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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Hime just joined the game when we hammered Psy. She's probably just a safe target.

The X

Not reading isn't really an excuse and someone like you doesn't pay that little attention to a game.

I mean, I took a quick look at her iso and posted my thoughts, something I always do. How many games have you played with me? At the very worst, my case is NAI. I don't think your reaction and response, saying I was over selling, was really appropriate. Basically what you're saying with calling my case an over sell is that I'm bussing Psychic, but you aren't even directly saying that and instead keep dancing around me 'over selling' on Psychic. I can't uncover the town motivation for what you're doing here.

Oh, so you want clarification if I have a smoking gun, aka you want more info about my role when I said I wouldn't provide any, aka you are role fishing. If I had a smoking gun, my vote would have been on Tpein to start. I don't really think you were trying to understand me here.

There's no reaction test for Tpein, I don't do shit like that as town. The fact that your last paragraph in this response is to call me performative and call me out, is an interesting way to shade me. You've concocted this idea of a reaction test out of nowhere for what reason? I thought you were trying to understand me and not accuse me?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Also I doubt this is multiball. Scum are Ruin aligned and that's the first dungeon while Psy was from the Weald dungeon which is another dungeon according to the wiki, so I think it's just a single team.

Somebody correct me if I got sth wrong pls.

The X

this is the post i called oversell. i suppose it looks better after her flip and im in no position to sus people for putting in effort. i personally felt like a smaller response would suffice and this back then came off to me like forced contribution
So you're calling my response to Psychic, not my casing of her, the over sell? That's even a bigger yikes. Instead of taking issue with my initial case on Psychic, you've only taken issue once she's responded and I'm obliterating her counter points.

The X

Just got to this post. How the heck is Ekko saying he's not accusing me of anything???


Also I doubt this is multiball. Scum are Ruin aligned and that's the first dungeon while Psy was from the Weald dungeon which is another dungeon according to the wiki, so I think it's just a single team.

Somebody correct me if I got sth wrong pls.
It's just a single team

The X

Ekko literally is calling me suss but then is saying he's not accusing me of anything. Hellooooooooo


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
A guy who regularly had 2000 posts per game on his own in the past is using effort as a scumtell for other players
its about relative effort, early on in the game i find long paragraphs to be a bit forced

also i rarely post long paragraphs, i throw my thoughts in smaller posts, specially early on

and its not a "scum tell" per se. it just comes off forced or like trying to show that he's contributing


You're using it to shade him though

The X

What the fuck are you talking about

How does it tell us nothing

Literally told us he's town you muppet
Tpein was a hot topic D1 and bound to be a hot topic D2 (I was sussing him). I literally come out and say unless he's GF, hes town, but apparently that is nothing.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Ekko literally is calling me suss but then is saying he's not accusing me of anything. Hellooooooooo
with psychic's flip i don't think ur going to oversell on a teammate that early on unless entire team commit to the bussing.

inclined to say u r serial / indie . you feel the need to overcontribute in the early game, and earlier when you came with your info you suspected tpein of being town BP or godfather, but not of being serial BP


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I really don't see any issue in BPD's play around Psychic personally.

I think both him and Ultra are good boys after how D1 turned out.
I think Ratchet and Ultra are good.
BPD can be a weaker Town lean.

There's scum between CP and Ekko.
Vinegar could also be scum.

And I didn't like Tweet's defense of Psychic's slip, but I don't really see them as aligned from that anymore unless Tweet wanted to go for a derp clear.


Oh yea, Ratchet also a very good boy.

I'm not sure on CP. I kinda shiver at the thought he'd allow a team mate come out with that kind of claim. I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt, tbh.

The X

I mean, there was literally zero consideration last day from you that Psychic might wolf, and that perhaps I wasn't over selling on a mate. You could have at least given me some benefit of the doubt there. But now it just seems like you're back peddling since we did flip Psychic.

Pretty baseless accusation here. It's pretty ironic you're going to say I was over contributing in the early game, so I think that's just bad faith.
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