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Death Battle Discussion


:tupac Which one do you think, nigga? Its obviously UI Shaggy vs Bugs Bunny.:mjlol

But no, for real, Jiren vs Atrocitus is absolute ass, and I ain't watching that shit if they ever do it.
what would you do, if by some microscopic chance, they have it come out and Jiren wins

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member

look at these views boys, y'all aint seeing these level of numbers again

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
>Guest is Patrick, a producer and editor for Fun Haus
>Ben says the reason they did Omni-Man vs Homelander was the sheer volume of requests of people that wanted to see Homelander die
>Swan says the killing blow as inspired by HunterxHunter where Killua removes a dude's heart
>Swan says the reason Omni-Man vs Homelander takes place at Christmas was because it was written at Christmas
>Swan confirms Debbie is dead
>Ben all but says Omni-Man vs Homelander was difficult to write because they had to find things to talk about
>Ben and Chad says the Homelander sex calc was the one they were talking about and that the research team was the one that brought it up
>They're surprised the episode has not been demonetized for the sex calc and the kill
>There was a time when Mortal Kombat used to get flagged all the time
>Ben claims Magneto vs Tetsuo has "history" with the show
>Ben says it's hard to find an opponent that Magneto doesn't just "obliterate", Swan jokingly suggests Dr. Polaris
>The crew notes that you need to not have iron in your blood, or be on a planet with iron, and are able to avoid Magneto "thinking" you to death to stand a chance
>Swan demonstrates a surface level understanding of Akira by saying Tetsuo is a mutant
>Members will get access to a Discord channel
>Ben is unsure if they'd do Moon Knight vs Batman
>The podcast debate is about the most recent movie versions
>Ben likes the new Batman movie
>Swan says Moon Knight is demonstrably superhuman, stronger than some comic versions, has a healing factor
>Ben thinks Batman's big melee Batarang is the only way for him to beat Moon Knight by decapitating him
>"Everyone can feel pain, that's not a weakness", so says Swan
>Swan did a calc of a scene from the new Batman movie, and one from Moon Knight
>Chad buys into prep time Batman
>Moon Knight takes it


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
>Guest is Patrick, a producer and editor for Fun Haus
>Ben says the reason they did Omni-Man vs Homelander was the sheer volume of requests of people that wanted to see Homelander die
>Swan says the killing blow as inspired by HunterxHunter where Killua removes a dude's heart
>Swan says the reason Omni-Man vs Homelander takes place at Christmas was because it was written at Christmas
>Swan confirms Debbie is dead
>Ben all but says Omni-Man vs Homelander was difficult to write because they had to find things to talk about
>Ben and Chad says the Homelander sex calc was the one they were talking about and that the research team was the one that brought it up
>They're surprised the episode has not been demonetized for the sex calc and the kill
>There was a time when Mortal Kombat used to get flagged all the time
>Ben claims Magneto vs Tetsuo has "history" with the show
>Ben says it's hard to find an opponent that Magneto doesn't just "obliterate", Swan jokingly suggests Dr. Polaris
>The crew notes that you need to not have iron in your blood, or be on a planet with iron, and are able to avoid Magneto "thinking" you to death to stand a chance
>Swan demonstrates a surface level understanding of Akira by saying Tetsuo is a mutant
>Members will get access to a Discord channel
>Ben is unsure if they'd do Moon Knight vs Batman
>The podcast debate is about the most recent movie versions
>Ben likes the new Batman movie
>Swan says Moon Knight is demonstrably superhuman, stronger than some comic versions, has a healing factor
>Ben thinks Batman's big melee Batarang is the only way for him to beat Moon Knight by decapitating him
>"Everyone can feel pain, that's not a weakness", so says Swan
>Swan did a calc of a scene from the new Batman movie, and one from Moon Knight
>Chad buys into prep time Batman
>Moon Knight takes it
Someone who Magneto doesn't just "obliterate" eh? :maybe

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
the fireside chat ended and here's a recap, i may have missed a few things, only had it as background noise

They did not answer whether this season is 16 or 20 episode long, despite people asking.

Ben said they want to bring Fire Emblem MUs, but said the verse is too tricky.
Someone asked if they plan to bring every Smash Ultimate character in the show at one point (since they have already done 1/3rd of the roster) they said maybe, but no Dark Samus, Mr. Game and Watch, Wii Fit Trainer etc
They want to bring Guts back and if he comes back, it will be in 3D
Book characters are very very unlikely to ever show up. They never heard of Wings of Fire

to add to my list
They acknowledge Yang vs Tifa is wrong again.
They said Peach's soccer ball calc is dumb as shit.
They would like to remake a lot of S1 matches-since most don't hold up, or are "cringe" early 2010's internet era, too outdated, though they said Batman vs Spider-Man and Thor vs Raiden still hold up, and yes I agree with them.

they literally asked if we want Goku vs Superman 3 hehe. and suggested they would do it once there's no more Dragon Ball media for a while (no movies and manga)

the majority of the chat said NO to GvS3

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
I guess kinda like, while the crew can shoot their shot at what match ups, it isn't final. Also Magneto vs Tetsuo was supposed to happen last year.


Goku vs Superman 3 will only happen if DBS reaches Heroes/Xenoverse levels and they are fucking with timelines and dimensions as the norm

Edward Nygma

@Edward Nygma so m8 ur thoughts any MU u want to see this season
Anything more balanced than these last two matches would be a fucking stellar start. Tanjiro vs Jonathon wasn't much better, but it had some interesting power clashes at least.

Fate is always at the top of my list. Mostly out of morbid curiosity/schadenfreude. I want to watch Chaos have a breakdown as they bastardize the last decade or more of his life and try to condense it into a 10-minute overview.

I keep myself safe from karmic backlash by only specializing in alternate media/canon. DB don't give a fuck about that shit. Kind of a bummer, honestly. I'd actually like to see an MCU or DCAU character in DB.

Golden Amazo is unique enough that he might have a non-zero chance of making it in the grand scheme of things. They did Archie Sonic and Game Sonic, so who knows. Probably doesn't hurt that Golden Amazo is now, far and away, the most powerful Amazo.

Every season needs a Jedi/Sith. Take your pick, honestly. Space wizards are always cool in vs battle animations. I can never keep track of their power level. Just find someone with a cool sword (or versatile enough "magic") who won't have their brain melted out of their ear.

Are there any Fate Sabers that would be an even match for a Sith Lord or Jedi Master (Legends or Disney)? I know both groups span the gambit from, like, continent+ all the way up to into galactic and universal shit depending on character and canon.

JJK, NNT, and Black Clover could use some matches.

Gojo is gonna be in that box for a while. You could use him without risking a zenkai making the match outdated 2 weeks later. Clover has a few dead villains that aren't getting any stronger. My mind is legit blown by the realization that they've never done an NNT match. In terms of generating match hype, Escanor is the only candidate.

So, just off those ramblings...
  • Jedi/Sith vs cool sword character (Fate Saber?)
  • Any Fate character vs thematically appropriate non-fate character
  • Golden Amazo vs ???
  • MCU anyone vs ???
  • Gojo vs ???
  • Escanor vs ???
  • BC Mage vs ???
  • Rematches/Returning characters: Legitimately a white-hot take, I know. I just think that 1) most characters have more than a single good match in them, and 2) some of DBs earlier matchups were really cool but really poorly done.
It's not cool characters' fault that DB only ever brings them back for matches more shit than their first. Batman vs Panther should have been a good match that Bruce may have taken a legit L on, but they had to be all: "BaTmAn wOulDnT MakE An EmP gUn, hE HatEs GunS".