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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Worked up? I'm all good. I'm just tired of copping the same shit every game. It's alright though, that's my lot in these games. Unliked, underappreciated and underposting. I accept that, and cba putting effort in to change.
That‘s sad, though. I think you‘re a good player when you put your mind to it and are focused on solving. It‘s just you defend yourself most of the time, so you barely get to actually play. Just take it easy.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Yeah, I‘m not down to lynch Lethal today. Rather think we should look at his wagon. If he‘s Town he‘s an easy mislynch and if he‘s scum he‘s 100% being bussed for cred. I think analyzing his wagon is more fruitful regardless of his alignment.


Yeah, I‘m not down to lynch Lethal today. Rather think we should look at his wagon. If he‘s Town he‘s an easy mislynch and if he‘s scum he‘s 100% being bussed for cred. I think analyzing his wagon is more fruitful regardless of his alignment.
Well, what, or who, is stopping you? By all means, analyse away.


That‘s sad, though. I think you‘re a good player when you put your mind to it and are focused on solving. It‘s just you defend yourself most of the time, so you barely get to actually play. Just take it easy.
Yup I'm taking it easy by going to sleep now. You have my 'legacy' reads.


Fake arguments & aggressive posts are literally my go to for getting town reads as scum, could absolutely see Lethal flaming so unnecessarily here to try and do that himself.

There's way too much bite over a D2 pressure whilst he's got a handful of votes, it's not as if he's being wagonned hard

Uh, isn't he halfway past majority? You're painting this as an over reaction like you don't know exactly who you're dealing with. Lethal is having a MELTDOWN from Ratchet calling him WEAK and PATHETIC but his over reaction here definitely seems like it's heavily entwined with him taking personal offense

Just kinda seems like you're pissing on him after he's already been dragged through the mud and kicked in the rubs a couple of times - and in the case of him/juice you are always trying to take reasons off the table for players expressing doubt on them when they are notorious mislynch bait. Which isn't to say they are definitively town but...eh.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
for saying vibes? lol. a bit defensive about an observation - that i didn't necessarily connect to an actual scum read. why doth the lady protest?
You saw Lethal getting mislynched just previous game for stupid reasons. Why should I not be concerned here?


Uh, isn't he halfway past majority? You're painting this as an over reaction like you don't know exactly who you're dealing with. Lethal is having a MELTDOWN from Ratchet calling him WEAK and PATHETIC but his over reaction here definitely seems like it's heavily entwined with him taking personal offense

Just kinda seems like you're pissing on him after he's already been dragged through the mud and kicked in the rubs a couple of times - and in the case of him/juice you are always trying to take reasons off the table for players expressing doubt on them when they are notorious mislynch bait. Which isn't to say they are definitively town but...eh.
To add to this - I've been keeping a close eye on his reads to see if he is going to commit to a scum read on me or if he's just going to dance around with taking personal offence. I don't really get the impression he is leaning into his outrage to push an agenda either. I kinda wanted Flower to do the work because she's doing the thing where she wants people to do the hard work for her, but if I'm looking over Lethal's wagon I would say Evans' vote is probably the worst.


The Best Dog
You saw Lethal getting mislynched just previous game for stupid reasons. Why should I not be concerned here?
I said false sympathy. Which you could be doing, if you were mafia - and you know for a fact Lethal is town. That was the potential vibes.


Oh, the irony.

Didn't you say you wanted a Rugrat claim? If this is the only reason why you suspect him, wanting a claim seems like quite a leap, no?

Jesus Christ. This isn't difficult mate.

- My scumread on you was predicated on thinking you were distancing with CP.
- My scumread on CP was multi-faceted.


- if I was to conclude CP is a townie, my reasons for suspecting you would no longer exist.
- If I was to conclude that you are a townie, I'd still have the other 'facets' to suspect CP (and still do).

You keep telling me "Jesus Christ mate it ain't complicated", and then saying nothing of CP nor doing nothing about him - it's kind of bizarre


The Best Dog
That‘s dumb. Why would I take an easy mislynch off the table as scum?
To potentially be town read later - if you think the wagon is going to keep on rolling anyway. I never locked it down - I just said vibe. Not sure why you're triggered by a noted observation


Man it's happened again. I've been a complete twat and posted stupid shit that isn't deserved nor necessary. Every time I think I'm going good, I fall back into arsehole mode. Apologies for putting people through this nonsense again.

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