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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I mean come on man, you read the volume yourself.

Every time she "destroyed" the universe throughout NT9 (and at the end of NT8) she was just placing another phase on top of the "world".

Later. at the end of said volume, she throws Gungnir and explicitly destroys all of said phases (she specifically specifies that she adding another phase is easier than destroying "everything" and then adding another phase).

Wanna know what happened in the last 2 pages? Nothing of note past more floundering(Seriously, how the hell do people miss what is stated in the Solomon Movie and the Babylonia Anime? The shit is said plain as day in both sub and dub and yes, they are canon) and niggas using DeepL because apparently, you can't trust the NA Official Translation but you can sure as shit trust Deep Fucking L

Here's the NA Official Translation of the scene GaRbS uses vs. the DeepL translation:


Yeah, that feels 100% what Caster Da Vinci would say...

EDIT: I also like how even with DeepL's use, Da Vinci explicitly uses a Metaphor and Spacebattles STILL BELIEVES the collection of Ars Salomonel Salomonis is just "A Supernova" rather than the literal Galaxy's worth of Magical Energy it is because it's not stated outright.

Like, you can tell TheWorld caused this retarded take on the "NA Official Translations are awful, trust me!" shit and to go to fucking DeepL to prove your point rather than say... Fallacies or anyone in Beast's Lair is some really retarded shit. The NA Official Localization isn't perfect(There are spelling errors, sometimes the sentence structure is borked and the Official Names of Servants like Artoria to Altria and stuff like Pruning Theoretical Phenomenon does have people criticize it) but holy fuck, depending on DeepL is like using a shattered telescope to tell you how far you are from the nearest town vs. a map that's only a few years out of date.

It's the big issue that comes with Spacebattles as a whole not understanding that just because plenty of series tend to go into mythological aspects or blend them together, that doesn't mean that the laws of physics or universal laws have left the window.

It's also why on the whole the Nasuverse is so confusing to them because they refuse to relinquish or even bend away from that mindset for even a little bit. Like I know exactly what CrossingArcadia's argument is and the issue with that is that... it's an extremely stupid argument because there IS no real fashion for how Celestial Objects work unless you literally live on them because that's how Textures or Overlapping Realities WORK:

Nothing Holmes or Da Vinci state ever say "This isn't how it actually works in the Age of Man" because that doesn't matter to the Greek Texture in the Age of The Gods or in the Greek Lostbelt at all, those are the LITERAL REALITY that they live in and thus it's factual(This is dumber considering the main reason this is the case is because they are also Machine Gods who traveled the Universe from a different Universe, they would have a far better perspective than people who haven't left the Solar System yet).

So yeah, you are right, there is no real distinction between how the Sun operates in the Age of Man and how it works in the Greek Texture because it's all fucking meaningless diatribe no different than how Ophelia freaking out that Fenrir eating the Sun makes no sense because it's natural Fenrir can do that in the Norse Texture:

But I can guarantee Spacebattles had people take Ophelia saying it's not remotely realistic as it didn't happen or some other garbage, they can't even tell what a metaphor or a simile is.
Honestly, I can't wait till the official English Localization of Fate/Stay Night comes out and Spacebattles then starts using MirrorMoon's translations as a base if the Localization does shit they don't like and pretend his is the best with no errors...

When he infamously fucked up the Rheingold line to the point that for years, people didn't realize the Einzberns had it and why they faced endless calamity no matter what.

Now credit is due to the fact he was literally one college boy translating the behemoth that was Fate/Stay Night but yeah, there's a reason that even the more ardent people of Beast's Lair would rather we get an official English Localization rather than depend on MirrorMoon's translations for many reasons.

The stars in Greece are pretty obviously not actual stars since they're smaller than Rhongomyniad tbh.

...I guess the Stars in the sky in the real world are not real stars as well as they are smaller than the Sun...

In fact, they're smaller by quite a big amount, with Da Vinci even stating that Rhongomyniad's AoE is less than the pit inside of Britain.

So we are supposed to pretend the Pit itself is small now? And that it being the exact same size as the actual Britain would make that hole absolutely gigantic? Also, Da Vinci stated that as a point of reference, not that it would legit do that level of damage. Thanks again for saying EXACTLY what I knew you guys would months in advance...

Also, like, Chaos is hyped for being a Dyson sphere, what with it being able to harness the power of one star.

...Great job shitting on a fucking Star, am I right? Also, again just ignoring how Nasuverse Celestial Objects work in assuming it's just a "normal" Star at this point.


https://forums.spacebattles.com/thr...-u-olga-marie-fgo.1171236/post-102718275It'sā€¦ very difficult to
This isn't really relevant, since stars are not a studied object by magi, so whenever they're referring to how impressive stars are they'd have no knowledge on any potential mystical aspects of it and would be referring to its RL counterpart.