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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

Remember, if you think you met the dumbest motherfuckers in your life, you haven't met Starsight yet nor the people who rep his retarded ass posts that somehow Higuruma can literally remove his Vampirism because "He can remove Cursed Techniques".

You might as well say Higuruma can confiscate people's Souls, their Time and their Concept of Living. Remember Higuruma couldn't even get Judgeman to choose Sukuna's CT and instead went for his worthless ass weapon.

"Higuruma can take away Alucard's Vampirism as it's an innate ability" I swear to all that is holy, that is not how that works at all in JJK or in Hellsing!

It's insane someone put this out multiple times and Starsight just makes up more BS that "Judgeman should be able to remove it because it's an innate ability by my retarded mewling" when we have seen in JJK, Judgeman will rather choose one of Alucard's guns than any of his "techniques", let alone his "Vampirism".

What's insane is that Starsight seemed to forgotten a HUGE detail about the biggest issue with Judgeman:
He would sooner go for Alucard's guns than anything about Alucard himself:

So this whole thing makes no damn sense at all.


The same person who claim Sukuna's fire arrow is low megaton, and that Cu need specifically a stance to use Gae Bolg. Keep asking for evidence, and yet deliver none when asked.

Oh also state Sukuna lose when the chapter wasn't even concluded with him losing either..

Also the same person who literally say 'BITCH' which is breaking rule and yet didn't get punished for it.


i figured why Starsight stupid post always got so many likes and never is punished when some rules are broken.....is a ''she'' so some losers are simping her (mods included)