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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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What are your current reads?
Lean scum on CP, Slight scum on BPD, town on Flower, slight town on ultra, light town on Juice.

Those are the main ones although I think our good pal Alco warrants a bit of attention, something in my gut doesnt feel comfortable with him this game although i cant really explain it.
I don't think it's a leap at all. In the absence of anything else to read them from, with an aside that the previous occupier of the slot was more underwhelming than I'd expect as Town, I think seeking a claim is perfectly within reason.

This is Ekko-tier misrepresentation. If you followed the context, you would see that Ultra was saying he felt you would ordinarily be pursuing the box of him/CP/Psychic. I corrected that position, to say I felt like of the three, he would be pursuing CP at this point, not you.

You have no excuse for this. You would have seen exactly what I was quoting when you pulled this up, and it makes no sense for you them to interpret that as me suggesting you were actually going for Ultra.

In fact:

Vote: Dalton

You will explain this or die, because I see no reason for you to perform this process if you're not explicitly trying to remove context from what you're quoting in an effort to create a "gotcha".
Regarding your first point, I expect you to have more to go on at this point in the game when it comes to scumreads you want a claim from.

Regarding your second point, I was multiquoting stuff as I read back, and then responded to them all at once - it was a genuinely genuine mistake.

If you think I'd blatantly, intentionally misrepresent something when talking to you of all people, who has literally been calling out BPD ad finitum in the thread for misrepresenting stuff, I don't know what to tell you.

For the benefit of everyone else, this is the context of the discussion that Dalton has just removed entirely from his QUOTE to question my position:

So can anyone here explain how, reading all of this, and he would have no excuse not to do so given he is catching up and the quotes are provided in each post verbatim, Dalton comes away with the impression that I'm arguing Dalton is going for Ultra, or anything even close to resembling that?

He was grabbing quotes so he could argue them for the sake of posterity without any regard for actually parsing them, that's not town.
I was grabbing quotes to respond to regarding the case Ultra was making about me, yes.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I‘m the last person who wants another Lethal mislynch, that’s whack af, so if you‘re Town please stop whatever it is you‘re doing rn.


Regarding your first point, I expect you to have more to go on at this point in the game when it comes to scumreads you want a claim from.
Well I don't - my PoE is primarily formed in absence of having reason to townread them, and not because I have any particular reason to believe they're scum. That's simply how this game is shaping up for me.
Regarding your second point, I was multiquoting stuff as I read back, and then responded to them all at once - it was a genuinely genuine mistake.

If you think I'd blatantly, intentionally misrepresent something when talking to you of all people, who has literally been calling out BPD ad finitum in the thread for misrepresenting stuff, I don't know what to tell you.
I'm struggling to see it though - when going through and quoting it you would have had to see the context, and then forgot what your contention was (which would be why you originally quoted it) by the time you come to respond (which happens) and then just respond to the post divorced of context anyway - it doesn't really line up at all for me. I think it's far more plausible that you were skimming, saw something you felt you could argue and then did so - suffice to say that process lines up more with scum than town.


I am getting tired of this phase and Lethal as well....

Vote Lynch Lethal
Weak ass effort. What a shit vote and reason.
Alright well when you feel like making yourself useful and actually playing, do let us know.
But my poor thoughts are mighty useful? No? I confused here. You say me no do good post but post good you want me to do?
Vote Lethal.

Start actually playing or just get lynched.
Let’s go for a drink
Claim, Lethal.
Why? What’s the case? Cos all I’ve seen is just fucking reeeeweeeee shit pumped up by despos wanting an easy swing on public enemy #1


And I’ll just get lynched without claiming if no legit reason is provided.

Like I gave Pein a chance to say why and he’s not posting. Clank just saying I’m poor. Flower I’ll entertain if she has something to warrant it. But it’s nothing in the end.



I'm Caretaker, VT

says i'm some proprietor of hamlet and some estate near it, and im some kinda host for everyone. speak gibberish too lol so it suits me to a t.


I hope you got it out of your system now, Lethal.

There's this little voice inside me that fears your faking it though, since you've turned it up 4 notches after Ultra and I commented on your frustration appearing genuine.
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