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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Going back to CP that response was out of pocket. Weird obtuse accusation about me "jumping in between votes" like he was harboring that observation and only just now called me out on it

[Vote lynch CP]
stay on kurumi pls
i'll help u with cp later


jfc you are not smart enough to warrant this arrogance

first you did it to ratchet. he was questioning LM and you jumped in the way to give your takes and argue rather than let ratchet cook.

I voted t-pein and explained why and you jumped in to give your take and argue about it. now you're voting me. this SECOND (not first) instance of you making yourself a nuisance to people who are trying to push others establishes the pattern.

You're resorting to insulting my intelligence and pulling "rank" when you're 10 posts into the game. You come across as a little flustered.

In regards to Melkor, I was questioning him independently, I didn't provide a roadblock, I don't see why I need to hold off my own observations for the sake of another player, especially since that's probably where Ratchet was going anyway.

I asked for your explanation specifically because you didn't give one. Actually, you're drawing a false equivalence here, because you didn't elaborate until I specifically prompted you to. I wasn't interrupting your questioning, I was prompting your reasoning. I didn't stop Fuji, because he has a trackable progression. So clearly if I'm doing what you're levying at me, it's because I don't like you specifically, don't paint this as me being needlessly obstructive to the game. Weak.

The X

Using it for the sake of using it - possibly to avoid having to actually play to any standard. Could be Indie looking to coast by too.
Time to play the game and stop discussing Flower's truth tell. We'll burn her at the stake after the game.


vote T-pein

Reasons, now.

not really buying the frustration with BPD's slot. the early sheeping and chatty cathy stuff is vintage town BPD so it's not like he's really making himself hard to read off of a joke about being scum or whatever

I believe him when he says he isn't voting BPD for that reason though, actually. Seems pretty clear he started going that way after BPD insinuated he was scummy.

is there a reason you feel the need to jump between every vote and it's target this game without letting anything play out?


Where was I obstructing you here? Please tell me. You made an empty vote, I prompted your reasoning, and I told you why I disagreed. You weren't in the middle of some heated interrogation - this is basic information gathering. What are you crying a river for, exactly? Why do you need to critique my play and divert from the subject matter?


Leprous Monarch
You're resorting to insulting my intelligence and pulling "rank" when you're 10 posts into the game. You come across as a little flustered.

In regards to Melkor, I was questioning him independently, I didn't provide a roadblock, I don't see why I need to hold off my own observations for the sake of another player, especially since that's probably where Ratchet was going anyway.

I asked for your explanation specifically because you didn't give one. Actually, you're drawing a false equivalence here, because you didn't elaborate until I specifically prompted you to. I wasn't interrupting your questioning, I was prompting your reasoning. I didn't stop Fuji, because he has a trackable progression. So clearly if I'm doing what you're levying at me, it's because I don't like you specifically, don't paint this as me being needlessly obstructive to the game. Weak.
not going in a circular argument with you about this especially as you fail to understand every post I make. I didn't take issue with you asking for my reasoning and never said otherwise. so you're just lying by trying to make it about that.


Time to play the game and stop discussing Flower's truth tell. We'll burn her at the stake after the game.
Yeah maybe tomorrow.

I have a town lean on Kurumi, precisely because of how she's responding to her voters. Feel like as scum she may be more inclined to withdraw a bit, instead she is demanding they offer something in the way of substance for their accusations.

Lean scum on Psychic, her posts so far feel mailed in.


Lonely at the top
damn - i looked and still no invite

Do not bring your muggle friends with you, come alone.


@CraigPelton what do you think of Dalton making this post and then leaving?

it's a nothing post
its not actually, but it also isnt a vote to lynch or anything
Going back to CP that response was out of pocket. Weird obtuse accusation about me "jumping in between votes" like he was harboring that observation and only just now called me out on it

[Vote lynch CP]
Something in my gut doesnt like this post.

And reading the back and forth that followed I could see a world where Ultra/CP is scum/scum distancing although I know that's a bold suggestion to make.
I don't see Daltom in the Playerlist. Am I missing something?
Im in, promise
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