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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever


Because I'm basically playing games now pretty hardcore now so I'm not really focusing on SB's shit as per usual.

Secondly, at this point what IS there left for me to say past the usual shit? I already stated that this is how and why Fate will always be seen as "nonsensical" or otherwise in SB:
It's not that people cannot fathom what is stated and shown but that they REFUSE to and thus just goes into absolute stonewalling territory and bitching at anyone who dares tell them otherwise. The entire U-Olga vs. Saitama/Empty Void thread is proof of that as dudes just want to stone wall because they have no legit fashion of how U-Olga loses past just downplay what "they heard".
It's not even new to Fate either, it's just the most commonly used way to bitch at a feat but don't have the ability to actually tell you why they don't like it.
The thread was 2021, 3 years ago, you already replied there. Was surprised you didn't address Duster's point. Because that guy was mad. Would like to see you go blasting on him because you usually go lengthy on this kind of guy. But then again I've never seen anyone in this much denial over a canon's story before, arguing this long, at least as much as this Duster guy.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

I still put her well below her since she literally killed Alice like everyone else when she nuked the Toaru cosmology. There's also the fact that Alice has weaknesses that Othinus simply doesn't have, one of which let to her dying like everyone else against Othinus. That's not even mentioning Alice mentally is a child while Othinus is one of the smartest characters in the series outsmarting everyone and has the patience to wait billions of years to get what she wants and IC, her first move is to nuke everything. So, while she's in the same tier as Othinus and has enough power to potentially kill her on paper, in practice, that's never going to happen for a number of reasons.

Weakness 1: While she can manipulate the phases on the same scale as Othinus, she can't survive its destruction, unlike Othinus.

Weakness 2: Before reality warping, she needs to come up with a theory, no matter how stupid, to justify the logic then she can reality warp, unlike Othinus, who can reality warp with no caveats.

Weakness 3: Mentally a child who you can manipulate if you know her personality enough unlike Othinus.

Anyway, the reason Alice is compared to Othinus is the author himself notes that when Othinus nuked the world the Transcendants had a secret weapon that could have killed Othinus, but they lost on the quick draw and died. Later, we find out that said secret weapon is powered by Alice, and Alice herself is constantly compared to Othinus. GT volume 5 has finally shown maybe those statements have some credibility (only to Alice though). While the transcendent and even the secret weapons performance disproved all the statements Alice was the exception her feats showed that the statements about her had some creditability unlike everyone else on her team and she so much more powerful than any other Transcendants (its repeatly shown their terrified of her and she can solo all of them whenever she wants) that you can't use the their lack of showings as a knock against Alice herself.

1. No the fuck she didn't destroy the entire cosmology.

2. Normal Risk 4 Transcendents can survive Othinus' destruction of the world. Alice literally only died because she wasn't in Risk 4 and she was limiting her power just like the normal Transcendents do.

3. This clearly isn't as relevant as a weakness that you think this is, given GT10's narration directly says a Magic God would be killed before they even realized it against inner Alice.

4. Same as reason 3.

5. Their "secret weapon" is literally just Risk 4 (it had nothing to do with "losing on the quick draw", at that, they were just too indecisive to activate it). And to say Alice is only as strong as Othinus is nonsensical at best, dishonest at worst.

Come the fuck on.
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The thread was 2021, 3 years ago, you already replied there. Was surprised you didn't address Duster's point. Because that guy was mad. Would like to see you go blasting on him because you usually go lengthy on this kind of guy. But then again I've never seen anyone in this much denial over a canon's story before, arguing this long, at least as much as this Duster guy.

Most likely, it was because dude was just beneath me at that point and I just didn't give a shit anymore.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
@Churronzon when you're done formulating a response to LordAizenSama please address this shit in that thread

I'm tired of seeing him parrot this nonsense on SB.

I played shadow of war/shadow of mordor, I don't remember anything that impressive that would let talion...Survive this. The only thing I can think of is possibly dominating her with the rings power but within the context of the games strong enough willed orcs can throw it off. Making me doubtful of it's ability to overcome shalltears innate resistances, especially if we assume this is her with a world item

Like unless Im forgetting some truly stupendous feats I don't remember talion....Really having much for someone as bombastic as shalltear/high level overlord characters. (Im open to being proven wrong it's been a few years since I played, I literally just dont remember anything that huge)

Saying that his immortality could be a problem, though at that point it kinda just becomes shalltear slapping him around every time he respawns until she gets lucky and cuts the ring off.

(Talion to my memory pulls some crazy stuff but it's taking down fortresses/hordes of orcs, abusing stealth, tactics, poison, and teleportation/quick attacks and generally relying on his speed/agility to take out numerous foes)

Talion and Celebrimbor with Focus, can see explosions in slow motion. ChatGPT calced it at Mach 2.92
In the games "Shadow of Mordor" and "Shadow of War," Talion and Celebrimbor's ability to perceive explosions in slow motion while using Focus can be analyzed by comparing the relative time dilation to normal human perception.

To estimate how fast their perception must be to achieve this effect, let's make a few assumptions:

1. Human Perception: In normal conditions, humans perceive time at a standard rate.
2. Slow Motion Perception: Let's assume that they perceive an explosion, which typically happens in fractions of a second, at a much slower rate. For instance, if they see an explosion that normally takes 0.1 seconds to occur, in slow motion, this might be perceived over 10 seconds of in-game time.

To calculate the effective speedup in their perception:

1. Explosion Duration: Let's assume an explosion takes 0.1 seconds in real-time.
2. Slow Motion Perception Duration: If Talion and Celebrimbor perceive this explosion over 10 seconds.

The ratio of perceived time to real time can be calculated as:


This means that they perceive events at a rate 100 times slower than normal human perception. To put this in terms of how fast their perception makes them:

If a normal human perceives events in real-time, then Talion and Celebrimbor's perception during Focus is 100 times faster. This effectively means they can process and react to information 100 times more quickly than an average human.

In conclusion, Talion and Celebrimbor's Focus ability allows them to perceive and react to events as if their cognitive processing speed were enhanced by a factor of 100. This extraordinary perception and reaction speed grants them a significant advantage in combat and situational awareness.

To convert the perception speedup into Mach speed, we need to understand the relationship between perception speed and actual movement speed. Mach speed is the speed relative to the speed of sound in air, where Mach 1 is approximately 343 meters per second (m/s) at sea level.

Let's outline the steps to determine the effective Mach speed of their perception:

1. Perception Speedup: As calculated earlier, their perception speed is 100 times faster than normal.
2. Human Reaction Time: A typical human reaction time is about 0.25 seconds to visual stimuli.

If Talion and Celebrimbor can react 100 times faster, their reaction time would be:


3. Movement During Perception: To find their effective speed, we can consider how far they can move in their enhanced reaction time. For simplicity, assume they can move a certain distance \(d\) during their normal reaction time (0.25 seconds).

If d is a typical human's movement speed (let's assume a fast sprint of 10 m/s), then in 0.25 seconds, they move:


4. Enhanced Movement Speed: If Talion and Celebrimbor can react in 0.0025 seconds and cover the same distance (2.5 meters) in this time, their effective movement speed would be:


5. Mach Speed: To convert this speed to Mach, we divide by the speed of sound (343 m/s):


Therefore, during their Focus ability, Talion and Celebrimbor's effective perception and reaction speed can be considered as equivalent to moving at approximately Mach 2.92. This indicates they can perceive and react to events with incredible speed, almost three times the speed of sound.

His AoE freeze ability was calced 13.34 tons of TNT.

Talion can also slay the legendary Graug. Normal Graugs can cause cave-ins with a single punch, causing the cave crumble with tremors. ChatGPT calced it at 478 tons of TNT.

So city block level to multi city block level with supersonic speed.


Talion and Celebrimbor with Focus, can see explosions in slow motion. ChatGPT calced it at Mach 2.92

His AoE freeze ability was calced 13.34 tons of TNT.

Talion can also slay the legendary Graug. Normal Graugs can cause cave-ins with a single punch, causing the cave crumble with tremors. ChatGPT calced it at 478 tons of TNT.

So city block level to multi city block level with supersonic speed.
I think shalltear is between super sonic (Much faster then an undead cutting a hail of machine gun bullets out of the air) to hypersonic (The weird af qoute about her catching fire/exploding) so speed wise hes better then I remember but it seems like he's probably on par.

His freeze while neat is rendered useless by shalltears immunity to cold damage as an undead. And this scales to cocytus freezing a stone section of wall and shattering it/freezing large sections of the city. Coycytus also flash froze several lizardmen though this insta killed them so Im not sure what the calcs would look like. (Decided to look up numbers he restricted his aura and only activated it for a second, this covered twenty five meters and flash froze fifty seven lizardmen, the average size of lizardmen is six foot three and 220 pounds)

Ngl I find the idea of gaurgs being city district level rather strange. Especially based off cave shaking but thats me.

Overlord high tier archers were known to snipe from over a kilometer away. Aura shot the great evil tree from over a hundred meters away to paralyze it in the evil tree side story. Speed of projectiles isn't stated though


If someone better at math wants to plug in the numbers/access to chatgpt wants to, cocytus freezing feat was freezing 57 lizardmen by projecting his aura in a 25 meter area, he had to restrict it not to freeze the entire village/hit the villagers farther back and he only activated it for an instant before disabling it (He also reduced it's damage to not kill the lizardmen cheifs as killing them all with his aura wouldn't give him a fight). The lizardmen on average are 6'3 and weight 220 pounds.

Thus, he unleashed his aura.
It was a skill derived from the Knight of Niflheim class — [Frost Aura]. This special ability damaged and slowed the foe through the use of extreme cold temperatures. At full power, it could even engulf the Lizardmen spectating from the sides.So he had to suppress its power.

He had to narrow its radius and reduce its damage.

“This ought to do it…”A wave of freezing cold expanded from Cocytus, instantly filling a radius of twenty-five meters across. The temperature plummeted upon exposure to the intense cold, and the very air seemed to groan.

“…Hm. That. Ought. To. Do.”He drew back his aura

.The momentary exposure meant that the savage, blizzard like snap-frost had vanished like it had never been. However, it was no illusion or trick of the senses. The best proof of that was the fifty-seven Lizardman corpses that covered the marsh.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

Of course phases contain energy. It changes the way the world looks and is perceived, it creates energy. Doesn't mean it's another Universe/equivalent bro. The current phase that shows the world in the series has energy in it aswell.

Btw those "beings" aren't even actual beings either they are literally just masses of energy. See Gabriel."

@Astaro you know who basically just agreed that phases are actual physical (well, "physical") spaces :tupac



Wait if it's the high level archers hitting from a kilometer out I do owe an apology. I had it wrong...High level archers can easily hit from over two kilometers out.

Peroroncino the archer ― who was the most specialized in ranged combat within the guild Ainz Ooal Gown ― would probably be able to hurt Ainz very badly. That man could easily attack from even two kilometers out. His favorite tactic was concealing himself and then sniping his opponent ― albeit with a bow.


Sometimes I might accidentally wank it and I apologize but I do my best to provide the relevant text/quotes. Fuck I was underselling the ranges high levels archers can reach until I checked the books... I just remembered the word kilometer being mentioned.
Sometimes I might accidentally wank it and I apologize but I do my best to provide the relevant text/quotes. Fuck I was underselling the ranges high levels archers can reach until I checked the books...

That tends to happen, all you need to do is just bring in the necessary context and give it a decent one over to make certain.

Like we already know Overlord has alot of problems because it's author legit does not give a damn about building his world(Physics are somehow magical?! Huh?) but that doesn't mean it's not best to atleast try and be honest about it.