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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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Lord Melkor

Tpein sucks up stress and uses it, so that's definitely different from healing stress. However, if someone said they also healed stress and we had three similar roles, maybe I'd accept that more. Kind of feels like Melkor maybe is just the counter claim to Craig.

Starting to ISO BPD a bit ( he has a lot of post though). This post is good for example, he is putting Craig's claim into question.

Lord Melkor

@Ultra this was also my post explaining the differences in Lethal's game. I understand your hesitation to go for that slot and I know it's been a bit of a pit trap for town here, but I do think this is different from the town Lethal I've been seeing lately. Is it our best shout today? I don't know if I'd say it is. But something to consider.

Push over Lethal here.

Lord Melkor

Alright then Ultra is confirmed town.

By the way, could you run your claim through me one more time, please? I'm having a tough time with a motivator being a refill.

Again, BPD is pushing CP"s claim a lot here, why would he focus on this day 2 when his team already lost a member day 1?


@T-Pein™ I didn't simp for CP - I pushed for a result that had two scum dead in CP and Evans flipping. In fact, I pushed it to where they both died, so kindly, what on earth am I doing as scum there? Can you stop being a bit for a second please and try to consider motivation - it's easy to point to where I've been wrong but there is 0 chance I sign off on this shit.

Lord Melkor

Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Night 5

Even all of the medical experience she had accrued couldn't save her entrails spilling out from the gushing wound in front of her ...

Missandei, the Arbalest
Neighbour, 2x Healer


Congratulations, you are Missandei, the Arbalest, The Hamlet Aligned!

"Shoot, bandage, and pillage - the dancing steps of war!"

An experienced soldier, and an accomplished medic to boot, you will provide support to the frontlines in the coming assault on the Darkest Dungeon ... you have struck up an unexpected friendship, but can they be trusted?

In this game, you have the following roles:

- Neighbour (You will share a chat another player of an unconfirmed identity and alignment)
- 2x Healer (You can provide emergency healing to another player, healing most status effects. This is, however, gruesome and rudimentary and will inflict 1 pip of stress on the recipient)

You win when all threats to the Hamlet are eliminated.

He had overcome his demons, and in one final act of defiance, brought his pistol up to bear ...

Dismas, the Highwayman
2x Vigilante, Take Aim


Congratulations, you are Dismas, the Highwayman, The Hamlet Aligned!

“Elusive, evasive, persistent - righteous traits for a rogue”

A skilled combatant with a guilt-ridden past, you have answered the call to end this madness once and for all … Equally dangerous with pistol and dagger, you will prove that these abominations are mere flesh and bone …

In this game, you have the following roles:

- 2x Vigilante (You may target a player at night and attempt to kill them)
- Take Aim (You focus your eye, ensuring your next shot will hit the weak point of your target. Applies the strongman modifier to your next shot. You cannot shoot on the same night you use this)

You win when all threats to The Hamlet are eliminated.

During Day 5, @hime had her resolve tested ...


"Fear not the hangman, nor the reaper!"

You have overcome your demons through the power of Virtue, and resisted the compulsion of the Crimson Curse!

-3 stress to be added at EoD
+1 Vig shot

As the warped monstrosity stood cackling and savouring her latest meal, she was startled from her reverie by a stinging, white hot sensation in what was once her eye, but now an impossibly well placed bullet hole ... the laughter turned to shrieks as the swarm of insects that usually accompanied her sensed a meal of their own ...

The Countess of the Crimson Court
Vampire Form: Investigation Immunity, 1x Redirector, The Thirst, Transformation
Monstrosity Form: Bulletproof, Serial Killer, Connoisseur, Flushed


Congratulations, you are The Countess of the Crimson Court, Crimson Court Aligned!

In those younger years my home was a hive of unbridled hedonism, a roiling apiary where instinct and impulse were indulged with wild abandon. A bewitching predator slipped in amidst the swarm of tittering sycophants. Though outwardly urbane, I could sense in her a mocking thirst. Driven half-mad by cloying vulgarity, I plotted to rid myself of this lurking threat, in a grand display of sadistic sport. But as the moment of murder drew nigh, the gibbous moon revealed her inhuman desires in all their stultifying hideousness.

A murderous insect/vampire hybrid, you are the occupant and proprietor of the Crimson Court estate, hosting gatherings of the nobility where your unfortunate victims are devoured … or worse.

Can you be stopped before your thirst and the accompanying curse overwhelm all?

In this game, you have the following abilities:

- Vampire Form (With 2 or less pips of stress, you will have the following abilities: )
- Investigation Immunity (You will investigate as The Hamlet Aligned, and rolecop as a Redirector)
- 1x Redirector (You may beguile a target with your beauty, and compel them to use their role on a target of your choosing. This will not work on killing actions)
- The Thirst (You may target a player at night and inflict the Crimson Curse on them. This will add 1 pip of stress per night phase to your target until removed. Also increases your stress by 1 pip. You may not bite a player already afflicted with the Crimson Curse)
- Transformation (At 3 or more pips of stress, you will lose control and enter a feeding frenzy, transforming you into Monstrosity Form)

- Monstrosity Form (With 3 or 4 pips of stress, you will go berserk and reveal your true form)
- Bulletproof (You will resist all regular strength killing attacks in this form. Note you are still vulnerable to other status based attacks)
- Serial Killer (You will gain a factional kill you can use any night in which you inhabit this form)
- Connoisseur (You may predict the alignment of your target before killing them. If correct, you may remove a point of your own stress. If incorrect, you will gain a point.
- Flushed (At maximum stress, you will become sated and lethargic, shifting back into vampire form and resetting your stress meter to 0. You will be unable to act during the following night phase.

NB: Once you have entered Monstrosity Form, you can only leave by maxing out your stress meter.

You win either when you are the last player alive, or when all players alive carry the Crimson Curse.


With the death of the Countess, the Crimson Curse fades away as quickly as it had appeared ...

(All players are healed!)


It is now Day 6. With 5 players alive, 3 votes to lynch. You have 36 hours.

I missed it, but doesn't Countess flip basically proves scum has a role cop?


The Nexus
@T-Pein™ I didn't simp for CP - I pushed for a result that had two scum dead in CP and Evans flipping. In fact, I pushed it to where they both died, so kindly, what on earth am I doing as scum there? Can you stop being a bit for a second please and try to consider motivation - it's easy to point to where I've been wrong but there is 0 chance I sign off on this shit.

I don't think CP signs off either.
Evans probably just did it.


I don't think CP signs off either.
Evans probably just did it.
Well he must have signed off on some parts of it, such as Psychic's claim. Again can you at least try to consider the whole game here please - you can find isolated posts I've made that look bad but on the whole my play has been very much pro-town. I don't even know what you're trying to gain here.
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