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Death Battle Discussion


Man of Atom

they need to redo pikachu vs blanka. They did my boy dirty. Pikachu would fold blanka like some fresh clothes
>Ash not immediately shit blitzing yugi into the ground


Maybe Xeno Gogeta vs Omegamon could be a little closer. I doubt they would give DBS such a lopsided L like canon Gogeta. At least with Thor vs Vegeta Vegeta would be stronger for a short time initially and then got utterly stomped. Omegamon vs canon Gogetastarts and ends an even larger stomp.
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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
>stronger than Zeedmilleniumon

I will never not be mad
Yeah it's unfortunate but it does appear ZeedMilleniumon has been effectively power-creeped into being much less relevant.

The Brave Tamers version in particular IS still one of the strongest beings in the verse, it's just we have a lot more beings operating at that tier now like the Mother Eater, Alphamon etc.

Shame 'cause his design is awesome.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
yeah you would need xeno characters to get anywhere near royal knights at all p much