Multiversal Destiny. As much as I personally can’t stand the games themselves, the lore feats of the Widow and Gardener are some of the most clear cut multiversal creation lore I’ve ever read.

Straight up Elder Scrolls type shit
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

The whole introduction of paracausal forces like the Light/Darkness (by the Gardener and Winnower) was because the Vex kept subsuming the entirety of their "game" and left no room for anything else in creation to exist.

This shit is not ambiguous in the slightest.


Man of Atom

The fact that there is even just one person in this comments section unironically arguing for Luffy beating the Mask makes me think something is definitely wrong and messed up with reddit.

People get a sniff of toon force and lose their mind

You can blame Catalyst on NF for no one buying into that shit because of how absolute ASS he went about trying to present feats and talk about the verse.

Debates with him turned into some of the worst shit shows i've seen. The rule we have about vague lore/ fluffand shit is BECAUSE of Catalyst.

This didnt exist on NF till his shenanigans. Thankfully we havent had to use this rule here on OLF


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
NF must be retarded as fuck then because what I just posted is so blatant I can't see how you could possibly fumble the bag explaining this


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Again, not like the full thing scales to anyone except the two creator deities of the setting and the Final Shape Vex.


Man of Atom
Again, not like the full thing scales to anyone except the two creator deities of the setting and the Final Shape Vex.
So just two characters tops in Destiny currently scale to multiversal and if so how deep into multiversal are they?

Also didn't VSBW at one point scaled one of the characters to Low Complex Multiversal or even High Hyperversal at peak? I heard Destiny is a strong and hax verse and all, but that was wank no? So is Destiny both wanked and downplayed?


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Don't know exactly, but even from the quote I just posted (I could check the actual Gardener & Winnower story again) it seems like every universe (of which there are an infinite amount of, as said in that same story) also have their own infinitely branching timelines.

And even that is just supposed to be a small infinitesimal part of the total Flower Game that they play (also stated in that same story).

So it'd actually be considered "megaversal" by OBD standards, at the least.

There's probably more details I could get but I'm not into Destiny like that so lol
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Man of Atom
From what I've seen Destiny has one of the biggest "lore vs gameplay" divides right up there with stuff like TES.

(you know what I mean)
Its why I like asuras wrath so much as a game

The feat is there and in your face and to deny it would be admitting you played the game with your eyes closed
But do you think Destiny still get wanked regardless or...?

Even though VSBW downgraded the strongest character Oryx from being likely High Complex Multi to possibly Hyperversal (in the eventual sense) to just Low Multiverse recently as of last year or so.