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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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1. Lethal
3. Vinegar

4. Melkor
5. Ultra
8. Tpein
9. Tweet
11. RDK
13. Alco
15. Ekko
16. BPD
17. Hime

18. Ratchet
19. Kurumi
21. Dalton

BPD is probably the weakest of these town leans

Ratchet probably the biggest scum lean


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Still not been given a single reason why
honestly general play and confidence level. i think ratchet has a more weaker early game as scum ive been noticing recently

The X

you got me tbh not even kidding lol

ill think about it

if they can block me somehow again it means they got a dedicated blocker on top of the busdriver and jailkeeper which is whack. i guess Fuji paranoid blocked me then?
I think this is wack. Wolves ain't role blocking you. I think you're lying.


This is also terrible. You had Dalton scum and just hoped nobody would call you out on it, once they did your answer is obviously absolutely awful.
How is it awful? You're just saying it's bad without really establishing it as such. I was explaining that I didn't have any particular issues with his posts outright. Like I have said several times over now, the list I was posting was players I wasn't explicitly town reading - they were not all (or even most) hard scum reads. I'm not really expecting much of a logical case from you, but surely if it's terrible you can offer more here than just "it's awful!!!"

The X

And I don't want to here the excuse that you value Ratchet more as wolf. Craig was pretty caught D1 bdcause of his play around Psychic.


This is also terrible. You had Dalton scum and just hoped nobody would call you out on it, once they did your answer is obviously absolutely awful.
Also another issue with this is it doesn't really analyse the post - he simply ascribes scum motive towards it and then insists that must be true. Nonsense.


I'm working with you here so I'd rather you showed a bit of respect

What exactly are you "working on" with me here?

- Did you work with me when I was trying to lynch Psychic? No, you were trying to wagon Fuji, a brain damaged newt could tell you he was town.
- Did you work with me when I tried to lynch Evans or CP? Not really, until after the point that it doesn't really count in your favor.
- Did you work with me after I bagged 3 wolves by day 2? No, you immediately proposed I bussed the shit out of them "just to put it out there"
- Did you work with me when I asked you for your claim? No you kicked dirt around and only presented info under the threat of lynch

Get the fuck outta here.


To be fair to him - it's entirely in line with previous positions he's expressed so it's not that out of left field for him.


Also another issue with this is it doesn't really analyse the post - he simply ascribes scum motive towards it and then insists that must be true. Nonsense.
You can't just make a list of people and say "take your pick" and then just say you don't have a reason to read them town. You're better than that. Youre telling me to expect tier 5 player from a tier 1 player. Town Ratchet hunts scum he doesn't find a pool of people that he doesn't read town and offer them up

The X

He is actually arguing the opposite lol.
Sorry I knew that and typed it out incorrectly. I don't believe you'd allow the clown show that's most likely happened in wolf chat this game. You were also someone that said you were fine with Rugrat or Lethal being the direction, so I find it extremely difficult to think you'd sign off on Evans dueling Craig.


Uh, no. I actually gave you a good reason myself, but you're free to make of it what you will. I'll just level with you here - if they're "sus as hell" I expect you to have no trouble establishing them as such, and unfortunately that doesn't mean you just get to claim what the intention is without proving it. Should be easy!

The X

One thing is I have seen Cal come to some shocking conclusions as town.

The X

Still think Dalton is probably the best direction. I'd like to see a few more votes on him so there's enough pressure for him to claim when he gets back.
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