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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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The Nexus
I don't think it's a leap at all. In the absence of anything else to read them from, with an aside that the previous occupier of the slot was more underwhelming than I'd expect as Town, I think seeking a claim is perfectly within reason.

This is Ekko-tier misrepresentation. If you followed the context, you would see that Ultra was saying he felt you would ordinarily be pursuing the box of him/CP/Psychic. I corrected that position, to say I felt like of the three, he would be pursuing CP at this point, not you.

You have no excuse for this. You would have seen exactly what I was quoting when you pulled this up, and it makes no sense for you them to interpret that as me suggesting you were actually going for Ultra.

In fact:

Vote: Dalton

You will explain this or die, because I see no reason for you to perform this process if you're not explicitly trying to remove context from what you're quoting in an effort to create a "gotcha".

Why don't you wanna lynch CP?


Useless or scum, can see myself voting there today.
Cos you ain’t got no game. Can’t do shit without having a cry or shooting angles. Gave you a chance but you just a mega bitch rat. Why you wanna distract from cp with a weak ass sob story about Dalton? Cos you wolf.


The Nexus
Cos you ain’t got no game. Can’t do shit without having a cry or shooting angles. Gave you a chance but you just a mega bitch rat. Why you wanna distract from cp with a weak ass sob story about Dalton? Cos you wolf.

We gonna need a claim.
Get it over with
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