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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread


Dawg this is going nowhere

Think Hime's role clearly hints at an alternate wincon and possible conversion

The only real explanation for a census that can be activated freely is that those numbers aren't necessarily static
i mean i agree, i just wanted to see what his explanation was. he didn't go with what you just said, which is a logical route, he instead he just said he thought it was a different role which i find much more believable than if he said the former.


@Magic why did you largely drop Watson out of consideration yesterday

outside of a shit decision i thought that was blatant scum play from lethal and they were unlikely to be aligned. i wasn't really against lynching both if we had no better options, but i thought the gad OP thing was an easy homerun.


I would like her resolved but we should have a solid PoE and direction aside from her regardless

Otherwise I don't expect a town win if she flips town here tbh
I don't see town winning or losing in any scenarios just off a Retro flipping town lynch. Either way Magic, Tweet, Retro and Polar are on the gallows. I guess Alco too.


The Nexus
In this game, you have the following roles:

- Notepasser (You may target a player at night and send them a private communication which will be received in the morning. This communication is subject to blocking, redirection etc as normal)
- Developer (Should you make contact with an Olympian who isn’t already favouring another, you will gain their favour and a corresponding role for future use. Other outcomes are possible here too ...)

You win when all threats to Olympus have been defeated.


I would like her resolved but we should have a solid PoE and direction aside from her regardless

Otherwise I don't expect a town win if she flips town here tbh
if watson is town then i think tweet is 100% scum with how he played the ekko wagon and his reaction to her claim initially.

i think ratchet is likely to be scum independent of her just due to his general playstyle. if she's scum would review the dofla wagon/early voters there/people that wanted to go there over both ekko/watson but at that point mafia might have been bussing both or bussing one harder than the other depending on what she flips(as in whoever has a stronger scum role they would have likely wanted to keep alive and an unlimited roleblocker is pretty strong).



Why'd you quote this


The Nexus
- Developer (Should you make contact with an Olympian who isn’t already favouring another, you will gain their favour and a corresponding role for future use. Other outcomes are possible here too ...)

Is him supposedly getting "ultras role" an "other" outcome?

Me thinks he just developed a Jailor himself and Ultra lying.


Tbdean I can see both Tweet and Magic playing against each other if they are scum to save face and play optics as deep wolves

Hans Tweetenberg

As for why, something feels off about RDK meta-wise, I can't quite put my finger on it but I expect town RDK to be less verbose and more decisive than he is so far


Yep, apparently mine doesn't count
The only roles that would be exempt from a mass block that was announced would be Mafia, but that's not even the crux of the problem here.

Claiming to have tracked Hime from position makes absolutely no sense - you'd want to be tracking someone in your suspect list. Yesterday you said that you didn't track your main push (me) because you thought I would be lynched instead, how does that jive with your next choice of tracking hime? Hime who as far as I can tell, you had as town.

Vote: Orca

I'm going to insist on this direction. I think there has frankly been some mealy mouthing regarding the strength of his claim, but it doesn't stand up to scrutiny - way too much is bei g made of his role to deflect from what is pretty much open scumming. Christ, yesterday he was hunting for Indies in Polar simply because his focus is on identifying them.

@Magic Your claim that I was gunning for Dofla is very dishonest. While my vote was there, what you neglect to mention is that my vote remained there long after he ceased to be a wagon - I think it's pretty plain that I was keeping my vote off to move it later. Given that he was put to within -1 earlier in the day, there was no major concern of the lynch failing at the time my vote was on Dofla, and as we got towards the end of the day, I duly switched. I feel like you're looking for a gotcha here that doesn't actually stand up.

I'm happy to claim if it comes to it, but I also want your claim, and with a janitor the value of claims isn't all that high anyway so I think I'd like a mass claim. There should be an order to this of course.

Outside of the above, I think objectively Retro has been around too long. A mass claim would firstly identify if Zeus even exists for starters (it could have been Xadlin, but I feel like he would have been inclined to claim it day 1 though he could have just missed it), so while that's not my #1 lynch it's probably my #2.

I'm easing off of T-Pein. I think his direction yesterday (on Retro) was optimal and given the opportunity that was afforded to him with Gad I think he probably could have switched. As a type this I get the feeling he did switch, but I'm left asking myself if he really just commits to tunnelling Retro all day as scum only to pivot late when he knows it would look bad. I'm iffy on that slot, but not my first choice.

Polar I think is a good direction too. I suspect he wouldn't be on the same team as Orca so I'd like Orca's flip first.

With what's left, I'm not impressed by RDK. I think most of his contributions have been pretty tame - he offered no inclination to clear people from Ekko and actually judging by his response it appears that the ides of doing so didn't even occur to him. I don't have any real read on Alco which I acknowledge is disappointing, but I'd appreciate if someone could give me some pointers there.

Out of what remains I have Nibel and Tweet from there. These are slots that gun to head I should say are town, but aren't really doing it for me. I could see some scum in here, but I'd need to add the above cleared or flipped to get to there.

Rest town to varying degrees.