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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Vote Lynch Ekko.

Seemed way too disappointed about the truth tell thing. Scum.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
disagree with the read on kurumi, i think she was attempting to solve a bit or "throw shades" then saw my vote and immediately stopped doing whatever she was doing and is now on the defensive. I think the votes definitely impacted her play and she comes off self conscious


thoughts on kurumi?

i think u rolled scum and agree with ultra
I don't see it, but I don't mind adding pressure.

Vote lynch Kurumi

I don't see how I'm scummy. How am I scummy?
How is it mailed in?


not going in a circular argument with you about this especially as you fail to understand every post I make. I didn't take issue with you asking for my reasoning and never said otherwise. so you're just lying by trying to make it about that.

I think your grandstanding here about how I'm holding up the game feels imminently fake. You didn't like me questioning you because you have some false sense of superiority, or are trying to disengage under this pretense. Ironically, by derailing this from the subject of T-Pein, you're probably doing more to hinder productive discussion yourself.

How come you haven't voted Psychic yet?


I have very limited time, someone tell me what to do.
Can't catch up on 17 pages now.


Leprous Monarch
why tf would I be voting psychic?


Lonely at the top
2. Flower / House Slytherin’s mascot
3. Vinegar / Janitor of House Slytherin
4. Melkor / Unknown affiliation
5. Ultra / Muggle rights freedom fighter
6. CraigPelton / House Slytherin’s Dean
7. Whicker / Unknown affiliation
8. Tpein / Dangerous Muggle
10. Psychic House / Slytherin Enforcer
15. Ekko / Zombie Fodder
16. BPD / Right Hand Man of House Slytherin
18. Ratchet / Potential Slytherin
19. Kurumi / Potential Slytherin
20. Fuji / Head of House Slytherin


you think my strategy is gonna be to sheep fuji? wut

That's a bit of a loaded question, no I don't think you came in with the intention of following him, but your interpretation was in no way indistinguishable from what was already being discussed.

I have also given my reason for why I think it's not really that hot - because I think T-Pein hasn't really hung his vote on the "open wolfing" thing as much as you/Fuji are insistent he is.
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