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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

"Wonder Of U should be able to pierce straight through a Servant's Spiritron bodies because it did it to normal Humans"

Yet Servants who uses Guns have issues with it against genuine Servants despite having the ability to hurt them:




Yeah no, get this garbage out of here...
Believing Servants can't just lolWonder Of U because Luck exists and has done other bullshit like the Rama example
Believing Wonder Of U can just kill a Servant pointblank when Vlad having spikes blow up inside of Karna did nothing to him outside of hinder him for a few seconds.



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
This really is the dumbest argument I have ever seen and it's fucking shameful it's happening here...

Like @Paxton straight up, you basically are acting 100% like an SB-tard on the spot with some of the dumbest arguments I have witnessed.

Cu doesn't need a fucking Stance for Gae Bolg, I don't understand how you say something so monumentally stupid. No Servant requires a "stance" to use an Noble Phantasm's True Name and I can count on one hand the number that explicitly even has to do certain things first and foremost.
Also, we are still pretending that Cu will just be affected by Wonder of U's Calamity despite his Luck? Despite him being able to avoid Gae Bolg Alternative's Thrust from Scathath? Which works exactly the same as Cu's right down to being connected to the Laws of The World?

I like how this shit gets ignored despite it blatantly being right there...

But nah, we should pretend that Wonder of U is literally Calamity itself(despite no Stand ever being such nor is it true in the series either) and can somehow affect anyone because it's the "Law of The Universe"...
I mean if you're going to call me an idiot yet repeatedly miss the multiple times where I say "I'm literally aware that Wonder of U isn't the calamity itself"..

You take this shit way too seriously man. :char
I mean if you're going to call me an idiot yet repeatedly miss the multiple times where I say "I'm literally aware that Wonder of U isn't the calamity itself"..

You take this shit way too seriously man. :char

No you didn't jackass, that was your entire argument and now suddenly, you are pretending it's NOT your argument now? Yeah no, fuck off with your passive aggressive retardation.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
honestly I get where pax is coming from i just don’t think WoUTooru fits in with any system this hobby has so far

it is a textbook NLF but in-series it really does represent an absolute kind of force. Threads with it never go well because it was never meant to have defined parameters

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
@Paxton this is the same shit you pulled with petrification. Your pulling a classic nlf with WOU's ability.
Disregarding the massive stat gap (street tier to large planet level)

WOU's ability to weaponize mundane objects or phenomena into weapons would have no effect on Cu, who can't be hurt by items without magical energy, on top of protection from arrows, and if WOU can somehow bypass both Cu can go spirit form and be untouchable.

Similarly WOU's reality warping effects rarely seem to be instakills. If not resisted by the insane amount of magical energy a servant container has, something like breaking Cu's neck wouldn't kill Cu, as long as his spirit core (heart and head) is undamaged he can heal.

And even if it did manage to damage his spirit core, he has battle continuation which would allow him to finish WOU off.

And WOU has shown no defence against causality manip like Gae Bolg.

At most WOU can force a draw similar to Fragarach vs Gae Bolg where both sides die.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
@Paxton this is the same shit you pulled with petrification. Your pulling a classic nlf with WOU's ability.
Disregarding the massive stat gap (street tier to large planet level)

WOU's ability to weaponize mundane objects or phenomena into weapons would have no effect on Cu, who can't be hurt by items without magical energy, on top of protection from arrows, and if WOU can somehow bypass both Cu can go spirit form and be untouchable.

Similarly WOU's reality warping effects rarely seem to be instakills. If not resisted by the insane amount of magical energy a servant container has, something like breaking Cu's neck wouldn't kill Cu, as long as his spirit core (heart and head) is undamaged he can heal.

And even if it did manage to damage his spirit core, he has battle continuation which would allow him to finish WOU off.

And WOU has shown no defence against causality manip like Gae Bolg.

At most WOU can force a draw similar to Fragarach vs Gae Bolg where both sides die.
And I'm going to repeat myself from said discussion: this isn't how hax works and you know it.
Please point to the exact moment where I said that.


Hell, I can even point to your original argument that you argued that Cu needs to kill the Concept of Calamity itself which it doesn't take a chimp to realize what you meant.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
It's 100% how hax works.
You need to prove that Wonder of U can bypass Protection of Arrows in the first place even before we get into if it can pierce through a Servants' Spiritron Body.

Wonder of U is not the same as Mori's NP.
No no no. He's saying petrification (and other such hax effects) are beholden to a character's physical capabilities.

That's 100% not how it works.

What you're bringing up is an entirely different thing.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
That's not what he said either dipshit, you keep doing this Paxton...
this is the same shit you pulled with petrification. Your pulling a classic nlf with WOU's ability.
Disregarding the massive stat gap (street tier to large planet level)
That's.. quite literally what he's saying by bringing up the physical capabilities of both combatants.

That's the specific part I'm addressing.


And I'm going to repeat myself from said discussion: this isn't how hax works and you know it.
Hax that boost mundane things ,in almost random ways (yes i will repeat Joshu thing forever) and is physical damage 99% of the times.
is a kind of skill useless against beings like servants and Cu also has anti ranged skills and also can fight after lethal damage.
and only showed vs normal humans , some of them survived direct hits from calamity , being Joshu the most extreme example since he was hit by airplane assembly at high speeds and survives
@Paxton this is the same shit you pulled with petrification. Your pulling a classic nlf with WOU's ability.
Disregarding the massive stat gap (street tier to large planet level)

WOU's ability to weaponize mundane objects or phenomena into weapons would have no effect on Cu, who can't be hurt by items without magical energy, on top of protection from arrows, and if WOU can somehow bypass both Cu can go spirit form and be untouchable.

Similarly WOU's reality warping effects rarely seem to be instakills. If not resisted by the insane amount of magical energy a servant container has, something like breaking Cu's neck wouldn't kill Cu, as long as his spirit core (heart and head) is undamaged he can heal.

And even if it did manage to damage his spirit core, he has battle continuation which would allow him to finish WOU off.

And WOU has shown no defence against causality manip like Gae Bolg.

At most WOU can force a draw similar to Fragarach vs Gae Bolg where both sides die.

Considering Cu actually survived against Scathath's Gae Bolg Alternative in her Interlude(which works exactly like Cu's does), Cu would actually have multiple protections against Wonder Of U.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Hax that boost mundane things ,in almost random ways (yes i will repeat Joshu thin forever) and is physical damage 99% of the times.
is a kind of skill useless against beings like servants and Cu also has anti ranged skills and also can fight after lethal damage.
That's not what Wonder of U does.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Another thing is that most shonen series generally have some form of anti hax all from the very inspiration(db)

DB- has ki flex
Bleach- has reiatsu crush
OP-Haki is just anti hax in general.

Fate has a similar system where simply huge amounts of magical energy can negate certain effects.

JJBA doesn't have such a system, WOU's hax has never been contested in such a way.


That's not what Wonder of U does.
yes i know that can control de flow of calamity but most of the times is just ''this waterdrop is dangerous''
Another thing is that most shonen series generally have some form of anti hax all from the very inspiration(db)

DB- has ki flex
Bleach- has reiatsu crush
OP-Haki is just anti hax in general.

Fate has a similar system where simply huge amounts of magical energy can negate certain effects.

JJBA doesn't have such a system, WOU's hax has never been contested in such a way.
Araki fucked up things with WoU , if your power is ''bubbles''that steals things and nothing more , then you are done vs something like WoU and since there is not a power system that can protect you then the climax of the manga only leads to one of the worse powers up i ever seen.
seriously Jotaro´s ''we have the same stand type'' is peak writting compared to Go beyond
That's.. quite literally what he's saying by bringing up the physical capabilities of both combatants.

That's the specific part I'm addressing.

You really do love basically just going on tangents when you can't actually argue your points on top of your passive aggressive shit gets on people's last nerves...

That's not what Wonder of U does.

That is literally what Wonder Of U does because you haven't proved it can punch through a Servant, bypass Protection From Arrows or even deal with Cu's Luck that was able to deal with Scathath's Gae Bolg Alternative which explicitly fucks with the World's Laws.