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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member

Day 4 - Vote Count 2 (up to post #4420)

Hime ->
Tweet > Prof > Tweet
Tpein -> Prof > Tweet
Dofla -> Prof > Tweet
Psychic -> Prof > Unvote > Tweet > BLD
Flower -> Prof > Tweet > Kobe > Tpein > Flower > BPD
OLU -> Prof > RAEM
Sworder -> Prof > Tweet > BPD
BPD -> Prof > Psychic
Kobe -> Hime > Flower
Hayumi -> Tweet
Mango -> BPD
Natalija -> BPD
RDk -> BPD

BPD = 6
(Natalija, Mango, RDK, Flower, Sworder, Psychic)
Tweet = 4 (Hime, Tpein, Dofla, Hayumi)
Psychic = 1 (BPD)
Flower = 1 (Kobe)
RAEM = 1 (OLU)

Please let me know if I made any mistakes.
Votes displayed may not represent actual votes in play.

[Vote End Day] is enabled today.

Day 4 and Game 4 ends in a little less more than 5 hours

does the tags even work?
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RDK and Tweet purple scum together


Juliet shot you OLU in the first game. You could be red since she shot Tat first but yeah it's like a guess that you are more likely to be town or purple if she is red.


either you frustrated because you wasted posts
or you have to post in the main thread (lol)
multiple ways to look at it. :whistle
easier to spam for a game level up than actively participate in discussion and contribute.


Divine Departure
RDK and Tweet make no sense as team
But no one called me out for spamming lol
I did, I tagged you here



In the end though I could only bring Clovis to the vet

Clothilde will need to go latter

But no one called me out for spamming lol

you never played Mario kart mafia eh?

Don’t flatter yourself, it’s ekko and psychic exchange that made me realize my mistake
Nice spam you have anything else to comment on aside from my suspicion on you?
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